While much has been said about the lack of transparency in decision making, especially by the SC, no one seems to have grasped that it was in furtherance of transparency that we even know there is an issue. Jon could have handed over the results to the SC, interpretting them the way he was told to on these boards, and no one would have been the wiser. Instead, he looked at the numbers, advised the SC of the issue, and let them make the decision, which appears to have been made on the basis of the precedent they had to work with. Pretty transparent, don 't you think? Does it feel funny, coming "after the fact?" Sure, but if you review the discussions, most people were convinced that the math would never support a different result. I'll be the first to admit that I don't follow those discussions very well, but people who DO understand seemed to have a grasp of it. No reason not to trust them that i can see.
Much WAS accomplished by this legislature, and we should not lose sight of that. They didn't get to everything. I doubt anyone can ever completely accomplish what they set out to in a single term... and this group brought many important issues to light. I know the democracy will be stronger, in some respects, in spite of the actions or inactions from this group. Thank you all for that.
I do agree with Jamie, that this was a legislative issue. Several of us participated in the conversaton about election reform on these boards, a commission convened and much information gathered. A bill was drafted, though not by the commission, but it was not acted upon. Part of that was due to the squabbles Jamie notes. Part of it was due, by my reading, to lack of quorum at meetings, late starts waiting for people to show up, etc. Even when there was quorum, several times the members were not prepared to vote on issues due to lack of information.
This isn't, btw, the problem solely of the RA. WE all are guilty in some of our SL ventures. But the solution seems simple.
1. If you take on a job, do the job. If you can't be at a meeting, or don't have time to run a commission, turn it over to someone else or at minimum make your limitations known. If you've done the work and just can't attend at the time chosen by your meeting chair, send them a notecard with your findings. Post on the forums. Despite the campaign rhetoric about communication not being a problem, i submit that it is our BIGGEST problem. Each of us can do a better job with this. We have the tools.
2. If we are truly a system of factions, and a Representative is not able to attend a meeting, why not designate another faction member who CAN attend as proxy? If a gerrymander is the strategy of the faction, then no faction member should attend,but shouldn't that be a decision made by the faction as a whole? Further, since there is a 7 day vote provision, all factions not in attendance should request and utilize the option at very least. A no vote, or even an abstention, should be recorded, not assumed. It is so disrespectful of the people who have prepared and take the time to be there when even these simple courtesies aren't extended to them.
3. Conflicts of interest always give the appearance of impropriety, and the community is big enough now that we shouldn't need overlap. Hopefully the legislation that was proposed this term, or something similar, will be taken up by the next RA.
probably should have made this two posts