RA Meeting 19 July 2008 - results summary

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jamie Palisades
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RA Meeting 19 July 2008 - results summary

Post by Jamie Palisades »

19 July 2008 CDS Representative Assembly Meeting: Summary
Held in Colonia Nova Praetorium
Non-normative list of significant acts (for convenience only), with approximate transcript times.
Transcript: http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1981
[2008/07/19 09:11] Called to order.
[2008/07/19 09:11] 1a - Call for assent to recording.
[2008/07/19 09:13] 1b - Agenda reviewed and modified. (Items 2 & 4 transposed.)
[2008/07/19 09:15] 1c - Call for speakers to agenda items
[2008/07/19 09:23] 1d - Call for corrections to RA transcripts.
[2008/07/19 09:23] 1e - Future RA meeting schedule.
[2008/07/19 09:30] 1f - Consent agenda.
[2008/07/19 09:32] -- Discussion of tour vehicle purchase
[2008/07/19 09:33] ---- Motion made to buy vehicles, seconded [09:34].
[2008/07/19 09:35] ------ Motion clarified
[2008/07/19 09:37] ------ Second withdrawn.
[2008/07/19 09:38] ------ Ruled not a consent item. Move to after item 5.
[2008/07/19 09:38] 4 - Chancellor removal items
[2008/07/19 09:38] - Announcements, Torok resignation.
[2008/07/19 09:42] - Procedural questions
[2008/07/19 10:00] - Motion suggested to take no action until SC acts made.
[2008/07/19 10:10] -- Query about A. Kurka availability to serve. Further discussion.
[2008/07/19 10:20] -- Motion to reprimand the Executive to fail to communicate properly, and repeal the removal from office voted last week. Further discussion. Held until first motion is resolved.
[2008/07/19 10:32] ---- Motion to delay action until SC acts is made formally; seconded at [10:32]. Motion fails 2-3-0 at [10:42]
[2008/07/19 10:43] ---- Request for a revote. Further discussion.
[2008/07/19 10:55] -- Motion to reprimand and rescind removal renewed.
[2008/07/19 10:55] ---- Motion to extend time for debate, seconded [10:56], motion approved 4-2-0 at [10:59].
[2008/07/19 11:05] ---- Amendment made to delay action one week, seconded [11:05].
[2008/07/19 11:09] ------ Amendment ruled out of order. Further discussion on main motion.
[2008/07/19 11:18] ------ Rules inquiry about amendment that was ruled out
[2008/07/19 11:20] ------ Amendment re-cast as motion to close debate, seconded [11:20], Motion rejected 1-4-1 at [11:23].
[2008/07/19 11:27] -- Motion to reprimand and rescind removal approved, 4-0-2.
[2008/07/19 11:27] Procedural discussion of effects.
[2008/07/19 11:40] Motion to require certain acts from Chancellor, seconded at [11:40]
[2008/07/19 11:46] -- Motion clarified.
[2008/07/19 11:51] -- Motion rejected 2-0-3
[2008/07/19 11:52] ---- Ruling on effect of vote.
[2008/07/19 11:53] Adjournment.

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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