Candidates on the July 2008 RA elections

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Claude Desmoulins
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Candidates on the July 2008 RA elections

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

The following citizens have declared candidacy for the RA.


Arria Perreault
Justice Soothsayer


Rubaiyat Shatner


Arun Botha
Bells Semyorka
Bromo Ivory
Tessie Teebrook

As you will note, there are seven candidates for seven seats. Citizen votes will determine who ends up LRA.

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Re: Candidates on the July 2008 RA elections

Post by Jon Seattle »

hmmm.. someone must have changed the constitution while I was asleep.

1. As far as I know, the constitution awards seats to factions, not to individuals. Did someone pass an amendment to change that?

2. I was under the impression that the RA passed a rule that allowed them to elect their own LRA. If so, and unless it was overturned, citizen votes will not determine who is LRA.

If I am wrong about #1, and right about #2, I can't see how citizen votes will matter one way or the other. Citizen votes will neither select the RA nor the LRA.

If I am wrong about both #1 and #2, and since the LRA is no longer able to set the agenda and has no other powers, it seems to me that selecting the LRA via popular vote is just a symbolic thing with little consequence?

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Patroklus Murakami
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Re: Candidates on the July 2008 RA elections

Post by Patroklus Murakami »


I think your post is open to misinterpretation so I'd like to request some clarification.

As Jon points out, the fact that there are seven candidates for seven seats doesn't mean they all automatically get elected! We still need to hold an election to discover which factions the citizens want to vote for. In the last election, for example, the Simplicity Party gained two seats despite only fielding one candidate.

Could you also update us on how the LRA is selected? The 'interim LRA' was chosen by the RA members. There was talk of amending the Constitution but I don't know whether that came to pass - the Code of Laws on the wiki hasn't been updated for months so we have no way of knowing what our laws are.

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Sonja Strom
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Re: Candidates on the July 2008 RA elections

Post by Sonja Strom »

So far as I know the RA never passed a rule that it would elect the LRA. The concept was discussed, but the laws were never changed.

It is true that after the mid-term elections a consensus decision among all of the RA was reached that Jamie should continue as LRA until the end of the term. This was mostly a product of the fact that all members agreed he was doing a good job as LRA and he was the only member who wanted to do it. As this was an exceptional decision reached in an exceptional situation, a majority of the RA did not believe it would be necessary (or even productive) to change the Constitution in order to arrive at such a simple result.

The next LRA should be the Faction Leader of the faction which receives the most votes in the upcoming election.

Claude Desmoulins
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Re: Candidates on the July 2008 RA elections

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

Pat and Jon,

Your points are well taken. I was in the middle of a RL moving project this weekend and thus didn't have my mind fully on the details of CDS electoral law. You gentlemen are quite correct that there is more than the LRA at stake next month. As Sonja points out, that is also an issue on the table, given that there was apparently no legislation passed changing the procedure.

I apologize for the error,

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Re: Candidates on the July 2008 RA elections

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Thanks for the clarification Claude, you had me worried for a minute! :)

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Bromo Ivory
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Re: Candidates on the July 2008 RA elections

Post by Bromo Ivory »

Due to some RL personal commitments, I won't be running for the RA this time around. Sorry for the confusion. :(

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