Corporate structure commission - some issues for consideration
1. Goals of a real world company structure for CDS
-- 1.1. RL Assets are better protected from being misused?
---- 1.1.1 Officials of a legal entity have some enforceable legal duties to take good care of the entity's money
---- 1.1.2. The beneficiaries (stockholders/members/cestui) may have some direct rights to enforce that
---- 1.1.3. Assets e.g.,:
------ Ownership of the sims
------ Funds/money
------ Websites & similar off-SL resources
------ IPR, maybe: e.g., trademarks
------ Not all the virtual intangibles: e.g., prim objects, rent payments
------ Anything else?
-- 1.2. RL Assets can be held in a resolution or form outside of SL?
---- 1.2.1. Credit risk associated with LL
---- 1.2.2. Heavy-handed or capricious enforcement risk with SL
-- 1.3. Better traceability?
-- 1.4. Benefits of being a nonprofit
---- 1.4.1. Sim discounts
---- 1.4.2. Others?
-- 1.5. Any other reasons?
2. Overhead associated with a real world company structure for CDS
-- 2.1. Formation & costs
---- 2.1.1. Registration & filing fees, 'franchise tax' charges
------ Traditional company: formation one-time registraion filing costs
------ Traditional company: annual registration or 'franchise' fees
------ Some lower costs for informal or private instruments, e.g., trust
------ Using an "Association" without legal personhood -- rather like a trade name
---- 2.1.2. Drafting etc.
---- 2.1.3. Double entity taxation/levies
---- 2.1.4. Financial capacity of CDS
---- 2.1.5. CDS or SL intrinsic corporate entities? 'Eating our own dog food'
-- 2.2. Personnel
---- 2.2.1. Must have some kind of officer/trustee/designated party
------ Deriving from CDS roles ...
-------- .. Which often shift every six months ... or even more frequently
-------- .. and have no continuity or backup plans: single-point-of-failure problem
------ Some kind of extra-political persistent caretaker role?
---- 2.2.2. Anonymity a big bar to real world designations -- do we want to require 'outing' to serve in some roles? ------ Note CDS interpretation of UDHR
------ Note experience of SLBA
-- 2.3 Heightened duties?
---- 2.3.1. Maybe changes rules for handling funds? Fiduciary issues kick in
---- 2.3.2. Linden rules for non profits -- more mopney up front for sims
---- 2.3.3. Other similar requirements are imposed on our current methods?
3, Can the needs/issues listed in Section 1 can be achieved with SL tools -- or other non-legalistic methods -- without incurring the costs of Section 2?
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.