Builder's Gymnasium, 1 to 3 PM SLT, Sunday 31 August

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Jon Seattle
I need a hobby
I need a hobby
Posts: 648
Joined: Mon May 29, 2006 6:18 am

Builder's Gymnasium, 1 to 3 PM SLT, Sunday 31 August

Post by Jon Seattle »

Builder's Gymnasium

Join us for an open workshop for and by builders, from from 1 to 3 PM SLT, Sunday 31 August at Colonia Nova, Villa of the Pines (R.07). Note this is after the New Guild meeting. As time allows I will be working on making hearths for a some of my house designs.

What is a Builder's Gymnasium?

1. For Beginners

Most of the time no formal lessons in building will be provided. Instead we will suggest projects and provide one-on-one help.

2. For More Experienced Builders

The ability to bring their projects and get friendly help, suggestions, and critique if desired.

3. For People Willing to Teach

A place to work on your own projects while offering help to others.

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