CDS Oktoberfest PARADE 21 September 10 am SLT

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Jamie Palisades
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CDS Oktoberfest PARADE 21 September 10 am SLT

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Oktoberfest in CDS opens with the 4th anniversary of CDS on 20 September 2008, and will
continue with a carnival and special events through 5 October in our home sims.

I am delighted to announce, on behalf of the team of volunteers running Oktoberfest, led
by our incredible communitarian and creative resource Rose Springvale, one part of the
festivities that requires advance planning.

From you.

Almost everyone in CDS -- maybe in SL -- likes two things: Building and parties. And of
course the way to combine those two joys is ... a parade.

With your float in it. Which we will hold, on 21 September, planned for 10h00 SLT,
through our four sims.

Here are the ground rules:

1. Entries are hereby solicited. Parameters below. Things can get primmy, so
management reserves the right to limit # of floats. Maybe about 10.

2. Faithful to our history, entries will build on a base structure of a fine old NFS
beer wagon, horse drawn. Tech details in a later post, but basically (a) we will
provide a full mod cart, (b) you decorate with transferable prims, and (c) we will
set it up to follow the tour route. (The Rose Parade in Pasadena does it with Ford
trucks. For Pooram in Tiru-Shiva-Piru they use elephants. This is the 4th
anniversary of the City of Neufreistadt, and Oktoberfest, so we're using a
bierwagen. Go look at the model on the Marktplatz. Beer optional.)

3. Preference will be given to (a) CDS groups (come on, you NGOs and factions),
(b) CDS citizens and merchants, and (c) SL estate regions and groups with which
we have a friendly connection.

4. We will apply no-mature-content rules using LL standards, so as to allow
all to attend, and not require a rating for the SL event notice. (So, for example,
a "Orgies Are Better At The Thermae" float? No problem. Orgy occurring ON the
float? Problem.)

5. Yes. There are prizes.

Notification of an entry is requested, to Rose or me (or anyone else she designates)
ASAP. We're give you a cart and the horse. It's coming soon! So get going! You
will be pleasantly surprised to see who's already entered. Rose is sworn to secrecy :D

The floats will need to be completed and transferable to Rose (or whoever she says),
for scripting/testing, Saturday morning 20 September SLT. We will keep them for
a few days for display, then return them post-party. OK to use non-copy objects,
so long as they all are transferable. We expect, subject to calculations, to apply a
30-prim limit on float decorations actually attached to the cart.

Full mod carts etc. are available from Rose or me if you indicate you are planning
to build a float. Start practicing your wagon riding while waving!

Last edited by Jamie Palisades on Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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Re: CDS Oktoberfest PARADE 21 Sept ... entries info

Post by Jamie Palisades »

For those of you who missed Rose's incredibly dedicated group post, earlier this evening SLT, from a disarrayed but valiant post, ... she asks that people contact her ASAP about Parade Floats and Marktplatz/Carnival vendor booths. Of course, you should also feel free to contact me, as I have a copy of the objects and materials also Thanks to Rose for her adamant dedication in spite of extraordinary issues, and to all of you who are helping to make this events a success by participating. regards JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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Re: CDS Oktoberfest PARADE 21 September 10 am SLT

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

I've got a float for the musicians, Rose....


Rose Springvale
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Re: CDS Oktoberfest PARADE 21 September 10 am SLT

Post by Rose Springvale »

Hi Everyone,
In my alloted hour in SL today, i've rezzed the market stalls, (most of them) in the platz. If you have goods to sell, please go stake your claim. I'll be very sad to see a lot of empty booths.. so even if you don't have something yet, make something! it is just for fun! Jamie, Satir and i think Cindy all have my mod rights if they need to be repositioned while i'm offline.

I've also rezzed a FERRIS WHEEL in the Altenstadt area, but don't cheat and ride early! It will spoil the fun of the opening, but i need to do what i can when i have access. THere is more to come in that area, so be patient.
Tonight i'll finish posters and will try to rez a copiable version so anyone can take it and get the word out.

Is anyone planning a speech for Saturday's Anniversary? (hint hint) Will the anthem be finished? Do we have an approved Flag? (sorry, haven't read transcript from RA meeting yet.)

[email protected] if you want to communicate with me, though FEMA has now hijacked my data line on my cell phone. They seem to be circulating among the carriers, so maybe i'll get mine back tomorrow.

Thanks, and don't forget to build a float! Right now we have more committed from OUTSIDE CDS than inside, and it won't take much...your group logo on beer barrels loaded on the wagon even! Wasn't it fun Cindy?

More soon... if you have any pull with higher powers of non important things, we could use electricity in Houston....

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Jamie Palisades
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Oktoberfest Parade, last call for entries & route

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Rose Springvale or I need to hear from you ASAP if you are entering the Oktoberfest parade on Sunday, but we have not yet got your name or given you a cart to build!

AlLso FYI : the route is planned to START at 10 am at the Locus Amoenus Greek Village area (northwest corner), and END in Neufreistadt. Where the booths and carnival are.

Regards Jamie

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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Parade - float judging

Post by Jamie Palisades »

The base cart we supply is 46 prims. We recommend not attaching any more than 30 additional prims -- so any cart that "weighs in" at more than 76 will not be eligible for the competitive prize.

By the way, the incorruptible artistic force of nature Ms. Sudane Erato has agreed to judge for us. I will play the support role by watching in awe. All decisions are final. No return, no cash value for this bottle. Apply, rinse, repeat. Redheads do, in fact, have more fun. Please do not fold, spindle or annoy the beer cart or the estate owner. Deposits are not insured by the federal government because your banker has just taken up a new career as a surf instructor. Your mileage may vary. Excelsior!

Regards JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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Cindy Ecksol
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Re: CDS Oktoberfest PARADE 21 September 10 am SLT

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Rose Springvale wrote:

Thanks, and don't forget to build a float! Right now we have more committed from OUTSIDE CDS than inside, and it won't take much...your group logo on beer barrels loaded on the wagon even! Wasn't it fun Cindy?

Yes, great fun!!! And the stall was fun too....

<who loves having an excuse to use particles>

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