Locus Amoenus Infrastructure Question

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Claude Desmoulins
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Locus Amoenus Infrastructure Question

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

I was looking at the map last night, and noticed that several plots (22-24) and a few on the north edge of the sim, have neither road nor river access) The north side plots could be addressed when we expand north from LA / West of Alpine Meadows, but plots 22-24 (if I read the map correctly) are hemmed in against the west wall of CN. Is this lack of road access intentional? Also, since there are several plots with only river access, we might need to build an appropriately themed "water taxi".

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Re: Locus Amoenus Infrastructure Question

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

This being SL, there's not really a need for such, although I certainly don't think it would hurt to have such if it can be done economically (in money, prim, and script-resource senses). Every sim should have an eye-catcher!

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Claude Desmoulins
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...and another one

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

The river branch in LA which crosses the south sim boundary may create problems. The GMP has this as a road, making it water will require us to create a source for that water " uphill" somewhere.

Last edited by Claude Desmoulins on Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: corrected factiual error./ spelling.
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