In some economic planning for CDS, I am using the GMP work, which generally is very helpful. However, I've run into some minor methodology issues. I plan to use the Guild statistics uncritically, for now, in all CDS government planing, but still, am posting here about the parts where I have some questions.
1. Map 02 of the GMP lists no plots in NDS as public. Oh? The following plots obviously are public in the precise sense that no one pays rent .. but nevertheless are separately platted as discrete SL land parcels: Biergarten (384 m2), Rathaus (288), Kirche (1520), Schloss (1856) etc. And MoCA land, also owned by LV = Similar location parcels in CN seem to be counted in the GMP survey. (E.g, the Praetorium and Amphitheatre's 6032 m2 seem to be within the survey's "6" counted parcels ... distinct from undifferentiated public land?) But the NFS ones were not?
2. SImilarly, are all the platted names parcelized roads (like Lowlands Roads in NFS, a 3136 m2 parcel, and Via Main in CN, a 4416 m2 parcel) treated as "public parcels"? or unprcelized space? Is this consistent across the surveyed sims?
regards JP