Under the land covenants for Locus Amoenus, [1] land owners can request that the government's executive branch approve the conformance of a building design:
"Upon completion of the exterior construction, notice shall be delivered to the Chancellor and BAC, or posted at a designated site, for approval. If no approval or request for revision has been given by the Chancellor within 15 days from the date the notice of completion is posted or delivered to the Chancellor, the building shall be deemed approved. Alternatively, builders may submit plans to the Chancellor and BAC for pre-approval."
The idea of this rule was to give builders a chance to confirm their design at the start ... to remove the risk of a later unexpected decision that an original building element violates the covenants.
I have been asked to approve two of the new private structures in Locus Amoenus, have reviewed them and have sent my preliminary conclusions to Alexicon Kurka (currently the sole BAC member) for his comment. I expect we will post the results on Friday.
Other persons who create private builds in LA also can have the benefit of this pre-approval if they wish, by giving me similar notice. After which I am required to act in 15 days or else the structure automatically is deemed approved.
Regards JP