I am pleased to have been part of an experiment in encouraging simple, transparent, and relatively drama-free self-government within Second Life as a Simplicity Party representative in CDS. However, I don't evidence of strong continuing interest in maintaining the SP from a "critical mass" of participants.
As you know, CDS politics was designed by its founders -- for better or worse -- to revolve utterly around factions. Several of those groups vigorously contend for their competitive place, and I expect will continue to do so.
Beathan Vale and I serve on the RA this term, representing the SP. SP easily can qualify under the new "10%" minimum size rule, if we wish. But I do not see much point in a campaign to sustain or inflate its nominal ranks -- or in a faction surviving solely for surviving's sake -- if there are not significant desires expressed to achieve concrete. measurable new goals.
By the end of this term next month, we will, with much help from many people, have successfully laid a design foundation and rules for the future orderly expansion of CDS; and restored a somewhat civil tone to our legislative work. Accompishments enough.
I'm certainly willing to be corrected or hear other plans from SP members. However, in lieu of any indications of specific plans, I will suggest the faction stand down for the next term.
Regards Jamie P