See for a non-normative (unofficial) index of the action items and main points from this meeting.
Transcript of 26 July 2008 Representative Assembly Meeting
conducted at the Neufreistadt Rathaus
Recorded by Jamie Palisades (= "You", below)
Topic separators "----" inserted to separate agenda items (or at least topical divisions)
[2008/07/26 9:55] Teleport completed from
[2008/07/26 9:55] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2008/07/26 9:55] Connected
[2008/07/26 9:56] You: hey there.
[2008/07/26 9:56] Flyingroc Chung: morning
[2008/07/26 9:56] You: Doing some IMs here to send for people :) momentito
[2008/07/26 9:56] Brian Livingston: Hi all
[2008/07/26 9:58] You: brb
[2008/07/26 10:02] You: alrighty
[2008/07/26 10:02] You: Lost Roc, did me?
[2008/07/26 10:02] You: we
[2008/07/26 10:03] Brian Livingston: Seems so
[2008/07/26 10:03] Brian Livingston: G'morning MT
[2008/07/26 10:03] MT Lundquist: morning
[2008/07/26 10:03] Brian Livingston: Or afternoon for you, no?
[2008/07/26 10:03] MT Lundquist: yes
[2008/07/26 10:04] You: Well, let me note a few things informally
[2008/07/26 10:05] You: Flying Roc and Sonja were inworld a bit ago
[2008/07/26 10:05] MT Lundquist: frs here
[2008/07/26 10:05] ChimpAO: Could not find animation 'monkeyfly1'.
[2008/07/26 10:05] You: so it's probably more crashes than boycotts :)
[2008/07/26 10:06] Flyingroc Chung: kernel panic :-(
[2008/07/26 10:06] Brian Livingston: Any word from the CSDF folks?
[2008/07/26 10:06] MT Lundquist: hi fr
[2008/07/26 10:06] Flyingroc Chung: hi
[2008/07/26 10:06] Brian Livingston: WB Fr
[2008/07/26 10:06] You: hm - I get that a lot too - and not on a slow PC, Roc
[2008/07/26 10:06] Brian Livingston: Aaah, i was having that all last week until I realizeda stick of RAM died on me :/
[2008/07/26 10:06] You: I expect Sonja in a sec, as I talked to her at 930
[2008/07/26 10:07] Flyingroc Chung: well
[2008/07/26 10:07] Brian Livingston: I ran Memtest and realized one of my new sticks of ram is prettty much dead :(
[2008/07/26 10:07] You: oh? relates to memory size? hm
[2008/07/26 10:07] Flyingroc Chung: it only happens on SL on osx
[2008/07/26 10:07] Brian Livingston: Aaah, ok then.
[2008/07/26 10:07] Flyingroc Chung: I'm guessing bad graphics driver
[2008/07/26 10:07] Flyingroc Chung: or overheating
[2008/07/26 10:07] You: I do not expect Gwyn today, she may be out. Beathan, well, he's not been seen much. And what about Prin, MT?
[2008/07/26 10:08] MT Lundquist: prrins out as i said before in iM earlier
[2008/07/26 10:08] You: kk
[2008/07/26 10:09] You: When it's 10 after the hour if we are not quorate I suggest wr gracefully accede to fate :)
[2008/07/26 10:09] You: but thanks for coming
[2008/07/26 10:09] Sonja Strom: hi Rose
[2008/07/26 10:09] MT Lundquist: sonjas on the way
[2008/07/26 10:09] You: Hi Rose
[2008/07/26 10:09] MT Lundquist: shes on radar
[2008/07/26 10:09] MT Lundquist: at 13
[2008/07/26 10:09] You: Ah there
[2008/07/26 10:09] Sonja Strom: Hi everybody
[2008/07/26 10:09] You: Hello Sonja
[2008/07/26 10:09] MT Lundquist: hi sonja
[2008/07/26 10:10] Sonja Strom: Sorry I'm late, technical difficulties
[2008/07/26 10:10] You: let's run through the things we need to do, then, get this over expeditiously :)
[2008/07/26 10:10] You: agenda here: ... 717#p11717
[2008/07/26 10:10] You: let's call to order
[2008/07/26 10:10] You: 1a
[2008/07/26 10:10] You: Please assent, etc. I assent
[2008/07/26 10:10] MT Lundquist: i assent
[2008/07/26 10:10] Sonja Strom: I assent
[2008/07/26 10:11] Brian Livingston: I assent
[2008/07/26 10:11] You: 1d - if you see problems with posted transcripts tell me -- ha ha and do it before 2 August, or you'll have to tell Justice, my successor as LRA
[2008/07/26 10:11] Flyingroc Chung: I assent
[2008/07/26 10:11] You: 1b any changes to agenda?
[2008/07/26 10:11] Flyingroc Chung: sorry, had to wade through some UAC dialog boxes
[2008/07/26 10:12] Flyingroc Chung: no changes from me
[2008/07/26 10:12] MT Lundquist: fine
[2008/07/26 10:12] You: OK
[2008/07/26 10:13] You: 1c - Brian - if we do code reorg I assume you weill speak, I know of no others
[2008/07/26 10:13] Brian Livingston: I would be willing to address the RA if it so pleases them :)
[2008/07/26 10:13] You: 1e is future meetings :) not our problem
[2008/07/26 10:13] You: I note Justice is polling the incoming RA, looking at maybe next Saturday or Sunday FYI as first mtg
[2008/07/26 10:14] You: 1f
[2008/07/26 10:14] You: consent
[2008/07/26 10:14] You: Have nothing ...?
[2008/07/26 10:14] You: ok then
[2008/07/26 10:14] You: we have three items
[2008/07/26 10:14] You: Code reorg #2
[2008/07/26 10:14] You: Any further election rule issues #3
[2008/07/26 10:14] Sonja Strom: lol Rose
[2008/07/26 10:14] Rose Springvale: what now? lol
[2008/07/26 10:15] You: and "anything else" #4
[2008/07/26 10:15] Rose Springvale: consent :)
[2008/07/26 10:15] Sonja Strom: Hi Cindy
[2008/07/26 10:15] MT Lundquist: rose
[2008/07/26 10:15] MT Lundquist: cindy
[2008/07/26 10:15] Rose Springvale: hi :)
[2008/07/26 10:15] Cindy Ecksol: hi all. yes, I consent
[2008/07/26 10:15] Rose Springvale: sorry, slow rez day :)
[2008/07/26 10:16] You: I will take those as transcript assents from the Honorable Guild Events Tag Team
[2008/07/26 10:16] You: ok #2 then :)
[2008/07/26 10:16] You: we have for some time had in front of us, as I introduced about 6 weeks ago, the final work of the Code Reorganization Commission
[2008/07/26 10:16] You: link in the agenda - and it's here:
[2008/07/26 10:17] You:
[2008/07/26 10:17] Sonja Strom: Hi Jon
[2008/07/26 10:17] Flyingroc Chung: hi jon
[2008/07/26 10:17] Delia Lake: hi Joh
[2008/07/26 10:17] Stormy: purr...
[2008/07/26 10:17] Brian Livingston: (I have it in notecard form as well for anyone who wants it)
[2008/07/26 10:17] Jon Seattle: Hi Sonja, FR, Delia :)
[2008/07/26 10:17] You: Our last three or four meetings have been ... I think the phrase is "overtaken by events"
[2008/07/26 10:17] Stormy: meeow!
[2008/07/26 10:17] You: (please assent Jon, and hi)
[2008/07/26 10:18] Jon Seattle: Hi Jamie, I assent
[2008/07/26 10:18] Jon Seattle: :)
[2008/07/26 10:18] You: Now, I was plannng to move that we pass this -- to get the rest of the weeds pulled from our dilapidated Code as a housekeeping matter
[2008/07/26 10:18] You: and I also confirm that I independently spot checked Brian's great, diligent work on this
[2008/07/26 10:19] You: chasing down all sorts of hoary old decaying issues and bits of bills
[2008/07/26 10:19] You: so the right Q for us now is whether to simply recommend it to the next RA (if that is your wish)
[2008/07/26 10:19] You: or actually enact it, mindful that the next RA can repeal/modify it
[2008/07/26 10:20] You: and that we're in the lame duck period, see my comments in the posted agenda
[2008/07/26 10:20] You: Let me ask Brian, who was on the RA when this started (this time around) to say a few words about what we have here and how we might proceed, as it's his work
[2008/07/26 10:21] Brian Livingston: Thank you to the R.A. for allowing me to speak on this briefly :)
[2008/07/26 10:22] Brian Livingston: The bill you have in front of you is one that has been in progress for going on two terms, with the assistanceo f multiple factions and individuals to bring it to the point we are today.
[2008/07/26 10:22] Brian Livingston: Currently, our set of code resides in one list, with little differentiation between code that is still active and code that has served its useful purpose, and even code that has been superceded or repealed
[2008/07/26 10:23] Brian Livingston: The resulting situation is that therei a lot of confusion and wasted time spent on the part of anyone who is attemptign to reserach and adhere to our codes
[2008/07/26 10:24] Rose Springvale applauds
[2008/07/26 10:24] Brian Livingston: This bill simplifies things by a) identifying bills that are no longer relevent and b) classifying them as such and removing them from our active roster of legislation to a second list of historic code.
[2008/07/26 10:25] Brian Livingston: This will streamline the process of researching our legislation while maintaining our rich historical past that can be told throuhg the legislation of prior Represenatative Assemblies.
[2008/07/26 10:26] Brian Livingston: I am eager to address any questions or concerns this esteemed R.A. may have on this bill and would strongly encourage passing this legislation so that we can leave our body of code in much better shape for the incoming R.A. and our community as a whole. Thank you.
[2008/07/26 10:27] Jamie Palisades smiles: Brian, let me say thanks again on behalf of CDS for a long detailed task -- at least we can make it not a thankless one
[2008/07/26 10:27] Sonja Strom applauds
[2008/07/26 10:27] Jon Seattle: yay :)
[2008/07/26 10:27] MT Lundquist: claps
[2008/07/26 10:27] Brian Livingston: It was my pleasure Sir
[2008/07/26 10:27] You: let me ask first for questions for Brian - then let's talk about whether there are any obstacles to adopting it
[2008/07/26 10:28] Flyingroc Chung: I think it's gonna be really useful
[2008/07/26 10:28] Sonja Strom: I think so too, as the way the laws are organised now they are really confusing.
[2008/07/26 10:29] Sonja Strom: I thank Brian very much for this work.
[2008/07/26 10:30] You: hearing gratitude but no questions ... :)
[2008/07/26 10:30] You: It seems to me that, if we adopt this today, we permit the new RA to get started on the right foot -- And facilitate's Arria's website work (under way right now) right now to move all laws to the new portal -- but without really prejudicing them, as they can always repeal or modify it.
[2008/07/26 10:31] You: But do we have any issues of lame duckness here? :) I know some say it's "bad form" for us to act after the elections start. That does not trouble me -- on a noncontroversial issue, to me that sounds less like a legal assessment, and more like a "Peter Pan" quote -- but how do others feel about enacting today?
[2008/07/26 10:31] MT Lundquist: i'm happy to
[2008/07/26 10:31] MT Lundquist: were are still the government today
[2008/07/26 10:32] Flyingroc Chung: it's pretty uncontroversial, I think
[2008/07/26 10:32] You: I'd welcome hearing from anyone who think's that this bit of housekeeping is inappropriate, though. Speak up, if so :)
[2008/07/26 10:32] Rose Springvale raises hand
[2008/07/26 10:33] You: Yes Rose?
[2008/07/26 10:33] Rose Springvale: Personally i think enacting this legislation is in good form for this RA ... and i think that the issues of process you've all dealt with make it almost your legacy
[2008/07/26 10:34] You: :)
[2008/07/26 10:34] Rose Springvale: i don't think anyone likes wading through the CDS code
[2008/07/26 10:34] Jamie Palisades mutters ... amen
[2008/07/26 10:34] Brian Livingston: It's actually sorta fascinating, if you ever get the time :p
[2008/07/26 10:34] Rose Springvale: smile
[2008/07/26 10:34] Jon Seattle: :)
[2008/07/26 10:34] Brian Livingston pipes down
[2008/07/26 10:34] MT Lundquist: :)
[2008/07/26 10:34] Rose Springvale: says the bunny in camo...
[2008/07/26 10:34] You: well then - not seeing any other comments ...
[2008/07/26 10:35] You: .. then it is my pleasure to move to adopt Brian's bill as posted.
[2008/07/26 10:35] MT Lundquist: second
[2008/07/26 10:35] Sonja Strom: aye
[2008/07/26 10:35] MT Lundquist: aye
[2008/07/26 10:35] Flyingroc Chung: aye
[2008/07/26 10:35] You: ha ha Sonja has a tennis match to get to!
[2008/07/26 10:35] You: And I vote aye.
[2008/07/26 10:35] You: Adopted 4-0-0. And thank you again, Brian.
[2008/07/26 10:35] MT Lundquist: thanks brian
[2008/07/26 10:36] Rose Springvale: hi delia
[2008/07/26 10:36] You: FYI I am chatting with Arria and Justice and this will get into the right hands :)
[2008/07/26 10:36] Brian Livingston: Thank you again to the R.A. for taking the time to consider this bill :)
[2008/07/26 10:36] Delia Lake: hi everyone
[2008/07/26 10:36] Brian Livingston waves to Delia
[2008/07/26 10:36] MT Lundquist: hi delia
[2008/07/26 10:36] Jon Seattle: Hi Delia :)
[2008/07/26 10:36] Flyingroc Chung: hey delia
[2008/07/26 10:36] You: and whoever takes over as RA Archivist will shower you with flowers, Bri
[2008/07/26 10:36] Sonja Strom: hi Delia
[2008/07/26 10:37] You: that's it for item 2
[2008/07/26 10:37] Brian Livingston loves flowers... sooo tasty
[2008/07/26 10:37] You: (reminding, CDS commission on corporate structure at 11 here)
[2008/07/26 10:37] You: well flowers and carrots, then
[2008/07/26 10:37] You: 3
[2008/07/26 10:37] Cindy Ecksol wishes brian would keep his relatives out of my garden
[2008/07/26 10:37] You: I think we have at least one proposed action on the election rules? Or not?
[2008/07/26 10:37] MT Lundquist: yes
[2008/07/26 10:38] Rose Springvale wishes brian would be a cute animal again cause he's scary like that
[2008/07/26 10:38] You: can you give us the background MT?
[2008/07/26 10:38] MT Lundquist: yes
[2008/07/26 10:38] Delia Lake fumbles around for a homegrown carrot...
[2008/07/26 10:38] MT Lundquist: i'm concerned that the election count resulted in two different results
[2008/07/26 10:39] MT Lundquist: this issue was then considered after the fact by the SC in full knowledge of the results
[2008/07/26 10:39] MT Lundquist: i have posted the main points here
[2008/07/26 10:39] MT Lundquist:
[2008/07/26 10:39] MT Lundquist: that includes the discussion on this
[2008/07/26 10:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi all!
[2008/07/26 10:39] MT Lundquist: the SC didnt listen to my appeal
[2008/07/26 10:40] Jon Seattle: Yay Gwyn! :)
[2008/07/26 10:40] MT Lundquist: in fact had considered it before i arrived to present it
[2008/07/26 10:40] MT Lundquist: which seems in appropriate
[2008/07/26 10:40] MT Lundquist: so i bought it here
[2008/07/26 10:40] MT Lundquist: I know its unlikely to succeed
[2008/07/26 10:40] You: (Hi Gwyn, welcome, assent when you get a change pls)
[2008/07/26 10:40] MT Lundquist: turkeys voting for christmas and all that
[2008/07/26 10:40] MT Lundquist: but thought it of significance
[2008/07/26 10:41] MT Lundquist: and importnace
[2008/07/26 10:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (I assent to be recorded!)
[2008/07/26 10:41] Flyingroc Chung: sorry, bluescreened
[2008/07/26 10:41] MT Lundquist: especially as the SC seemed confused
[2008/07/26 10:41] MT Lundquist: to quote cindy
[2008/07/26 10:41] MT Lundquist: For a short time even Claude was confused by this.
[2008/07/26 10:41] Cindy Ecksol raises had
[2008/07/26 10:41] MT Lundquist: so the bill is to
[2008/07/26 10:41] Cindy Ecksol raises hand....
[2008/07/26 10:41] MT Lundquist: void the election
[2008/07/26 10:41] You: let's let MT finish
[2008/07/26 10:41] MT Lundquist: set the count method here
[2008/07/26 10:41] MT Lundquist: rerun the election
[2008/07/26 10:42] MT Lundquist: ty
[2008/07/26 10:42] MT Lundquist: hi gwyn
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi MT!)
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi MT!)
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi MT!)
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi MT!)
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oops
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oops
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oops
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oops
[2008/07/26 10:42] You: ooo
[2008/07/26 10:42] Flyingroc Chung: uh oh
[2008/07/26 10:42] MT Lundquist: bit of an echo in here
[2008/07/26 10:42] MT Lundquist: :)
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Wireless trouble :P
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Wireless trouble :P
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Wireless trouble :P
[2008/07/26 10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Wireless trouble :P
[2008/07/26 10:42] Brian Livingston giggles
[2008/07/26 10:42] You: forget our multiple personality meds did me?
[2008/07/26 10:42] Flyingroc Chung: wow, that's worse than what I had
[2008/07/26 10:43] MT Lundquist: lol
[2008/07/26 10:43] You: ahem - more Xanax for Ms Llewelyn please
[2008/07/26 10:43] Brian Livingston: So that's how she wirtes all those paragraphs in sucha short time... Repetition
[2008/07/26 10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[2008/07/26 10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[2008/07/26 10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[2008/07/26 10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[2008/07/26 10:43] You: MT :) please continue
[2008/07/26 10:43] Rose Springvale: lol
[2008/07/26 10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: o my, I better remain silent today...
[2008/07/26 10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: o my, I better remain silent today...
[2008/07/26 10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: o my, I better remain silent today...
[2008/07/26 10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: o my, I better remain silent today...
[2008/07/26 10:43] Cindy Ecksol: oh my!!
[2008/07/26 10:43] MT Lundquist: i've finished
[2008/07/26 10:43] MT Lundquist: do you get to vote many times :)
[2008/07/26 10:43] Jamie Palisades rolls on the floor momentarily - like two of you wasn;t enough
[2008/07/26 10:44] You: Done with intro MT?
[2008/07/26 10:44] MT Lundquist: yes ty
[2008/07/26 10:44] You: OK then let me get two things
[2008/07/26 10:45] You: we have Cindy and maybe others who wish to speak so we will run a queue
[2008/07/26 10:45] You: but MT, where's that URI? You actually have a posted bill text, I think
[2008/07/26 10:45] MT Lundquist: ok yes i will get that to
[2008/07/26 10:45] MT Lundquist: just a sec
[2008/07/26 10:45] You: (and then we ask for a second - and then we get into the merits - and then ...
[2008/07/26 10:46] You: ... maybe we need to talk about whether the RA can in fact void an election? I just haven't thought that one through.)
[2008/07/26 10:46] MT Lundquist:
[2008/07/26 10:46] You: let's get the URI so people can .. ah thx
[2008/07/26 10:46] Jamie Palisades grabs the webpage ...
[2008/07/26 10:47] You: K
[2008/07/26 10:47] You: good, got it. Is there a second to MT's motion?
[2008/07/26 10:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn fears to say anything
[2008/07/26 10:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn fears to say anything
[2008/07/26 10:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn fears to say anything
[2008/07/26 10:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn fears to say anything
[2008/07/26 10:48] You: ha ha well first we need a second or there's nothing (actionwise) to discuss
[2008/07/26 10:49] Brian Livingston wonders if Gwyn can IM to another person and if they can transmit to the main chat...
[2008/07/26 10:49] You: 10h48 SLT on my screen -- I will wait until 10h50 for a second, then
[2008/07/26 10:49] You: (Oo good idea Brian - Gwynnie always needed a press secretary anyway)
[2008/07/26 10:50] Rose Springvale: she's spamming in im too lol
[2008/07/26 10:50] Brian Livingston: Well, worth a try :p
[2008/07/26 10:50] You: (Hey I'm out of work in a week :D I could be your spokesmodel)
[2008/07/26 10:50] Gwyneth Llewelyn *shrugs*
[2008/07/26 10:50] Gwyneth Llewelyn *shrugs*
[2008/07/26 10:50] Gwyneth Llewelyn *shrugs*
[2008/07/26 10:50] Gwyneth Llewelyn *shrugs*
[2008/07/26 10:50] You: (Do I get a cool costume like The Metatron?)
[2008/07/26 10:50] Object: Hello, Avatar!
[2008/07/26 10:50] Object: Hello, Avatar!
[2008/07/26 10:50] Object: Hello, Avatar!
[2008/07/26 10:50] Object: Hello, Avatar!
[2008/07/26 10:50] Rose Springvale: rofl
[2008/07/26 10:50] Cindy Ecksol: ol!
[2008/07/26 10:50] Cindy Ecksol: lol!!!
[2008/07/26 10:51] Rose Springvale: looks forward to the transcript of this meeting!
[2008/07/26 10:51] Sonja Strom: hello
[2008/07/26 10:51] Sonja Strom: hello, Object
[2008/07/26 10:51] Cindy Ecksol imagines gwyn being brief in everything she says.....
[2008/07/26 10:51] Rose Springvale imagines hell freezing over...
[2008/07/26 10:52] You: Ladies and gentlemen, the Almighty has shown favor to us and blessed our endeavors by rewarding us with a minor miracle, here at our last RA meeting.
[2008/07/26 10:52] Sonja Strom: lol
[2008/07/26 10:52] You: A voiceless Gwyn.
[2008/07/26 10:52] Cindy Ecksol didn't realize she was showing up for a religious experience in SL today!
[2008/07/26 10:52] Jon Seattle: poor Gwyn
[2008/07/26 10:52] You: Now, if we just get a polite Prin and a humble Jamie ... well.. hmm .. that would be proof of the apocalypse.
[2008/07/26 10:53] Brian Livingston: We just had a flying Chimp... that's gotta be worth something
[2008/07/26 10:53] Flyingroc Chung: anyone notice how windows does not show the blue screen anymore?
[2008/07/26 10:53] You: But in all seriousness, we're sorry for Gwyneth's comm issues, must be very annoying.
[2008/07/26 10:53] Jon Seattle: wb Gwyn :)
[2008/07/26 10:53] Delia Lake: and a talking rabbit?
[2008/07/26 10:53] Flyingroc Chung: what did I miss?
[2008/07/26 10:54] You: OK, guys, I am going to say motion dies for lack of second.
[2008/07/26 10:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: not much, FR, except my constant echo (very, very bad wireless)
[2008/07/26 10:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: not much, FR, except my constant echo (very, very bad wireless)
[2008/07/26 10:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: not much, FR, except my constant echo (very, very bad wireless)
[2008/07/26 10:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: not much, FR, except my constant echo (very, very bad wireless)
[2008/07/26 10:54] You: Um - talking rabbits and the apocalypse, that's about it FGR
[2008/07/26 10:54] MT Lundquist: ok pretty much as i expected
[2008/07/26 10:54] MT Lundquist: turkeys and christmas as i said
[2008/07/26 10:54] You: May I just ask, before we leave this
[2008/07/26 10:55] MT Lundquist: well afraid I have to leave now
[2008/07/26 10:55] Cindy Ecksol: or perhaps confusion on your part that the rest of the RA does not share
[2008/07/26 10:55] MT Lundquist: thanks all for the interesting 6 months
[2008/07/26 10:55] You: ah OK. Thank very much for coming, MT and serving with great reliability throughout your term.
[2008/07/26 10:56] You: Ladies and gents, um and ravagers of Cindy's garden, are there any other topics for today?
[2008/07/26 10:56] You: (Corporate commission here in 5-7 minutes)
[2008/07/26 10:56] Rose Springvale: Thanks to the RA for all your service
[2008/07/26 10:56] Brian Livingston: Indded, thank you to you all :)
[2008/07/26 10:56] Delia Lake: yes, i second that
[2008/07/26 10:56] Jon Seattle: Indeed :)
[2008/07/26 10:56] You: if not, may I thank you all again -- first on behalf of CDS for your service, and second personally for very strong efforts to move us forward and produce, even in high winds
[2008/07/26 10:57] You: I will file my final report on the forums next week, with an inventory of what we're passing along to the new RA and CDS ...
[2008/07/26 10:57] Delia Lake: thank you all for volunteering to govern our community
[2008/07/26 10:57] You: indeed :)
[2008/07/26 10:58] Cindy Ecksol wonders if Jon is having a fit back there....
[2008/07/26 10:58] You: and would happily (truly, you have no idea) welcome a suggestion that we adjourn sine die
[2008/07/26 10:58] Delia Lake: and Jamie, thank you very much for leading such an orderly and productive RA term
[2008/07/26 10:58] Cindy Ecksol: yes, big thanks to jamie!
[2008/07/26 10:58] Cindy Ecksol: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
[2008/07/26 10:58] Jon Seattle yay!
[2008/07/26 10:58] Jon Seattle: -- its the silly poses on this chair :D
[2008/07/26 10:58] Sonja Strom: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
[2008/07/26 10:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn applauds repeatedly, which is appropriate!
[2008/07/26 10:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn applauds repeatedly, which is appropriate!
[2008/07/26 10:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn applauds repeatedly, which is appropriate!
[2008/07/26 10:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn applauds repeatedly, which is appropriate!
[2008/07/26 10:59] Rose Springvale: sure it is jon.... :)
[2008/07/26 10:59] Jon Seattle: lol
[2008/07/26 10:59] You: thanks very much :) orderly, well, at times .... productive though, with help, thankfully. Cheers all :)
[2008/07/26 10:59] You: while Delia is here :)
[2008/07/26 10:59] You: *Delia
[2008/07/26 10:59] Sonja Strom: Thank you Jamie, for your great work as LRA.
[2008/07/26 11:00] You: let me mention the informal comments we had a few meetings ago about a possible ecological focus commission - something we might be able to shape and recommend, as individuals, to the incoming RA
[2008/07/26 11:00] Sonja Strom: Thanks to all of the other RA members for helping to keep the community together and functioning.
[2008/07/26 11:00] You: :) thanks Sonja, and everyone
[2008/07/26 11:00] You: We're adjourned for the term, then :)
[2008/07/26 11:00] Flyingroc Chung: yay
[2008/07/26 11:00] Cindy Ecksol: hip hip -- -hooray!!!
[2008/07/26 11:00] Rose Springvale: applause
[2008/07/26 11:00] You: opa!
[2008/07/26 11:01] Sonja Strom: applause :-)
[2008/07/26 11:01] Flyingroc Chung: not quite sure why I signed up for another one, lol
[2008/07/26 11:01] Jon Seattle: See you all and thanks!
[2008/07/26 11:01] You: those who care, what about a 3 minute bio break? or start right in on corporations?
[2008/07/26 11:01] Brian Livingston: 3 minutes break sounds good
[2008/07/26 11:02] Rose Springvale: men ....
[2008/07/26 11:02] Delia Lake: love that anim, FR
[2008/07/26 11:02] You: good. :)
[2008/07/26 11:02] Rose Springvale: can we all move to the inner circle now?
[2008/07/26 11:02] Delia Lake: i would certainly be interested in an ecological commission
[2008/07/26 11:02] Rose Springvale: try gwyn :)
[2008/07/26 11:02] You: rose no one kept you out :D
[2008/07/26 11:03] Rose Springvale: matter of courtesy, long standing tradition JP
[2008/07/26 11:03] You: and yes, Delia, let's you and I and perjhaps Moon or Symo and Bjerkel pursue that
[2008/07/26 11:03] Rose Springvale: and me!
[2008/07/26 11:03] Delia Lake: very good
[2008/07/26 11:03] You: good :)
[2008/07/26 11:04] You: a lot of underexplored overlaps between eco awareness, the projects our citizens have today and ... what we can do right here in CDS.