First, here is a little history for newcomers: ... fest#p8613
This year we are adding two things to the program from last year, and repeating the things that were successful last year.
1. Street Market: We will have stalls all around the market platz intended to be used by merchants. We will "rez" the stalls and citizens may use them to sell hopefully in theme wares during the event at no charge. There is a ten prim limit for items, and try to keep them inside the physical space of the stall. Lederhosen, dirndls, beer steins, animations, etc.. all welcome! Take advantage, we get a LOT of traffic for this event. IMPORTANT: If you want space, let me know by posting as a reply here. I anticipate 10 - 15 stalls will be available.
2. Parade: This will be VERY cool, but only if we have some entries! I've worked with some great builders and scripters to get the base vehicle and the technical aspects of the parade worked out, but now its YOUR turn. It won't take much, but sign up to decorate a wagon! Get with your friends and have a group. Up to five people can RIDE on the float, but as many as you want can be in the parade. Jamie, Brian and I will be distributing the vehicles with instructions on how to complete the project, but we need to know how many of you want to participate! So, again, reply here that you want a float!
3. Sporting events: Opening day we will highlight all our sims with a triathalon, which will include "swimming" through LA and CN, biking (or possibly horseback riding.. thoughts?) up AM, and then "running" to the finish line in the Platz. We'll have t shirts and prizes for the winners, and this event will be open to the whole grid. Swim animations and bikes will be made available to everyone, but you can also bring your own.
4. SOCCER! Yes, we will be using our fancy soccer field under the street! Lilith Ivory has made us tricots for CN and NFS, and is working on new ones for AM and LA. Captain Brian Livingston will handle the brackets and announce time for uniform distribution and practices. Once we have a championship team, we'll invite Caledon to embarrass themselves again If you haven't played soccer SL style, or CDS style, you'll find yourself laughing a LOT.
5. Carnival booths: We will have a dunking booth and a kissing booth, IF there are people who are willing to staff them! Don't be shy, any money we raise will be used to offset the expenses of Oktoberfest!
There are more surprises to come, but wanted to share what we have so far... dig out those lederhosen, dirndl's and funny hats!