(I'm a bit skeptical about a meeting tomorrow, as it's a slow week, but several RA members did ask me to call one, so we will see.)
The CDS RA will meet on 5 July 2008 at 9:00 am SLT (US Pacific Daylight Time) in the Colonia Nova Praetorium. The meeting is expected to last 1 hour. Please see the following link regarding applicable procedural rules, which constrain some of our agenda and speaking time-limit practices: http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1701.
Proposed agenda:
1. Administrative matters. (15 mins.: 0900 - 09h15)
1a. Get agreements to record session.
1b. Review this agenda. Approve any changes.
1c. Inquire for speakers on today's agenda items.
1d. Check for comments on prior posted minutes.
1e. Future RA meeting times & plans.
1f. "Consent agenda": Any ministerial items for approval without debate?
-- Chancellor reply on reimbursement requests?
2. Sim 4 & general master plan: update (10 mins: 09h15 - 09h25)
3. Review of other open commissions (20 mins: 09h25 - 09h45)
-- ethics & conflicts
-- statutory review / revision
-- corporate entity review
-- any other?
4. Other?
5. Open Discussion (15 mins.: 09h45-10h00)
Adjournment: 10h00
Regards Jamie P