Let's get it going....

Proposals for legislation and discussions of these

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Pelanor Eldrich
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Let's get it going....

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Both the CSDF and the DPU have large platforms the assembly wants to pass. Let's get started on the draft legislation and the negociation. I'd like to see a minimum of 8 bills passed per meeting. Let's get the details ironed out here.


PS: I look forward to much collaboration and give and take with the CSDF.

Starter conversation: Can we find common ground on the Republic vs. Federation question?

Pelanor Eldrich
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Patroklus Murakami
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Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Well, this is a personal opinion as the CSDF is meeting on Sunday to discuss these issues but... hold your horses Pel!

The last thing I want to see is an RA that passes bill after bill without giving them thorough consideration and allowing for a full public debate on these forums. I'm sure your '8 bills a meeting' suggestion was aspirational rather than realistic!

I think you're right that there is a lot of potential common ground between the DPU and CSDF... but it's a shame that you chose the Republic v. Federation question as the first one to explore! I really hope the DPU isn't going to waste a lot of time in this parliamentary session with the whole federation issue when 1) there are more pressing outcomes to deliver (expansion to our second sim) and 2) the DPUs proposals don't kick in until we have added four more! A discussion of how we might involve some element of local government in the administration of Colonia Nova would be welcome but this will have to involve discussion of how we avoid planting secessionist seeds from the start (which is what I fear the federation proposals will do).

Perhaps we could usefully start with a discussion of something like Guild reform where there is more common ground?

Again, just my personal opinions not an official statement of any kind.

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

I agree that the formation of the "metagovernment" is a bridge we can burn when we come to it. It's not the most urgent question, whereas many others (the executive branch/Guild reform ideas) ARE.

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Pelanor Eldrich
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Ok nix the metagov't...

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Yes I expect full public debate on legislation here prior to meetings. I also expect that much gets passed. I like 8 unanimous bills per session. It's something to aim at. If it's contentious, we can create small instead of omnibus bills.

Ok, new starter question: Guild reform and the executive branch, can we find an agreeable solution?

Pelanor Eldrich
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Claude Desmoulins
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Post by Claude Desmoulins »

I'm going to kick Guild reform/replacement to a new thread. I see Aliasi's point about being able to delay "metagovernment issues". However, the question of the structure of a central executive is kind of linked to the powers and limits it would have so the two questions aren't utterly alien to one another.

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