Introducing myself

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Timo Gufler
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Introducing myself

Post by Timo Gufler »

At least two people have asked me to introduce myself in the forum, so here we go. :)

I became a citizen of C.D.S. about one week ago when I bought a piece of land in Alpine Meadow after looking for a place with consistent cross-sim theme and a strong community. Democratic decision making together with shared ownership impressed me and so I started to look for a land here. I wish I had found this place much earlier but of course you can value a system more when you see the contrast between the old and the new. It must be said that it wasn't so easy to find this place.

There are pros and cons in both democracy and monarchy. My opinion is that most of SL sims are monarchies. If you have a good monarch it's very pleasant to live in his kingdom but the downside is that the monarchs don't rule forever and nobody knows how his successor continues. Democracy is kind to mainstream but sometimes tend to ignore minorities. I hope democracy in C.D.S. is able to understand minorities too because most of us belong to a minority in certain issues.

I have never seen an alpine style sim in SL and it was wonderful that one was found here. Maybe german/alpine style sims could be "the unique product" of C.D.S. (in addition to democracy). ;) Of course the roman areas are well-made and good-looking too. Anyway I liked AM very much because of its theme and green nature look. After walking around a while a kind lady asked if I would like to buy land and offered to sell her second lot for me.

I have some experience in land business and building. In RL I live in Finland and hence English is not my native language that is probably evident if you have read this far.

The people here are very kind. C.D.S. seems to be a wonderful place to live for me.

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Re: Introducing myself

Post by symokurka »

I'm a neighbour of yours, hope to meet you soon in world and have a cup of coffee with you.

Rose Springvale
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Re: Introducing myself

Post by Rose Springvale »

Welcome Timo!

Thanks for taking the time to write this. Sometimes i think we take for granted how lovely the CDS sims are, and what a privilege it is to not be subject to the day to day fluctuations of a single owner.


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Re: Introducing myself

Post by Danton Sideways »

Timo - A belated welcome. I'm inworld pretty rarely these days, so if we meet up, maybe you can fill me in on what is going on in CDS. :?

Rose - But then, we're subject to the day-to-day fluctuations of the ever-shifting democratic majority. Is that better? Personally I think so, but only on the statistical average or something.

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Re: Introducing myself

Post by Rose Springvale »


Yes, i think so too, but in this context i was referring to the fact that in SL, single owner estates can decide at any time to sell out, close up or just walk away. It's just one of the things our form of government protects us from, at least in theory!


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Sonja Strom
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Re: Introducing myself

Post by Sonja Strom »

As an example of this, when I was owner of a dance club I once had to move it because the sim it was on got sold to somebody who wanted the whole sim for another project, and terminated our lease of the land. I had no choice in the matter at all. :?

We had to find a new place that would be good, completely move everything and rebuild it, and then keep trying to let everybody know the club had moved and where its new location was. All of the former landmarks and media references kept directing people to the former sim.

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