Board Guild Meeting 7th Sept 2008 - Transcript

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Moon Adamant
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Board Guild Meeting 7th Sept 2008 - Transcript

Post by Moon Adamant »

[11:32] Moon Adamant: ok, let's start
[11:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi again, Jon & Sudane
[11:33] Brian Livingston: So what we could use is for groups, whether they are formal groups (Ne Guild ,MoCA, etc) or informal groups (the We Love Gwyn Association) to start brainstorming float ideas in preperation for the announcement and formal details
[11:33] Sudane Erato: hi :)
[11:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn: & Bri
[11:33] Moon Adamant: welcome everyone
[11:33] Moon Adamant: please rememeber that the meeting is transcripted
[11:33] Brian Livingston waves to Gwyn
[11:33] Moon Adamant: and the agenda is inside the green box
[11:33] Sudane Erato: hmm... float ideas...
[11:33] Moon Adamant: Point1 - Oktoberfest
[11:34] Moon Adamant: Rose isn't here, who is chairing the Oktoberfest efforts
[11:34] Moon Adamant: but Brian has commented that they are looking for artisans willing to sell crafts at the market in Oktoberfest
[11:35] Moon Adamant: and also mentioned floats
[11:35] Moon Adamant: should the Guild have a float of its own?
[11:35] Sudane Erato: what would we float?
[11:35] Sudane Erato: Tony's ship!
[11:35] Moon Adamant: copmpasses and triangles and all-seeing eyes ;)
[11:35] Brian Livingston: As a Guild member, I think ti would be cool, expecially given that we are probably the largest "group" in the CDS
[11:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I should say that Jamie has just given the RA a 'masterplan' for the Oktoberfest
[11:36] Brian Livingston: Hmm...
[11:36] Jon Seattle: Yes, I like the idea :)
[11:36] Jon Seattle: Hi Jo
[11:36] Moon Adamant: hello Jo
[11:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 'masterplan' as in: list of activities; time for each; dates; budget.
[11:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hiya Jo!
[11:36] Jo Sapeur: hi folks :3
[11:36] Sudane Erato: hi :)
[11:36] Moon Adamant: hi Pip :)
[11:36] Jon Seattle: Hi Pip :)
[11:36] Brian Livingston: Hi Jo, Pip :)
[11:36] Jo Sapeur: nom nom nom
[11:36] Jo Sapeur: hi Pip
[11:36] Moon Adamant: Gwyn, what about masterplan?
[11:36] Pip Torok: hi jo moon jon
[11:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: well
[11:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: let me TRY to copy and paste
[11:38] Moon Adamant: hi Jamie :)
[11:38] Jamie Palisades waves
[11:38] Moon Adamant: alll newcomers, please remember these meetings are transcripted
[11:38] Gwyneth Llewelyn: it'+s far quicker to ask Jamie lol
[11:38] Moon Adamant: agenda is in the green box
[11:38] Sudane Erato: my god... the crowd gathers!
[11:38] Moon Adamant: we are discussing oktoberfet
[11:39] Moon Adamant: hi Arria :)
[11:39] Arria Perreault: Hi Moon :-)
[11:39] Sudane Erato: hi! :)
[11:39] Brian Livingston waves to boss-man Jamie
[11:39] Jon Seattle: Hi Arria, hi Justice :)
[11:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe Sudane... they were all at the RA meeting's after-meeting-chat!
[11:39] Moon Adamant: Hi Naftali, Justice
[11:39] Brian Livingston: Hi Arria, Justice :)
[11:39] Naftali Torok: what a meetings.....pffff
[11:39] Jon Seattle: Hi Jamie, Hi Naf :)
[11:39] Arria Perreault: Hi all :-)
[11:39] Naftali Torok: wipes her forehead
[11:39] Moon Adamant: remember the meeting is transcripted, please
[11:39] Naftali Torok: and nips on her soup
[11:39] Moon Adamant: agenda on the green box
[11:39] Naftali Torok: to get at least some dinner feeling
[11:40] Moon Adamant: we are discussing point 1 - oktoberfest
[11:40] Naftali Torok: ok
[11:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Jamie,
[11:40] Moon Adamant: how the Guild can help the PIOs' efforts
[11:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: you had an awesome plan for it
[11:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: could you post it for the NG's benefit please?
[11:40] Jamie Palisades: yes - all will be posted on Forums today :)
[11:41] Moon Adamant: thank you
[11:41] Jamie Palisades: after these meeeeeeeeettttttings (eyes crossed)
[11:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: thanks!
[11:41] Moon Adamant: atm, we are not quite sure what we can do to help you
[11:41] Jamie Palisades: :)
[11:41] Jamie Palisades: well
[11:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: what about just the short overview, and see if some Guild members are willing to help right now?
[11:41] Jamie Palisades: I iwll post a few suggestions
[11:41] Jamie Palisades: but really
[11:41] Jamie Palisades: it;s expansion and sim planning, more than oktoberfest, where I suspect we will need guild help soon
[11:41] Jamie Palisades grins
[11:41] Jamie Palisades: we have some cool but tough choices
[11:41] Moon Adamant: ok, we are here for that
[11:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn notices jamie's evading the question
[11:42] Jamie Palisades: also you will see postigns today about BAC activity :)
[11:42] Jamie Palisades: .. me? How so Madame Senator from CSDF?
[11:42] Moon Adamant: but seeing that O. starts in 13 days, if you will need our help, we will need input from you quickly
[11:42] Jon Seattle: yes, we are pretty good at that
[11:42] Jamie Palisades: well Moon :) Rose asked for somethings earlier
[11:42] Jamie Palisades: didn;t happen so we have made other arrangements
[11:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: tsk :)
[11:43] Jamie Palisades: so the list of "needs things from Guild for OFest" has sorta been cleared by other means :)
[11:43] Jamie Palisades: whic is fine : tihs is SL
[11:43] Moon Adamant: is that been posted?
[11:43] Moon Adamant: has*
[11:43] Naftali Torok: grinss
[11:44] Naftali Torok: hi just
[11:44] Jamie Palisades: I am not plannign to post - or state in recorded meetings - kvetches about unfulilled deliverables when unnecessary, Madam Secretary :)
[11:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ^^
[11:44] Moon Adamant: see my pov
[11:44] Jamie Palisades: I'm more of a "encourage" guy than a "pogrom" guy, style wsie .. myself :)
[11:44] Moon Adamant: i don't have a crystal ball
[11:44] Naftali Torok: lol
[11:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oh pfft Jamie... Moon is offering help, jamie
[11:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: but to help, she needs to know what you're planning to do!...
[11:44] Moon Adamant: so if you need stuff from us, you must tell us what you need
[11:45] Jamie Palisades: Moon I assure you tha if we need anythign from Guild we will give advance notice :) and as for specific help, well, to thye bext of my knowledge all building has proceeded and alreday is about 75% complete
[11:45] Jamie Palisades: I completely agree, Moon, and that's only fair
[11:45] Moon Adamant: ok, thank you
[11:45] Jamie Palisades: in fact that's a lot of the already announced events budget :)
[11:46] Moon Adamant: yes, but i can't read ALL forums
[11:46] Jamie Palisades: BTW I also am acting this week on approval of the deliverd Guild amenities in Locus Amoenus - which are gorgeous, so official thanks to the Guild members for that too :)
[11:46] Moon Adamant: thank you, you're very welcome :)
[11:46] Jamie Palisades mutters amoenus amenities .. hmm .. shold have stayed awake in Latin class ...
[11:47] Moon Adamant: lol
[11:47] Moon Adamant: ok, a bit out of order
[11:47] Moon Adamant: but info point
[11:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[11:47] Moon Adamant: Jon, if you please
[11:48] LULU Signature Command HUD [4.13.03] whispers: Jo,I'm still trying to revive the dead scripts. If you don't hear from me again in a few minutes, detach your HUD and re-wear. Then start "/1.reset" again.
[11:48] Jon Seattle: Ah, yes. The "villia of the pines" that I now own in CN. My idea is to make this available to the guild and other builders who are in need of space with ample prims. I am looking for a good way to do that,
[11:49] Jon Seattle: One approach would be to hand the land over to the guild, and have me pay thei tier through the guild, other approaches might be to set up a CDS bulder's group and put the land in that group's name.
[11:49] Jon Seattle: I am trying not to open to any person who happens by though..
[11:49] Moon Adamant: eeeek another group!
[11:50] Moon Adamant: mind that we already have a Guild resources group
[11:50] Moon Adamant: that is currently unused, except to hold this building
[11:50] Sudane Erato: tier on a specific piece of land can be paid by anyone, and not necessarily by the party that owns the land
[11:51] Jon Seattle: Can it be placed in that group, and have sudane continue to charge me? that would be ideal.
[11:51] Moon Adamant: i second, with thanks~
[11:51] Sudane Erato: that would work from an admin pov
[11:51] Jon Seattle: cool :) lets do that with you permission .
[11:51] Jon Seattle: *your
[11:52] Jamie Palisades: hmmm
[11:52] Jamie Palisades: Jon
[11:52] Jamie Palisades: Guild uses LV prims
[11:52] Jon Seattle: yes :)
[11:52] Jon Seattle: ah, the resource group does not I beleive.. have access to those prims
[11:52] Jamie Palisades: thinkig of your plot sa andbox like - might it want to do the same?
[11:52] Jamie Palisades: just a thought.
[11:52] Sudane Erato: at the moment, there is no LV land in CN... (to my knowledge)
[11:53] Jamie Palisades: yup but CN land :)
[11:53] Jon Seattle: well, the CDS needs to be able to control its prims indeendantly
[11:53] Sudane Erato: the public land is all the CN group
[11:53] Jamie Palisades: just for further muusing :) we are not done rationalizeing all that :)
[11:53] Jon Seattle: and this has lots of unused prims -- about 700 I beleive, so pribubly no need.
[11:53] Moon Adamant: hmmm, maybe not Sudane - my buildings are in the Colonia Nova Builders' group
[11:53] Sudane Erato: ahh... yes..
[11:54] Moon Adamant: in fact, we must discuss
[11:54] Sudane Erato: but not in LV
[11:54] Moon Adamant: but not today
[11:54] Jon Seattle: Let me leave a group, one sec :)
[11:54] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:54] Sudane Erato: its a mishmash
[11:54] Moon Adamant: how to unify the building groups
[11:54] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:54] Jamie Palisades: :) sorry, I created a diversuion - but let's talk about whether that eventually would be desirable Jon .. nd SU and I DFEINITELY are talking more about land control groups :)
[11:54] Moon Adamant: in my opinion, everything public in the CDS should be LV
[11:54] Jamie Palisades: phoen brb
[11:54] Moon Adamant: but ok
[11:55] Moon Adamant: Jon, thanks a lot for the offering of the space
[11:55] Moon Adamant: everyone that needs a bit of space and prims to build, please contact Jon for the Villa
[11:55] Jon Seattle: very welcome :)
[11:55] Moon Adamant: or myself for the classrooms above us
[11:55] Jon Seattle: yes! :)
[11:56] Moon Adamant: Jon, i will ask you maybe that you define a simple procedure for using the Villa - for how long can one build, etc
[11:56] Moon Adamant: can you please do that and post your suggestion in the forum?
[11:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn: like 'terms of service' for the Villa? :)
[11:57] Moon Adamant: yes
[11:57] Jon Seattle: Sure.
[11:57] Moon Adamant: before we get some never-ending project stuck in there :)
[11:57] Moon Adamant: ok
[11:57] Jon Seattle: lol, indeed
[11:57] Moon Adamant: let's resume the agenda
[11:57] Moon Adamant: 2. CDS Information Centre WG.
[11:58] Moon Adamant: afaik, there's nothing new from this group
[11:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :(
[11:58] Moon Adamant: unless Brian is more updated than i am?
[11:59] Brian Livingston: Nopthing yet.
[11:59] Moon Adamant: I haven't seen Cindy around
[11:59] Moon Adamant: ok
[11:59] Moon Adamant: tabled then
[11:59] Moon Adamant: 3. Roman Textures WG
[11:59] Moon Adamant: a mea culpa here
[12:00] Moon Adamant: i don't hav my textures ready yet, for as you know, i have been illish and my work has delayed considerably
[12:00] Moon Adamant: i hope to have them soon
[12:00] Jon Seattle: Moon does an amazing amount..
[12:01] Moon Adamant: not on the last weeks, unfortunately :(
[12:01] Moon Adamant: ok
[12:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ah well
[12:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: nobody has officially complained about the lack of textures, have they?....
[12:01] Moon Adamant: no lol
[12:01] Moon Adamant: they don't have crytsal balls either :))
[12:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe ok
[12:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: so that's not terribly bad
[12:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: from what I've seen at LA,
[12:02] Moon Adamant: no
[12:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: people are managing quite well so far!...
[12:02] Moon Adamant: it just annoys me not to fullfill tasks in the deadline
[12:02] Moon Adamant: so, i apologize
[12:02] Moon Adamant: ok
[12:03] Moon Adamant: 4. Governmental Spaces Re-organization WG.
[12:03] Brian Livingston listens to crickets chirp
[12:03] Moon Adamant: Brian, how are we on this?
[12:03] Sudane Erato: hehe
[12:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol Bri
[12:03] LULU Signature Command HUD [4.13.03] whispers: Jo,I'm still trying to revive the dead scripts. If you don't hear from me again in a few minutes, detach your HUD and re-wear. Then start "/1.reset" again.
[12:03] Brian Livingston: I'll fulyl admit to not havign made much progress on this. I've been sick the past week so my time inworld ro at the comptuer really has been limited :/
[12:04] Moon Adamant: :(
[12:04] Brian Livingston: But it's on my radar
[12:04] Moon Adamant: sorry to hear that :(
[12:04] Moon Adamant: just let's recapitiulate then
[12:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aww so sorry to hear that
[12:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I wish you a quick recovery!....
[12:04] Moon Adamant: what are the next steps?
[12:05] Brian Livingston: Hmmm, at this point, the report is almost complete, we have had one public meeting and I have a transcript as an ote card
[12:05] Moon Adamant: ok
[12:05] Brian Livingston: At this point, we need to cull the variosu viewpoitns from teh transcript and brign togeather a set of final recomendations
[12:05] Brian Livingston: Hold one final meeting on thsoe recomendations, then present tot he Guild
[12:05] Moon Adamant: if you want help, please ask
[12:06] Justice Soothsayer: sorry, gotta run. Fires to put out!
[12:06] Brian Livingston: Will do. I'll put up the transcript on teh forums. I jsut need to scrub out any IMs or group chatter
[12:06] Sudane Erato: hehe
[12:06] Arria Perreault: Bye bye Justice
[12:06] Moon Adamant: bye Justice, and thanks! :)
[12:06] Brian Livingston: Bye Justice ;)
[12:06] Moon Adamant: ok, thank you .)
[12:06] Jamie Palisades: Well, at least you're equipped, Justice
[12:06] Moon Adamant: ok
[12:07] Moon Adamant: we're through the agenda
[12:07] Naftali Torok: BRRR CRASH EVERY 30 MINUTES
[12:07] Naftali Torok: mm back
[12:07] Moon Adamant: i would like to ask if any other business?
[12:07] Sudane Erato: wb :)
[12:07] Moon Adamant: wb Naftali :)
[12:07] Naftali Torok: sigh
[12:07] Naftali Torok: yes good to seeyu all
[12:08] Arria Perreault: bye bye Naftali
[12:08] Naftali Torok: lol bye
[12:08] Moon Adamant: bye! :)
[12:08] Jon Seattle: Bye Naftali :)
[12:08] Moon Adamant: ok everyone, any other issue we should be discussing?
[12:08] Moon Adamant: or can we all go and have a nap? .)
[12:08] Brian Livingston: Woo, nap time :)
[12:08] Naftali Torok: well well
[12:08] Sudane Erato: yay! :)
[12:09] Arria Perreault: wb, Naftaly (sorry)
[12:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[12:09] Moon Adamant: ok, motion to adjourn
[12:10] Sudane Erato: 2nd!
[12:10] Jon Seattle: :) sounds good
[12:10] Arria Perreault: yes :-)
[12:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn votes aye
[12:10] Moon Adamant: aye too and passed
[12:10] Moon Adamant: thank you all
[12:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: thank you :)
[12:11] Moon Adamant: let's meet here again next sunday, hopefully with a more complete agenda and lots of new projects :)

Eudaimonia now!
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