[11:54] You: ok, Arria, may i start then the Board meeting?
[11:55] Arria Perreault: of course
[11:55] You: ok, thank you
[11:55] You: everyone, please remember that Board meetings are transcripted
[11:55] You: and the agenda is on that yellow box
[11:56] You: Point 1
[11:56] You: 1. Locus Amoenus building - status report
[11:56] You: atm, we have completed terraforming, parcelling , roads, and have already installed one bridge and the musaeon
[11:57] You: i remind everyone willing to lend a hand
[11:57] You: that the list of tasks can be consulted at
[11:57] Jon Seattle is sending stones though the email (textures that is..)
[11:57] You: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1967
[11:57] You: if you want to help building, please choose a task and answer the thread
[11:58] You: any questions on this?
[11:59] Brian Livingston: I'll probably try my hand at either a scenic outlook or plaza or two
[11:59] You: ok Brian, thankls
[11:59] You: have a look at the sim and pick which task you'd prefer )
[12:00] Brian Livingston: Sure thin. I'll post it in the forums a bit later
[12:00] You: ah, btw
[12:00] Jon Seattle: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key= ... d6oAfCNgYQ
[12:00] You: due to the change of RAs
[12:00] You: i still have to present the most updated version of the sim plan
[12:01] You: proposed by Symo and approved by Ulysse, author of the plan
[12:01] You: which i ended up presenting first at RA last weekend, since we didn't hold a meeting
[12:02] Jon Seattle: are we doing the central lake with boats idea?
[12:02] You: it's on the wall by the door
[12:02] Rose Springvale: i have a comment
[12:02] You: that's what we will discuss here
[12:03] You: this is a proposal to update the sim plan, already agreed by the maker of the plan
[12:03] You: i would like to hear your opinions
[12:03] Rose Springvale: i have some conflict with this plan
[12:03] You: starting by Rose
[12:03] You: why?
[12:03] Rose Springvale: based on the plan i had made personally....
[12:03] Rose Springvale: because i own the parcels along the river
[12:04] Rose Springvale: and had thought to make an entertainment venue that crossed the sims
[12:04] Rose Springvale: if we want this kind of lake
[12:04] Rose Springvale: which i think is wonderful
[12:04] Rose Springvale: i'd be happy to exchange parcels and let it be a community project
[12:04] Rose Springvale: centralizing between colonia nova and LA
[12:04] Rose Springvale: as you know
[12:04] Rose Springvale: a venue on the sim cross
[12:04] You: hmmmm, you'll have to talk that with Sudane
[12:04] Rose Springvale: can host twice as many avis
[12:04] Rose Springvale: i'm sorry?
[12:05] You: but didn't you reserve 41 and 42?
[12:05] Rose Springvale: i've purchased the one along the river and declined the other parcel because others seemed to think too many were being reserved by current citizens
[12:05] You: well, everything that has to do with plots exchange etc must be discussed with Sudane/Rudeen i suppose
[12:05] You: ok, so you have 41
[12:05] Rose Springvale: so i own the parcel directly adjacent to the park i own in CN
[12:06] You: ok
[12:06] Rose Springvale: this isnt' an issue of the money or the project mind
[12:06] You: and your idea would now be to?
[12:06] Rose Springvale: just placement
[12:06] Rose Springvale: well
[12:06] You: own 26 and 27?
[12:06] Rose Springvale: um, that's not the point. i don't care what i own
[12:06] Rose Springvale: the point is to centralize the theater on the sim cross
[12:07] You: ah
[12:07] Jamie Palisades raises his hand
[12:07] Jon Seattle: Have to run.. very nice to see everyone
[12:07] Arria Perreault: bye bye Jon
[12:07] Jamie Palisades: have a great weekend jno, cheers
[12:07] You: but Symo's plan was to have the mundus on the center of LA
[12:07] You: thus this location
[12:07] Rose Springvale: well
[12:08] You: because the mundus lays below the center of the maritime theatre
[12:08] Rose Springvale: i understand the center thing. just trying to be practical
[12:09] You: i feel that to discuss your idea Rose
[12:09] You: i would need to have Ulysse and Symo here
[12:09] You: because the parcel plan would have to be changed
[12:09] Rose Springvale: well, that is why i asked if the issue would be discussed in guild when you brought it to the RA last wwek.
[12:09] You: if such a large structure would be centered at the border
[12:10] You: hmmmm, yes, and so we are discussing it
[12:10] You: but i am in disanvantage here :9
[12:10] Rose Springvale: lol
[12:10] You: because i can't speak for either the uthor of the idea or the author of the sim plan
[12:10] Rose Springvale: but .. we did take all this time putting together the old plan
[12:11] Jamie Palisades grins and raises his hand .. again
[12:11] You: Jamie?
[12:11] Jamie Palisades:
[12:11] Jamie Palisades: It seems to me that there is an approved Sim4 plan
[12:12] You: yes
[12:12] Jamie Palisades: and a SMP that covers cross sim features
[12:12] Jamie Palisades: GMP, sorry
[12:12] Jamie Palisades: so
[12:12] You: yes, correct
[12:12] Jamie Palisades: shouldn;t a good idea like this be raised *in* the context of a proposed plan amendment?
[12:13] You: ok
[12:13] Jamie Palisades: I adore Sudane .. but "talk to Sudane" sounds like the wrong answer and I am sure she;d agree
[12:13] You: but then it will have to wait till Symo and Ulysse can pronounce themselves on the issue too
[12:13] Jamie Palisades: so this raises how-do-we-mody-plan questions done
[12:14] You: no, the 'talk to sudane' was because i thought Rose was proposing to exchange plots
[12:14] Jamie Palisades: *modify .... oh>? Do our new Guild rule give them a veto?
[12:14] Jamie Palisades smiles pleasantly
[12:14] Jamie Palisades: who owns the plan, Moon, and thus is empowered to process amendments?
[12:14] You: our new guild decides by majority
[12:15] Rose Springvale: moon do you see my issue? i'm not trying to delay anything, and i do like the idea, it just defeats the purpose for which i was acquiring land, per the plan we had in place
[12:15] You: the Board owns the plan... or better, the CDS does, since it was approved at the RA
[12:15] You: yes, Rose, i do see your issue
[12:15] You: now see mine:
[12:16] You: i can' talk by two people
[12:16] Jamie Palisades: Ah - so - would it be consistent with your governance model that I message Sudane, and ask her to facilitat Rose's proosed plot switch until the Guild has a chance to consider it ... or September 1 in any case? So long as no other property owner loses rights
[12:16] Rose Springvale: no wait lol
[12:16] You: and theis proposed modification alters in nothing the parcel plan that Ulysse has created
[12:16] Rose Springvale: i understand completely that we should have symo and ulysse approval.
[12:16] Rose Springvale: well, hmm
[12:16] You: so it's 'innofensive' for the approved plan
[12:16] Rose Springvale: perhaps i bought to hastily
[12:16] Rose Springvale: too
[12:17] You: Jamie, no - because Rose doesn'tr want to switch plots
[12:17] Rose Springvale: lol
[12:17] You: my confusion there
[12:17] Rose Springvale: rose just wants the theater to be on the sim cross if we are to have another theater
[12:17] You: so for the moment
[12:17] You: i would place this in the shelf
[12:18] You: and do work that is not affected by this
[12:18] You: until we can have the opinions of Ulysse and Symo
[12:18] Jamie Palisades: so Rose can just hold, for now, and we wait for a guild majority to discuss possible theathre move in plan?
[12:19] You: my main problem there is redesigning of parcel plots
[12:19] You: namely, plots 25, 39, 41
[12:19] Jamie Palisades: what kind of problem? legal? tehnical? plan amendment?
[12:20] You: technical
[12:20] You: and also what would happen in the CN side
[12:20] Rose Springvale: was there redesign of plots here though?
[12:21] You: which i think by hmmm eyemeter... the maritime theatre would meet the praetorium
[12:21] Rose Springvale: i need to look at the original map
[12:21] You: no, on this plan, none
[12:21] You: the only things altered are the the two scenic views in 15-16 and 26-27
[12:21] Rose Springvale: all i am asking is that we consider the option as a guild
[12:22] Rose Springvale: and i didn't feel we'd done that
[12:22] You: yes
[12:22] You: because we missed a guild meeting
[12:22] You: so we are doing that now
[12:22] Rose Springvale: but we don't have the key players here
[12:23] Rose Springvale: and they wont' be available til late august, correct?
[12:23] You: thus i am suggesting to table it untill we have them
[12:23] You: Ulysse i don't know
[12:23] You: Symo untill the the 19th
[12:23] Arria Perreault: Ulysse should be there next week too
[12:24] Rose Springvale: i will second tableing then
[12:24] You: ok, thank you Arria
[12:24] You: and thanks Rose
[12:24] You: tabled then
[12:24] Jamie Palisades:
[12:24] Rose Springvale: thanks
[12:24] You: another point to table is point 2
[12:24] You: 2. Textures and texture content theft.
[12:25] You: i am still trying to get a protocol with universities to have a digimarking system
[12:25] You: but during august....
[12:25] You: so, tabled
[12:25] Jamie Palisades: hmmm
[12:25] Jamie Palisades raises his hand again
[12:25] You: yes?
[12:25] Jamie Palisades: I have strong interest as the executive branch head in in the textures issue, because it has three consequences: (a) lag and land covenant compliance, (b) sim theme quality (working I hope with the BAC), and (c) the ability of CDS to recover lost land features. I hope to bring to the Guild, for consultation with you, some thoughts about future requirements for textures for CDS public assets sometime in September.
[12:25] Arria Perreault: digimarking?
[12:26] Jamie Palisades: Digimarking is a godo idea but may not be the entire complete solution.
[12:26] Jamie Palisades: Arria: the encryprion of a secret code into a texture so it is easy to prove theft.
[12:27] Arria Perreault: In Monastery project, we have worked a lot with public domain textures
[12:27] You: Arria, digimarking - placing an invisible mark on a texture that when 'spied' by an algorythm reveals if the texture was stolen or not
[12:27] Arria Perreault: for the walls
[12:27] Arria Perreault: and so it was easy to reuse this textures for other buildings
[12:27] You: yes, but here we are talking about protecting CDS-made textures
[12:27] Jamie Palisades: (and the Monastery is an NGO so the oly rules that apply to it arethe rules hat apply to private land owners )
[12:28] Arria Perreault: well .... you know my position
[12:28] Rose Springvale: brb
[12:28] Arria Perreault: I am in favour of public domain material
[12:29] You: well, i work over public domain material as well
[12:29] You: but i am not willing that my work becomes public domain
[12:30] You: we can tie the discussion of the textures wg in this btw
[12:30] You: last week we were discussing if the Guild should open a texture shop
[12:30] Arria Perreault: it's different when we work for his/her own or if we work for an NGO or a public institution
[12:30] You: not in my case
[12:30] Jamie Palisades nods -- three different cases
[12:31] You: my work is my IP always
[12:31] Arria Perreault: you can decide
[12:31] Jamie Palisades: of couse, any artisan can deide to ofer what they wish- and CDS can decide what it is willing to use, with what p[rotections
[12:32] You: last meeting i took a very strong stance agaisnt giving away the textures with full perms
[12:32] You: i am willing to give a pack of textures to the LA residents, if my textures in it are no-transfer
[12:33] Jamie Palisades: May I ask? LA opens September1. I acknowledge there are a range of views. Is there a need to resolve this? Cannot people simply offer to citizens what they wish?
[12:33] You: yes, i think that may turn out to be the best way
[12:34] You: in my case, they can use my textures, but they won't be able to transfer them
[12:34] You: because my texture work is NOT to become part of the freebie pool
[12:34] You: sorry if it sounds selfish, but this is what i do for a living
[12:34] Arria Perreault: if someone buy the house from a first owner, the problem will start
[12:35] You: no
[12:35] Rose Springvale: no
[12:35] Rose Springvale: smile
[12:35] You: the textures will keep
[12:35] Arria Perreault: and for rearrangement?
[12:35] You: every new citizen will get the same pack
[12:36] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:36] You: so they are all in the same advantage
[12:36] Arria Perreault: we should the same for CN ....
[12:36] Arria Perreault: I need some textures ....
[12:36] You: i am even willing to extend that to CN
[12:37] You: and to the rest of the roman cluster
[12:37] You: but please undertsnad that in my case
[12:37] Arria Perreault: and if someone will use other textures?
[12:37] Jamie Palisades: personaly I like the idea of some really good in-period textures being a citizenship benefit
[12:37] You: i cannot give away textures as freebies
[12:37] You: evven more so because i work with commercial galleries which forbid redistribution
[12:38] You: oh, they can use the textures tehy want - not my problem
[12:39] You: this is not a 'Use This package or get the hell out of here!'
[12:39] You: it's just stuff that is handy
[12:39] You: like roman doors and windows, frieses, etc
[12:39] You: all correct sized, seamless, etc
[12:40] Arria Perreault: ok. I just know that because of lack of time, I was not able to make a package "public domain" with stuf from public domain
[12:40] You: well, time isn't very important here
[12:40] You: i mean, if you only have your textures in october say
[12:40] Arria Perreault: it was my intention
[12:40] You: publish them then and people will remodel
[12:41] Arria Perreault: you know, I have prepared textures from painting and mosaics
[12:41] Arria Perreault: there were for sale for months in Roma
[12:41] You: i myself don't know when i'll have my own ready, but surely not before the 15th
[12:41] Arria Perreault: nobody bought them
[12:42] You: i think perhaps
[12:42] You: like Jamie says
[12:42] You: the best thing is to give each new citizen a pack or packs
[12:42] You: as a gift, even
[12:43] You: sort of welcoming gift
[12:43] You: and let them use them as they see best, or go and look fo other stuff
[12:43] Arria Perreault: I prefer to give them with a Creative Commons licence (citation and no modifcation)
[12:43] You: fine by me
[12:44] You: mine will go no-transfer, just a license to use
[12:44] You: to that individual who is a CDS member
[12:45] You: this discussion is important
[12:45] You: because it relates to where should teh textures be uploaded
[12:45] You: in my case, i will upload them in LA, seeing they are being given only to CDS members
[12:46] You: if you plan to give freebies away with full perms
[12:46] You: then i suggest that you upload them at a water sim
[12:46] Arria Perreault: a water sim?
[12:47] You: one of Governor Linden's sims
[12:47] Arria Perreault: no
[12:47] You: you know, those that make the water in the mainland
[12:47] Arria Perreault: If I make a package, I will offer it here, in CDS
[12:48] You: then upload it in LA
[12:48] Rose Springvale: she means where you are located when you upload arria
[12:48] Rose Springvale: has nothing to do where offered
[12:48] You: sim will rezz faster
[12:48] Rose Springvale: just a texture trick
[12:48] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:48] You: ok Rose?
[12:48] Jamie Palisades: (brb)
[12:49] Rose Springvale: okay with me!
[12:49] You: oh, i thought you were going to say something
[12:49] You: ok
[12:49] You: i think we are approaching consensus on this
[12:49] Rose Springvale: no, i was trying to explain to arria that you weren't telling her to offer her textures elsewhere
[12:49] Rose Springvale:
[12:50] You: oh
[12:50] Arria Perreault: yes, I have understoud now
[12:50] Rose Springvale:
[12:50] You: Jamie, are you voting at this meeting? you can, you know
[12:50] Rose Springvale: so do we have consenseus or are we tabling? he just said he's afk
[12:50] You: if he's voting, i'll ask for a vote
[12:51] You: if he's not cvoting, we don't have quorum
[12:51] You: and we'll table it
[12:51] Rose Springvale: we don't? i thought three was quorum
[12:51] You: for meeting, but not for voting
[12:51] Rose Springvale: how many for voting?
[12:51] You: 5
[12:51] Rose Springvale: oh
[12:52] Rose Springvale: maybe we should table then
[12:52] You: lol, ok
[12:52] You: in any case, texture packs aren't ready yet
[12:52] You: tabled
[12:53] You: oops, i messed the numbers in agenda
[12:53] You: 6. Lapis Niger cerimony
[12:53] You: (should be 4)
[12:53] Rose Springvale: smile
[12:53] Rose Springvale: trying to confuse the admin!
[12:54] You: i have nothing else to report about this
[12:54] You: since Symo is the chair of this wg
[12:54] Arria Perreault: I promess to make the black peplos for free soon
[12:54] Arria Perreault: tell me how many you need
[12:54] You: don't forget to start thinking about the gifts to the mundus
[12:54] Rose Springvale: oh, i'm supposed to be giving him ideas about where to buy togas for men too... if anyone has ideas, please let me know
[12:55] You: lol, Arria, i insist to pay for the peplos, and i only need one for myself
[12:56] You: your peplos is the prettiest i have seen, and you know ... black is sort of my colour
[12:56] Rose Springvale is not sure she's seen it
[12:56] Arria Perreault: it was on my shop, but blue
[12:57] Jamie Palisades:
[12:57] Rose Springvale: oh yes, i remember
[12:57] Arria Perreault: Moon, don't insist. It's my pleasure
[12:57] You: ok, thank you
[12:57] You: in any case, you know that the cerimony will take place in a date to be defined after the 19th
[12:57] You: so that the chair of this wg is around
[12:58] Jamie Palisades: hmmm
[12:58] Jamie Palisades: Moon?
[12:58] You: yes?
[12:58] Jamie Palisades: does it need to be before 1 september?
[12:58] You: well, it would be nice
[12:58] Jamie Palisades: because if it can wait until after sim land sale deliuvery, maybe it should be a CDS anniversary event?
[12:59] You: but quite frankly, i don't think the date is very important
[12:59] Rose Springvale: that
[12:59] You: ok, we can consider that
[12:59] Rose Springvale: s a good idea Jamie
[12:59] Rose Springvale: sort of a reaffirmation thing
[12:59] Jamie Palisades: gives usa little time
[12:59] Rose Springvale: but its very roman... and the original idea
[12:59] Jamie Palisades: would allow newbies who buy into LA the opp to participate, etc
[12:59] You: as i say
[12:59] Rose Springvale: was tha tit would happen before ppl build anything
[13:00] You: for me the date it's indifferent
[13:00] Jamie Palisades: too late then Rose
[13:00] You: yes lol
[13:00] Rose Springvale: ?
[13:00] You: the roads are all built!
[13:00] Rose Springvale: oh, has land been transferred?
[13:00] Rose Springvale: oh
[13:00] Rose Springvale: well
[13:00] You: not yet
[13:00] Jamie Palisades: You can tell Su to rip up the sidewalks if you like
[13:00] Rose Springvale: i thought the ceremony... um
[13:00] Jamie Palisades:
[13:00] Rose Springvale: i'll just be quiet
[13:00] You: but there will be pressure for transfer of land as the month goes by
[13:01] Jamie Palisades: We originally said no earlier than 1 Sept I think
[13:01] You: you see, for me it's symbolic
[13:01] Rose Springvale: smiles, so maybe we put the mundus under the watertheater at the sim cross.. and make it more CDS than LA
[13:01] Rose Springvale ducks
[13:01] Jamie Palisades grins and leaves it to the esteemed Guild
[13:01] You: we will see
[13:01] You: anyway
[13:01] You: next point
[13:02] You: since we're already 2 hours late
[13:02] You: 7. Building Approval Committee WG.
[13:03] You: you were all here, you know that this has been in our agenda but it's really a Faculty point
[13:03] You: so you know that Arria will try and coord the nomination of BAC by mail or any other mean
[13:03] Jamie Palisades: and there was some discussion earlier today
[13:03] You: exactly, and we refer to that
[13:03] You: 8. CDS Information Centre WG.
[13:04] You: nothing to report
[13:04] You: because this WG, who is now led by Cindy, was scheduled to take place before the Board meeting on the previous schedule
[13:05] You: now we will have to see what is the best option to meet
[13:05] You: i will talk to her later on this
[13:05] You: finally
[13:05] You: 10. Governmental Spaces Re-organization WG.
[13:06] You: Brian, when are we holding the last public consultation meeting?
[13:06] Brian Livingston: Nothing to report at present. I will try to schedule another meeting this week, given the last one was a bit sparse i nterms of attendance]
[13:06] Brian Livingston: let's say... hmm
[13:06] You: lol
[13:07] You: let's do this maybe
[13:07] You: publish it in the forum
[13:07] You: and send me an IM
[13:07] Brian Livingston: I'm thinking Wednesday at 4 PM SLT seems teh best time
[13:07] You: and i'll send out a public notice
[13:07] Brian Livingston: well, at least for me over the next week, perhaps not for the rest of the CSd though :p
[13:07] Brian Livingston: Err CDS
[13:08] You: it's fine for me as well, though a bit latish for people in CET´
[13:08] Brian Livingston: *nods* Yea.
[13:09] You: 3 Pm? could you make it?
[13:09] Brian Livingston: It would be difficult. I generally leave the office around 2:30, sometimes later, and tehn I ahve to commute for about 20 minutes
[13:09] You: ok
[13:09] Brian Livingston: I might be abl to ,btu would need a backup host in the event i run late *nudge nudge*
[13:10] You: lol
[13:10] You: ok
[13:10] You: then let's set it for 3 PM and i will chair it untill you show up
[13:10] You: what about that?
[13:10] Brian Livingston: Soudns good to me
[13:11] You: ok
[13:11] Brian Livingston: I'll try to sneak out early if I can
[13:11] You: then give me a minute to put in my calendar
[13:11] Brian Livingston looks for his cardboard cutout to put in his chair
[13:11] You: ok
[13:11] Rose Springvale: use the koala!
[13:12] You: Jamie, you said at beginning you had a point to add to agenda
[13:13] Brian Livingston: hehe
[13:13] Rose Springvale: smile
[13:13] You: Jamie?
[13:14] Rose Springvale: we have phantoms here today
[13:14] Jamie Palisades:
[13:14] Jamie Palisades: no just slow people
[13:14] Jamie Palisades: Here w go:
[13:14] Moon Adamant listens
[13:14] Jamie Palisades: Thanks for making the time for me for this unscheduled item. You're very patient with me today It's about sim expansion and voids; and I plan to post on this after I consult with the Guild.
[13:14] You: ok
[13:14] Jamie Palisades: I wish to advise you that I am looking into the question of how easily, and with what costs and benfits, CDS can acquire voids in the current temporarily-ridiculous void market, which is having low "fire sale" prices. I believe that it is possible that we would be able to add several, either as an owned CDS resource (no tenants, public purpose, especially for difficult terrain locations like the hillside) ... or a rented CDS resource (a voice owned by a citizen for which rent is paid to CDS). ...
[13:15] Jamie Palisades: ... Now, of course, there always is the question of guild consultation and GMP conformance. But I am not sure it would be wise to wait until the prices of voids go back up, if this proves feasible, if the Guild is unavailable for consultatuion for an extended period. ... so I am a little worried about timing
[13:15] You: ah, interesting
[13:15] Jamie Palisades: ... I expect to report to the RA as well on this. And the legal framework for this already exists under our legislation. So my work on this will be a short term (weeks) not long term (months) project to evaluate, decide and act. Heh of course anyone always can legislate to stop me But I believe our citizens wish to grow - safely, wisely - but grow. And that's what I plan to facilitate.
[13:15] Jamie Palisades: I mighth add
[13:15] Jamie Palisades: all only in conformance with the GMP
[13:15] You: yes
[13:16] Jamie Palisades: Personally I regard that as a hard limit on how we approach this
[13:16] You: but the GMP makes use of voids
[13:16] You: as connective sims
[13:16] You: can you wait untill the 19th? Symo would be the better person to discuss it with
[13:16] Arria Perreault: and there is some ready projects
[13:16] Jamie Palisades: I ndeed it does Sowished to share that with you now, and will post to the forums with more proposed detail in a few days. I'd welcome your views on how the Guild or any component of it should - within reasonable time frames - be involved. Understand, please, that as an American personally, I am not one to take the month of August off.
[13:17] You: well Jamie
[13:17] You: you know that we can integrate voids easily at any time
[13:17] Jamie Palisades: "ready"? arria - yes indeed, smile
[13:17] Jamie Palisades nods and smiles
[13:17] You: to complete the mountain
[13:17] You: it's really a question of public expenditure more than Guild's
[13:17] Arria Perreault: I mean: the GMP contains some reservations
[13:18] Arria Perreault: for void sims
[13:18] You: yes, but those reservations are clearly marked
[13:18] Jamie Palisades: Though I will need to sweet talk Rivet Talk, if we go east from NFS
[13:18] Jamie Palisades: Rivet Town
[13:18] You: or we can just change place in the grid
[13:18] You: right now
[13:18] Jamie Palisades: About which I have ... no public comment yet
[13:18] You: and we can dispose the voids strategically
[13:19] You: to defend an inner territory
[13:19] Jamie Palisades: Sincwe we last spoke there have been some experiments wioth moved sim clusters
[13:19] You: to be completed later
[13:19] You: we have just moved a sim cluster at BT
[13:19] Jamie Palisades: Well, we're all on the same page, or close ones, I expect
[13:19] Jamie Palisades: but I did want to raise this first here
[13:20] You: and i still fall outside of the teleport hub... no changes
[13:20] Rose Springvale: lol
[13:20] Arria Perreault: is your idea to buy void sims to sell them to citizen entirely or in plots?
[13:20] Jamie Palisades: haha - as I hear it the only change is that you lose personl profile TP links - which use absolute locations coordinates
[13:20] You: i have been investigating the matter too, apparently all landmarks update to the new position of the sim, only profile picks don't
[13:20] You: yes, exactly
[13:20] Rose Springvale: lol
[13:21] Rose Springvale: phantoms and echoes
[13:21] Jamie Palisades: Arria, the experiments that I have seen sugest that you cannot cut up a void Too much
[13:21] Jamie Palisades: so it may be some sellable
[13:21] Arria Perreault: yes, of course
[13:21] Jamie Palisades: but also
[13:21] Jamie Palisades: for example
[13:22] Jamie Palisades: what if the back half of the NFS mountain- or half of it was public land and NGO land ... and hosted a rebuilt schloss acros the border?
[13:22] Jamie Palisades: (still on the high point, I might add)
[13:22] You: could be done
[13:22] Jamie Palisades: just illustrating possibilities
[13:22] Arria Perreault: well I have a project that may be in the same philosophy
[13:22] You: my only comment Jamie
[13:23] You: is this:
[13:23] You: though the Private Sim Dev Act has been aprroved
[13:23] Jamie Palisades listens
[13:23] You: the contractual part of it isn't ready yet, or so i understand
[13:23] Jamie Palisades smiles another lawyer smile
[13:23] Rose Springvale giggles
[13:23] You: so, imagine the Guild would like to stay on one of those voids
[13:24] You: how would that be processed without the paperwork? or are you preparing that as we speak? .)
[13:24] Jamie Palisades grins and points to the "more detail this next week" comments above
[13:24] You: ok lol
[13:25] You: well, then, i have nothing to comment
[13:25] You: if public expenditure allows it, great!
[13:25] Jamie Palisades: and to both of you- yes - NGOs are an excellent case of possible halfsim renters or , well, somethign like that
[13:25] You: about the questions of placement and densities, they are foreseen in the masterplan
[13:25] Jamie Palisades nods and grins
[13:26] You: if you want to discuss it more deeply, Symo will be around after the 19th
[13:26] Jamie Palisades: some things, Moon, I think can happily wait until then - and I covet his input also
[13:26] Arria Perreault: but this is a good question: when can we start with buying voids?
[13:26] You: great than
[13:27] You: then*
[13:27] Jamie Palisades: Others - well- let's see Arria: my answer will be in few days, and probably will be "NOW"
[13:27] You: just be attentive to one thing Jamie
[13:27] You: the Guild doesn't have many builders atm
[13:27] Jamie Palisades grins onesidedly - only one?
[13:28] Jamie Palisades nods
[13:28] You: so it's possible that the voids that are not water will have to wait a bit other than terraforming with a raw file
[13:28] Jamie Palisades: Moon, does the Guild anticipate a problem with finishing LA by 1 September?
[13:28] You: no
[13:28] You: not at the moment
[13:29] Jamie Palisades: Then I thikn we can "work with" any other such problems
[13:29] You: the most important stuff is already in place
[13:29] You: and i haven't started yet to build there... have been waiting for people to take up tasks, etc
[13:30] You: make an honest L$
[13:30] Rose Springvale smiles. Does that translate into lindens??
[13:30] Jamie Palisades grins - hey uou have posted your prices
[13:30] You: prices are there
[13:31] You: and CDS is already making a profit over the budget
[13:31] You: or better, it will be CHEAPER than you thought
[13:31] Jamie Palisades: \
[13:32] You: in that thread, btw, i made a link to the actualized spreadsheet
[13:32] You: here it goes again
[13:32] You: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1967
[13:33] You: and now, if no other business...
[13:33] You: can we adjourn?
[13:33] Rose Springvale: tired moon?
[13:33] You: have stuff to do
[13:33] Jamie Palisades:
[13:33] You: namely: have dinner
[13:33] Rose Springvale: no objection to adjourning
[13:33] Jamie Palisades: Thank you both so much for going on late into the EU evening
[13:34] You: ok, we are adjourned then
[13:34] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:34] You: thank you all
Board Guild Meeting 10th Aug 2008 - Transcript
Moderator: SC Moderators
- Moon Adamant
- I need a hobby
- Posts: 913
- Joined: Sun May 28, 2006 1:26 pm
Board Guild Meeting 10th Aug 2008 - Transcript
Eudaimonia now!