OktoBURNfest: CDS in Burning Life

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Rose Springvale
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OktoBURNfest: CDS in Burning Life

Post by Rose Springvale »

Due to the heroic work of our Chancellor, CDS has a popular and fun parcel at Burning Life this year. While "commercial" projects are not allowed, he's cleverly disguised our information in a treasure hunt. Then he added some extra midway rides, freebies and gave it all a special glow. Great place to hang out and enjoy the ambiance of Burning Life and share the message of CDS. Thanks, Jamie!

*edit: The parcel is in the "Chaos" sim. I sent a group notice in world with a landmark, but recognize that the group notice system doesn't consistently work anymore. If you didn't get the notice, you can open the notice history under your Group tabs (CDS group) to find the notice and landmark, or you can ask Jamie, Brian or I in world. Thanks!

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Jamie Palisades
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Last day: OktoBURNfest: CDS in Burning Life

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Thanks to all who visited the CDS Camp installation at Burning Life! The festival, and our installation, is open for one more day, through this evening (Sunday) SLT. Still time to go look, if you have not, to see how we are promoting CDS in-world.

The little light-maze game, which gives out freebie CDS Oktoberfest t-shirts, seems to be a hit -- a visual- and audio-interesting and slightly challenging puzzle apparently suits the spirit of the place ... as do our other giveaways and the copies of our Oktoberfest carnival rides. I've not *once* gone to check (and clear litter) without finding visitors on the Ferris wheel or carousel or counding around the maze.

I'm pleased to report that we have gathered a number of new contacts and pings about CDS. There is a lot of info on site about our art, democracy, theme and residential activities in the center tents. Now we just need to have the right mix of community activity and land to offer them :) Let's talk about that more ... under "Business", "Sim and City Planning" and "Events".

Kudos to Rose for snagging us a great location, in the "land rush" allocation before the event, right inside the main entrance gate for the whole festival. The welcome gate for Burning Life showed SL parcel traffic of 1025 after the opening weekend; ours was 958. Ancedotally, I was told the average camp traffic on the 22 BL sims was running around 200-400. So, big hit.

regards JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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