Several of our current projects require some thought about how CDS works with nongovernmental organizations.
We have several, including MoCA, the Guild and the Monastery. They often have effects on our land use, or substantial quasi-public buildings of their own, as noted here: ... 55&p=11872
I have not yet found a clear statement in our laws about how NGOs generally must be established.
It seems clear that they require some kind of government recognition. Some are explicitly chartered:
MoCA originally in NL 4-12, and the (new) Guild originally in NL 6-2. MoCA was originally designed as a "private group" to take over the Museum in NFS from the (old) Guild, see NL 3-6, which was originally intended to be a 'contract with the City' arrangement but evolved eventually a charter plus a contract.
The Monastery NGO, on the other hand, exists and was set up to administer the Alpine Meadows Monastery (which often acts as a museum and exhibit space as well), but does not seem to have an RA-approved charter. However, it was approved implicitly by its inclusion in the final parcel map for AM, and was obviously contemplated by the planning: ... 5&start=52
Do we need a rule that NGOs can only be created by RA act? Do we already have such a rule?
Financial arrangements also might vary among NGOs. The Guild and Monastery NGOs pay standard CDS rental tier for their parcels. Apparently the MoCA NGO does as well, under NL 4-13, though that started as a free-rent arrangement.
I have not yet found a rule in our laws that sets minimum membership, access or transparency requirements for NGOs. Of course, if the RA approves every charter individually, those issues may be addressed there, each time. But for comparison, note the open process rules that apply to all Citizen Commissions in NL 5-21: ... ge=NL+5-21
Other views and corrections welcome.
Regards Jamie P