Hello all,
As you may have read in these forums, on a meeting held between the Chancellor, the Treasurer and myself, there were approved the three remaining items concerning Locus Amoenus building:
1. The pricing of the sim, Sudane's estimate being accepted;
2. The schedule of the sim, with August the1st being chosen as acquisition date and September the first as delivery date
3. The budget for the sim building, established through a list of tasks, for which were estimated building hours and an hourly rate. This budget is:
As you can see, some of the most boring work has already been picked by Sudane and myself - but there are tasks enough left, from easy tasks like building a small patio to building bridges and whole scenic views.
We therefore ask all builders interested into doing any of these tasks to reply to this thread. We will also request that a small model, a sketch or a picture of what you have in mind to build be presented.
Thank you all,
EDIT: View the updated building list in http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key= ... d6oAfCNgYQ