Object-Name: notetaker 2.0.1
Region: Colonia Nova (246528, 250112)
Local-Position: (13, 165, 41)
Meeting on 2008-10-26
Those present:
Justice Soothsayer is in the chair.
Justice Soothsayer: be right back
Justice Soothsayer: Hi Sonja, Jamie.
Pip Torok: hi JS hi Sonja
Sonja Strom: Hi Pip, Hi everybody
Pip Torok: hi Divine pleased to meet you!
Sonja Strom: Hi Divine, welcome.
DivineLolita Demonia: heya sonja
Sonja Strom has indicated consent to be recorded.
Jamie Palisades: Good morning, everyone.
DivineLolita Demonia: thank you pip
DivineLolita Demonia: heya
Justice Soothsayer: Hi Jamie
Pip Torok: hi jamie!
Jamie Palisades: Morning Pip - well virtual morning anyway
Jamie Palisades: Love the hat Su
Sudane Erato: thx
Pip Torok: 1st time ive seen you wear one Su!
Jamie Palisades: Justice, nice to see you. DId I imss anything by not auditing the CDSF meeting yesterday?
Justice Soothsayer: Not much, Jamie
Gwyneth Llewelyn: my apologies for beig late... timezone problems lol
Sudane Erato has indicated consent to be recorded.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: You missed all our secret plans, Jamie
Pip Torok: lol
Gwyneth Llewelyn *giggles*
Sonja Strom: aha!!
Sonja Strom: Now the truth comes out!
Sonja Strom: lol
Gwyneth Llewelyn smiles
Justice Soothsayer: I'll wait another minute or two before starting, if thats OK with everyone, to ensure we have a quorum
Gwyneth Llewelyn is fine with that.
Jamie Palisades: If you really want 'secret plans', Gwyn, dear, you really ought to have someone build walls for that church ruin.
Jamie Palisades: As CSDF's next door neighbor, when I rez in world (my home being NFS), if they're around and feel like "dropping in" on a meeting, I can just fly through the hole in the roof ...
Sonja Strom: perfect!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe but that's the whole point
Sonja Strom: Who built the hangglider pad above AM?
Justice Soothsayer: Well, folks, it seems we will not have a quorum, but that might be OK since we don't have anything to vote on today,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: That might explain why nobody came hehe
Gwyneth Llewelyn: well
Gwyneth Llewelyn: nobody besides YOU all!
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Gwyneth Llewelyn has indicated consent to be recorded.
Pip Torok: Dont know Sonja ... but could sure use it!
Justice Soothsayer: Bells has said she must be abesent and asked for a 7-day vote, if we do have to vote on anything.
Sudane Erato: i hang glided yesterday
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ah, ok
Justice Soothsayer: So let's get started.
Sonja Strom: me too!
Jamie Palisades smiles
Sonja Strom: Hello Arria
Sonja Strom: It was fun.
Sonja Strom: Hello Rose
Justice Soothsayer: Ah, a quorum!
Pip Torok: time i got into the action then!
Arria Perreault: Hi! Sorry: tme has changed
Rose Springvale: hello
Pip Torok: hi Arria Hi Rose
Rose Springvale: does anyone mind if i send a group notice?
Justice Soothsayer: The agenda is on the table in the notecard dispenser amphora thingy.
Gwyneth Llewelyn waves at Rose and obviously doesn't mind
Justice Soothsayer: Please note that the meeting is being transcribed and tocuh the recorder on the table to indicate your consent.
Jamie Palisades: Pleas do routinely, Rose. Citizens -- particulalrly new ones -- seem to like to know when the RA meetings.
Arria Perreault has indicated consent to be recorded.
Jamie Palisades has indicated consent to be recorded.
Jamie Palisades: occur.
Rose Springvale: i've sent one already, but with the time change i thought it might be helpful.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, good point, Jamie.
Justice Soothsayer: Thanks, Rose.
Justice Soothsayer: Does anyone have any changes to the proposed agenda?
Jamie Palisades: sorry, posted where?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Just some 'announcements' regarding the committes, but that can be on the last point (c. Open Discussion)
Justice Soothsayer: Agenda is posted on the forums under Announcements, and is also in the notecard dispenser on the table.
Jamie Palisades: ty
Rose Springvale has indicated consent to be recorded.
Justice Soothsayer: Hearing no other changes, let's move on. Does anyone not on the RA wish to sign up to speak on any of the agenda items?
Jamie Palisades: me on II a (new sim) please
Gwyneth Llewelyn *snickers* I thought so...!
Jamie Palisades: oh and I d briefly
Justice Soothsayer: Noted
Jamie Palisades: Thank you for your snicker, madame senator I'll save mine for now
Justice Soothsayer: Get all your snickers while trick-or-treating on Friday, please.
Justice Soothsayer: MOving on to Item I d, future RA meeting times.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm.
Justice Soothsayer: We have been meeting at least every 2 weeks, and I would propose to do the same thing next month
Justice Soothsayer: unless events dictate meeting more frequently.
Justice Soothsayer: So that would have us meeting on 9 November and 23 November, and avoiding the US Thanksgiving Day weekend at the end of the month.
Justice Soothsayer: Will that work for everyone's schedules?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ah, clever.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: it works for me, yes (I hope!)
Justice Soothsayer: Jamie?
Jamie Palisades: yes?
Jamie Palisades: comment on Id?
Justice Soothsayer: you wanted to speak on I d?
Jamie Palisades: Only this, to reinforce my PIO's comments earlier
Jamie Palisades: We get a LOT of requests for RA meeting times
Jamie Palisades: people want to come watch
Jamie Palisades: especiually newbies
Justice Soothsayer: Excellent!
Gwyneth Llewelyn seconds the proposal of announcing the RA meetings more, either via notices, IMs, etc...
Jamie Palisades: of which we have four or five this month, BTW, mostly due to Ofest publicityy
Jamie Palisades: but
Jamie Palisades: that means I want something from you
Jamie Palisades: reliable dates and times set in advance
Pip Torok: can i suggest RA dates AND times routinely go on group notices?
Justice Soothsayer: I'll also mention that Rose suggested (a GREAT idea) that we have an open coffee hour on the Sundays when the RA doesn't meet.
Jamie Palisades: and posted on our calendar
Jamie Palisades: so as to dates, if you can fixe them now for a few months that would be GREAT for our recruiting ...
Jamie Palisades: and the coffe hour idea is, well
Jamie Palisades grins at Gwyn
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I like that!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: very much so
Jamie Palisades: simply a way to obey the ignored law that we have government uquetsion hours
Gwyneth Llewelyn: where would that be?
Sudane Erato: will we serve coffee?
Pip Torok: hi Delia!
Jamie Palisades: how about the biergarten?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, and cakes!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: aha an excellent choice
Delia Lake: hi everyone. still rezzing
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi Delia!
Sonja Strom: Hi Delia
Jamie Palisades: the law we have ignored authorizes me to set that up, I thikn, so I will sned out the relevant announcements, unless someone here wants to change that law
Justice Soothsayer: So sticking with the one per fortnight, we could do 7 December and 21 December
Justice Soothsayer: Does that work for everyone?
Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* and agrees
Pip Torok: cunningly well!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: oh, so not earlier? in November I mean?
Pip Torok: Symo! ... hi ...
Justice Soothsayer: with our meeting dates fixed for Nov & Dec, that frees up some dates for Rose/JAmie to schedule other events on the alternating Sundays
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, Justice.
Sonja Strom: hi Symo
Jamie Palisades: excellent
Jamie Palisades: however
Jamie Palisades: for tiume zone reasons
Jamie Palisades: i may not suggest they ALL occur at the same time of day, hm?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: or do it twice in a day?
Justice Soothsayer: Lets move on - I have to leave around 10:30.
Justice Soothsayer: Item II a is New Guild report includind discussion of proposed new sim
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ok, and the Guild will complain if we take too long hehe
Sonja Strom: Hi Naftali
Naftali Torok: evening friends
Justice Soothsayer: Anybody here to report from the Guild?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: uh oh
Pip Torok: hi Naf!
Delia Lake: hi Nafti, hi Symo
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Did the Guild already meet about that?
Rose Springvale: no
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I thought not, they would meet today?
Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* @ Rose
Rose Springvale: there is a meeting at 11
Justice Soothsayer: We may be premature on this, since the Guild is scheduled to meet @ 11 today
Gwyneth Llewelyn: indeed ...
Gwyneth Llewelyn: However, we should raise a minor procedural matter first
Justice Soothsayer: Whats that, Gwyn?
Sonja Strom: Hi Flyingroc!
Sonja Strom: Hi Timo!
Justice Soothsayer: Hiya Hokie!
Sonja Strom: welcome
Naftali Torok: hi roc, hi timo
Pip Torok: hi flyingroc hi Timo
Timo Gufler: hello everyone
Arria Perreault: Hi
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi FR
Delia Lake: hi FR
Rose Springvale: timo, welcome!
Jamie Palisades: Do tell, madame senator ...
Rose Springvale: hi frc !
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi Timo!
Pip Torok: (might run out of seats soon!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh, sorry, got carried away lol
Flyingroc Chung: hello
Rose Springvale: we can get more!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok... this is more a request for Arria really... may I point out NL 8-2, http://portal.slcds.info/index.php?id=214
Timo Gufler: somehow this reminds me of Finnish sauna
Gwyneth Llewelyn: So hmm the relevant point here:
Gwyneth Llewelyn: The RA would commission the New Guild to produce a rough plan for the new sim(s) following broad guidelines laid down by the RA for (i) the rough number of plots (ii) the range of sizes of plots (iii) price and affordability (iv) single/double prim (v) rough balance between public, private and commercial land (vi) any specific public builds e.g. the ampitheatre (vii) any other infrastructure that can serve the interest of the community and territory.
Arria Perreault: I have all informations almost ready
Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, these 'broad guidelines' were presented by Arria... but in a scattered format,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, Arria,
Jamie Palisades: ( Yikes, Timo - no,but here we have other ways to generate heat and smoke )
Gwyneth Llewelyn: it would nice to have them as a document!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: or a forum post
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Just a single place where all the 'guidelines' are clearly laid out.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: so that we don't need to 'fish for information', looking at chat transcripts, forum posts, etc
Arria Perreault: due to change hour I am a bit late ..., I am working on it right now
Jamie Palisades smiles - if we are on that point, Mr LRA , I will still ask to address it when convenient.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: the information is "out there", just not on a single place
Arria Perreault: I have also a map
Gwyneth Llewelyn: That's all from me.
Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* @ Arria!
Justice Soothsayer: Jamie, you wanted to address this matter, so go ahead.
Arria Perreault: should I give these informations now?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (if you have them why not? )
Arria Perreault: in the latest version of the proposal, we have taken in account every remark in thr forums
Justice Soothsayer: Arria, I think the point is that it would be good to assemble it all into one document, with map.
Arria Perreault: not in a ready form
Arria Perreault: I am doing this right now
Jamie Palisades: Let me just note that Arria has at each stage provided everything we asked her to provide, thus far. The RA's decision to apply NL 8-2 added new requirements of which I think no one informed her. So, as far as I am concerned, she's timely. This material now will go to the Guild under NL 8-2 for their reactions.
Justice Soothsayer: Is this on the New Guild agenda for 11 am today?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm
Jamie Palisades: At your last meeting Miss Llewelyn opine dthat the Guild would act quickly I have asked for a thougtful and independent review by them, for the sake of prudence. Do we have any sense of their availability plans or timing, from any Guild members?
Timo Gufler: sorry I must return to RL now see you later...
Sudane Erato: Moon proposes the agenda
Jamie Palisades: Cheers Timo
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (bye Timo!)
Rose Springvale: I'm sure it will be on the Agenda
Rose Springvale: but we've not seen that yet.
Arria Perreault: I can present the project now
Justice Soothsayer: Anything new to add to what has already been discussed, Arria?
Jamie Palisades: I would be skeptical, sorry, if the Guild acted this morning on information received this morning.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Guild agenda so far: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2170 (look at point 1)
Jamie Palisades: The review is supposed ot be in the nature of feasibility and fit -- which I'd expect would require at least a litle reading and thought.
Rose Springvale: Moon generally establishes a work group for such review
Jamie Palisades: (Although it goes form them to the executive, and you can be cofortable we will do so, in any case.)
Arria Perreault: she proposed me that this group be Virtus
Jamie Palisades: Excuse me?
Jamie Palisades: The Guild wishes to have the independent review of Virtus' project done by Virtus?
Arria Perreault: not for the review
Arria Perreault: for doing the job, sorry
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Again, from the Guild's agenda: 1. Monastery sim - Assessment of current work, definition of workgroup, planning
Gwyneth Llewelyn: so definitely a workgroup is planned to be created for this.
Justice Soothsayer: Lets not jump the gun, it seems this should be left to the Guild for now
Arria Perreault: Ladies and gentlemen, I could provide all the informations
Arria Perreault: I can show the plan
Jamie Palisades: Justicem forgive me, but I think Gwyn's point was that the information Arria has SHOULD be given to the RA at this stage and THEN to the Guild (under NL 8-2). So, respectfully, you might want at least to permit a brief summary and delivery .
Jamie Palisades raises huis eyebrow at the flower-wearing orange haired senator. No?
Justice Soothsayer: If its ready, by all means, go ahead Arria.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'd be glad to see what's available of course!
Arria Perreault: here is the map in relief
Justice Soothsayer notes for the transcript that Arria has just rezzed a topo map
Gwyneth Llewelyn: mmmh nice!
Arria Perreault: do you see something?
Symo Kurka: nope i do not
Jamie Palisades: I do
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I do, it took a bit though!
Sonja Strom: I do
Jamie Palisades: a terrain map
Arria Perreault: yes
Delia Lake: Arria, where exactly is this sim designed to fit? next to AM?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: To the west of AM, yes.
Jamie Palisades: arria, in that map, the neufreistadt corner is the far high corner, and the lower left edge is the border with Locus Ameonus, yes?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: or south of Locus Amoenus
Arria Perreault: you can see the place where the Monastery is
Arria Perreault: yes, Jamie
Sonja Strom: Hi Ria, welcome.
Arria Perreault: then we propose that the six plots are in a fishing village near the sea
Pip Torok: hi ria
Jamie Palisades: so te new Monastery would be at *appromistaely* the same elevation as the old one.
Ria Boucher: hello all
Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
Gwyneth Llewelyn: and hi Ria!
Delia Lake: hi Ria
Arria Perreault: yes, Monastery will be at the same level
Arria Perreault: the the river which goes to LA come from this lake
Rose Springvale: arria, if you have a texture that is copiable, several people still can't see the map.
Rose Springvale: i'll hand it out if you give ot me
Rose Springvale: to*
Arria Perreault: and the lake comes from a small cascade which is under the Monastery
Symo Kurka: where is north arria?
Arria Perreault: the lake can be a skate area for the winter
Arria Perreault: north is lake side
Arria Perreault: sea is west
Arria Perreault: Ulysse is now designing a ski or sled slop in the east part, near AM
Gwyneth Llewelyn: the map shows somewhat how it would look like if you'd be in Locus Amoenus, looking upwards the mountain towards Neufreistadt...
Arria Perreault: he is a great specialist of ski in SL
Arria Perreault: yes, Gwyn
Jamie Palisades: so the rented lands would circle the lake? Heh heh Lausanne, n'est ce pas?
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Arria Perreault: no, in front of the sea
Jamie Palisades: where is the sea?
Arria Perreault: where is the red square
Jamie Palisades: oh
Jamie Palisades: hm
Justice Soothsayer: lakefront might be marketable, eh?
Jamie Palisades: well we will need to chat with the Guild about the rentability and feasibility of this All of teh UNrented land we have left in LA has the same configuration ... and yet all of the mountain hillside land in AM always sells.
Arria Perreault: yes, but sea front also
Arria Perreault: and lake can be a recreationnal area
Arria Perreault: I am rezzing the two other plans
Jamie Palisades: just to be clear about the map : the lower right edge, which faces um West, would touch sea level at 20 metres? Like the west edge of LA does now?
Arria Perreault: the map
Jamie Palisades: ah - yes, - the left picture answers my question
Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, that one has a better orientation!
Jamie Palisades: gads. Mr LAR it seems to me that any reactions about the lots size or etc and better saved for the Guild? What's your wish regarding deeper chat at this time?
Arria Perreault: on the right and left maps, north is above
Jamie Palisades: &LRA
Arria Perreault: now the plots
Arria Perreault: as you can see, we have not 6 plots but 7
Pip Torok: hi Pat
Sonja Strom: Hi Patroklus
Arria Perreault: the 6 plots near the sea will form a small fishing village
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi Pat
Delia Lake: hi Pat
Symo Kurka: just to be sure... where is NFS border in the LEFT map?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: and jamie... this is the 'rough guidelines' that the RA proposes to the Guild... the Guild will then work from that and do a more complete/changed plan
Sudane Erato: there is no NFS border... only a corner
Arria Perreault: we have taken the remark concerning Virtus and we propose that Virtus rent a plot that correspond to the Library of the Monastery
Sudane Erato: the lower right corner
Gwyneth Llewelyn: and then the Executive will finish it up
Patroklus Murakami: hi everyone
Delia Lake: the highest elevation corner would touch the corner of NFS
Arria Perreault: If I take all the informations in the right order:
Arria Perreault: (i) the rough number of plots
6 normal plots
1 plot for NGO Virtus corresponding to Monastery Library
Rose Springvale: someone needs to look at the openspace load issue with all of these plans in one open space sim
Sudane Erato:
Gwyneth Llewelyn: definitely, Rose!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm sure there is enough know-how on that at the Guild
Arria Perreault: (ii) the range of sizes of plots
1x512 msq
one plot corresponding to Monastery Library
Arria Perreault: (iii) price and affordability
6 plots 512 msq/250 prims/12 US$ month fees
1 plot NGO corresponding to Monastery Library /15 US$
Arria Perreault: (iv) single/double prim
double prim
Arria Perreault: (v) rough balance between public, private and commercial land
40% of the prims for private use
10% of the prims ffor the NGO use (plot)
50% of the prims ffor public use
Gwyneth Llewelyn: mmmh pretty thorough homework already...
Arria Perreault: (vi) any specific public builds e.g. the ampitheatre
The Monastery
Symo Kurka: Humm
Arria Perreault: (vii) any other infrastructure that can serve the interest of the community and territory
lake and skating area for winter
ski or sled slope for winter
maybe a bridge
Gwyneth Llewelyn sees already Syno thinking deeply
Symo Kurka: Hum hum
Arria Perreault: any questions?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
Justice Soothsayer: I'm a little time-sensitive this morning; lets wrap this up with no more than 5 mins of Q&A/discussion, please
Sonja Strom raises hand
Symo Kurka: just one question arria, may i?
Arria Perreault: ok
Justice Soothsayer: Sonja first, then Symo
Symo Kurka: would it be possible to have the left map joined to AM and LA maps, so we get a general idea?
Symo Kurka: of borders coherence...
Arria Perreault: we have made measure
Arria Perreault: every ten meters
Arria Perreault: the border with AM is exact
Gwyneth Llewelyn: brb
Arria Perreault: same for LA
Symo Kurka: no doubt...
Symo Kurka: but it would be helpful seeing what is on the other side(s)
Arria Perreault: I must ask Ulysse
Symo Kurka: (sorry sonja i notice i'm overtaking you)
Symo Kurka: (no more questions)
Justice Soothsayer: Sonja?
Sonja Strom: it's ok
Sonja Strom: Arria, from the discussion so far I am wondering if you would be willing to have this sim be created to the East of Alpine Meadow?
Arria Perreault: as I have told in the forums, I think it is an emergency to fill this visual gap. I see this as a synergy
Pip Torok: why so, Sonja?
Arria Perreault: but if RA will, we can build on the other side
DivineLolita Demonia: sorry.. i must go.. thank you for letting me sit in and listen... see you all...
Arria Perreault: we have to reverse the map
Sonja Strom: Bye Divine
Pip Torok: see you DLD
Sonja Strom: Pip, there are a couple of issues I see, that I think that could address.
Pip Torok: but why, Sonja?
Arria Perreault: yes, why?
Sonja Strom: I like this project, but it is going against the Master Plan's concept for the area.
Justice Soothsayer: OK folks, I need to step in here.
Symo Kurka: ????
Sonja Strom: OK Justice.
Justice Soothsayer: (1) time is up, and (2) how this proposal fits with the plan is expressly what the NG is to give us feedback on.
Arria Perreault: As Symo as told in the forum, GMP is a guide line
Justice Soothsayer: And I want to allow sufficient time for Chancellor's report
Sonja Strom: I had more I could say, but am following Justice's leadership.
Justice Soothsayer: Sorry, Sonja
Justice Soothsayer: Guild at 11.
Sonja Strom: No problem, just wanted it to be stated.
Justice Soothsayer: (like "film at 11", but more fun)
Justice Soothsayer: OK, folks, marching ever forward.... the Flag Bill is on our agenda next, but mainly as a placeholder for further consideration when a consensus is built, IMHO.
Pip Torok: agree
Justice Soothsayer: Any objection to moving on to Chancellor's report?
Justice Soothsayer: and many thanks, Arria, for the excellent work!
Arria Perreault: thank you
Arria Perreault: can I go to the Guild with these informations?
Justice Soothsayer: Yes, please do, Arria (speaking for myself)
Arria Perreault: ok
Pip Torok: and for me ...
Justice Soothsayer: OK
Justice Soothsayer: So....
Justice Soothsayer: Jamie...
Justice Soothsayer: you're up.
Jamie Palisades: Chancellor report, Justice?
Justice Soothsayer: Please.
Jamie Palisades smiles - very well. Thanks.
Jamie Palisades: Good morning. I have five items. 1. As Sonja is here, may I just remind you of her appointment as land caretaker, and tell you she has been doing a great, diligent job. Thanks again, Sonja.
Gwyneth Llewelyn claps
Jamie Palisades waves across the room
Sonja Strom: Weclcome
Sudane Erato: yay!
Symo Kurka: clap
Justice Soothsayer: hear, hear
Pip Torok applauds
Jamie Palisades: 2. Publicity and events. We are enjoying a small influx of new citizens thanks mostly to oktoberfest, events and PR. Rose and Sudane and I are owrkingto orient them. (Although te current land system prevents us from getting to them or learning about them in a timely manner.) So far, so good -- in terms of our theory that events create PR and that generates newcomers. Kudos to many, lead by our co-PIO Rose.
Jamie Palisades: You saw one this morning, Timo
Jamie Palisades nods at Rose, behind him
Sudane Erato: yay Rose !
Rose Springvale looks up and blushes
Jamie Palisades: 3. Land sales and vacancies. This generally is not going as well as I would like, although it is not catastrophic and not at a low point statiscally for CDS. I have posted some comments about that in the forums. I expect in 2 weeks to bring you several propsoed changes to the law about land sales and rent payment laws. Between now and then I will talk to the factions and post some public suggestions for review.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: excellent work then!!!
Symo Kurka: claps
Jamie Palisades: You can find my post on vacancies on today's Forum postings.
Jamie Palisades: I have not yet posted to the Forum on some other views, but let me share them here.
Jamie Palisades: AM sold fast.
Jamie Palisades: It is Alpine theme, a pretty (and unusual for SL) hillside, and had small lots in the mix.
Jamie Palisades: We got LOTS of great NEW people from it.
Jamie Palisades: A success to me.
Jamie Palisades: LA? Well, the economy is different - but also
Jamie Palisades: Roman theme
Jamie Palisades: Flattish
Jamie Palisades: SO far a large propoprtion of sales to prior residents who move there are out of old space
Jamie Palisades: Not a net fiscal gain for us, when that happens.
Jamie Palisades: so
Jamie Palisades: WE need to think about WHAT we sell next
Arria Perreault: Jamie, I have a question
Jamie Palisades grins - one of the reasons I like that hilly map over there (pointing at Arria's cvharts)
Moon Adamant: hello all )
Flyingroc Chung: are the old polts not selling?
Sonja Strom: Hi Moon
Rose Springvale: hi Moon
Pip Torok: hi moon
Arria Perreault: Hi Moon
Delia Lake: hi Moon
Jamie Palisades: As I posted to the Forums, Roc, due to CDS' Direct Land Sales Act anyoen can see what is not sold
Jamie Palisades: I believ ethat hurts us and will proposed change next month by the way.
Patroklus Murakami: old plots are not selling FR. i've had one on the market for months. it will be abandoned tomorrow if it doesn't go...
Jamie Palisades: But note this trend
Jamie Palisades: MOst of the recent sales? NFS turnover
Jamie Palisades: those fachwerken and scenic places get bought fast
Jamie Palisades: practiclaly always
Jamie Palisades: Arria has a question?
Jamie Palisades: ((Justice I am halfway through FYI)
Jamie Palisades: (so I may ask to hold Qs for the end after ARria)
Arria Perreault: yes, about CN. I have notices that some plots are for sale. Is it an opportunity to start the plan for economical development?
Justice Soothsayer: OK Jamie. I have to leave promtply @ `1030 but meeting could continue in my absence I suppose
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hmm
Gwyneth Llewelyn: we'd have to get an acting LRA?
Justice Soothsayer: or just meander leaderless, Gwyn
Jamie Palisades: Arria, in a VERY short answer, yes. By RA act I must report to you on 15 November on this
Jamie Palisades: And you are EXACTLY right
Jamie Palisades: now
Jamie Palisades: to finish
Arria Perreault: great
Gwyneth Llewelyn also reminds the members that the Guild has requested that the RA doesn't stretch their meetings beyond the hour, so that the Guild has a quorum...
Jamie Palisades: I wil share any further thoughts about 5th Sim (Locus Arria?) with the Guild
Sudane Erato:
Jamie Palisades smiles
Jamie Palisades: 4. Expansion. I do not expect to propose new sims for the next few months, as I believe the economic market for unrented land is uncertain. However, there are three other avanuees for us to explore. (a) Arria's proposal. (b) Potentially feasible acquisiton of another void or two for scenuic and perhaps NGO uses. (c) Potential adjoinment with Al Andalus, a region which has a number of citizens jointly with CDS (I see several here, and I am one), along the lines they have discussed on a nonbinding basis in their own government planning discussions.
Jamie Palisades: ...
Jamie Palisades: As to (a), it's Well underway, as we heard. Arria, thank you again for all of your work, and offering to share the risk.
Arria Perreault: not Locus Arria, Monastery
Jamie Palisades: ...
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ooooh
Jamie Palisades: As to (b) I believe it wil lprove feasible economically but wanted to confirm the Virtus sim orientation and economics first -- on which we're almost done -- and confer twith the GUild -- which has not met much lately, so I hope that to be a Npvember conversation.
Jamie Palisades: ...
Moon Adamant: we'll start discussing the sim today
Jamie Palisades: thanks
Jamie Palisades: ...
Jamie Palisades: As to (c), I think it would be unseemly for CDS to rush in like a colonizing conquistador. I suspect they will come to us, looking at us an option. If that happens so I think it;s the best way to proceed. I believ we would need to make our local governance methods more attractive to be attractuie to them -- or indeed, to ANY future merger or acquisiton sim estates, few of who I expcet woud happily just turn over their assets by giving unlimited power to strangers. (Us.)
Jamie Palisades: ...
Jamie Palisades: SO I also expect during November to propose some slight improvements to the stability and localization aspects of our current system. We'll see. I have high hopes.
Jamie Palisades: For our attractiveness, but also for this government's flexibility.
Patroklus Murakami: maybe we should see some info on (c) before rushing to judgement? since, as far as i know, it's the first time this idea has been aired publicly?
Jamie Palisades: As I said: we'll see.
Justice Soothsayer: So no hostile takeover of Caledon, what?
Pip Torok: lol
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Not yet!
Sudane Erato: awwww
Gwyneth Llewelyn: we'll get there!
Jamie Palisades: I agree No action is sought. I;m sorry, not quite finished. DId CSDF wish to do something at the monment Pat?
Jamie Palisades: ..
Patroklus Murakami: what do you mean?
Jamie Palisades: hearing onthing then ..
Jamie Palisades: oh well - you spoke up ") may I continue?
Jamie Palisades: Mindful of Justice' time constaints ...
Jamie Palisades: 5. Finally, a minor item. During octoberfest I expanded the main CDS information center by simply donating my own lot next door. Everyone seems to like it. I will propose that the RA at its next meeting approve a swap, wherein i personally give CDS that lot permanently, and trade it for the one across the Platz that's underused as a "store for citizens". The few citizen vendors we have can be moved into the expanded location, or elsewhere, fairly easily. No -- we have no conflict on interest laws in CDS so I as chancellor in fact would be permitted to do this myself! Even though it's my land But that's not how we should work.
Jamie Palisades: SO I will ask the RA to approve the swap at its next meeting.
Patroklus Murakami: i'm just commenting on your 'we ought to do this' comment thrown in to your report. no plan from anybody contained in my comments
Jamie Palisades: If not I will restore the old bldg as is. in two weeks
Justice Soothsayer: Thanks, Jamie. I see you've reached item 5 of 5.
Jamie Palisades: I sam not yet ready to say we ought to do anything with AA Pat, other than talk to them, and listen.. ideally, more of the latter than the former.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: seems peaceful enough, the tourism office was a great idea
Jamie Palisades: Thanks Gywn, got good pings on the objects there
Gwyneth Llewelyn: as for AA... hehe.... 'let's open conversations', that's all I can say for now
Justice Soothsayer: Though 4(c) is a humdinger.
Jamie Palisades: thanks mostly to Rose's concerts events evente events
Pip Torok: like JS must leave now
Jamie Palisades: ?me smiles plesantly - As we are a faction centric system I expetc to be taking to each faction that will chat with me about AA in the next two weeks.
Flyingroc Chung: I need to go as well
Justice Soothsayer: Yup, Pip.
Justice Soothsayer: But I'll be glad to let the discussion continue without me, as there is nothing to vote on.
Moon Adamant has indicated consent to be recorded.
Patroklus Murakami: what approach have you had from AA jamie?
Justice Soothsayer: I'll just ask Gwyn to return the recording device to me at the end of the meeting.
Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
Justice Soothsayer: Very interesting report, Jamie. I;ll look forward to elaboration in the forums.
Jamie Palisades notes Pat's Q and is waiting for the post-meeting amenities - we can go on a few mins informally, hmn?
Justice Soothsayer: Sorry I have to depart.
Jamie Palisades: Thanks Justice
Moon Adamant: bye Justice, and thanks
Jamie Palisades: OK
Jamie Palisades: iunformal chat, about AA
Jamie Palisades: I note there are multiple conflicts of interest here
Jamie Palisades: many CDS citizens own there, among other things
Jamie Palisades: including me
Jamie Palisades: they were established by CDS citizens
Jamie Palisades: who could have doen it within CDS
Arria Perreault: - Map of the 4 sims is rezzing (for Symo) -
Jamie Palisades: but then I suppose Cedar Isalnd, SLNE and others "could have" as well, so no crticism of any one
Jamie Palisades: for that matter
Jamie Palisades: any number of ventures of our citizens could have attached to CDS
Gwyneth Llewelyn smiles
Jamie Palisades: Arria is good enough to suggest it
Jamie Palisades: others preferred to go their own way
Jamie Palisades: now
Jamie Palisades: before AA
Jamie Palisades: let me say
Jamie Palisades: 'I;m talking to some others too
Jamie Palisades: if we have a citizen doing cool stuff
Jamie Palisades: why NOIT ask the if it would work well attached to CDS?
Jamie Palisades: *ask them
Jamie Palisades: but
Jamie Palisades: courtest and diplomacy do NOT work by waving a flag
Jamie Palisades: imagine if AI wanted to ask Gwyn and Moon's Beta Tech to move this islands home to attach to us
Patroklus Murakami: sorry, but i don't get the 'why'. AA was set up independently of the CDS. and there's nothing wrong with that. why an approach for 'adjoinment'? what has been discussed?
Jamie Palisades: would they want us to TALk to them first?
Jamie Palisades: or just post a forum screed?
Jamie Palisades:
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Moon Adamant: i would like to chime in when possible
Jamie Palisades points to the "conquistador" remarks earlier
Jamie Palisades: now as to AA
Jamie Palisades: it;s a year old
Jamie Palisades: its original plans were not fully realized
Gwyneth Llewelyn: sure, Moon, we have no LRA ? but you're fine to talk after Jamie's finished
Jamie Palisades: it is reorganzing
Jamie Palisades: Thank you madame boss in limbo
Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
Jamie Palisades: (can we PLEASE get an official LRA-deputy law in place?)
Jamie Palisades: ahem AA
Jamie Palisades: it is reorganzing
Jamie Palisades: there's virtuous overlap
Jamie Palisades: they are interested in some of the same thigns as us, to wit:
Jamie Palisades: (a) selfgovernance experiments
Jamie Palisades: (b) string well executed and scenic themes
Jamie Palisades: *strong
Jamie Palisades: and (c) broadly speaking, nonprofit status
Jamie Palisades: there is no Gwyn for Beta , no Su for SLNE, no Jo for Cedar -- just a nonprofit which intended to own in tryst
Jamie Palisades: trust
Jamie Palisades: btw
Jamie Palisades: for those who don;t know
Jamie Palisades: Our Rose fills that role for them, rather like Sudane does for CDS
Jamie Palisades: so
Jamie Palisades: we are sort of thematically compatible,
Jamie Palisades: but there also are incomptaibilities
Jamie Palisades: among which I see these
Patroklus Murakami: jamie, i think we need a 'forum screed' to set out what's being proposed. it's all very well for people to be talking to each other but we need some transparency in government. this is the first time most of us have heard about this idea
Jamie Palisades: (a) different theme andthey want to keep it - woud likely rject a plan that lets us change it, ever theorerically
Moon Adamant: I would say that Jamie is giving us all the info he can atm
Jamie Palisades: (b) A much more communtarian, Cedar Isle-like, much less fractious and triumphalist governmetn than CDS
Jamie Palisades: sorry, Pat, did you want to interrupr again? I can stop if you like
Jamie Palisades: oi fat I thikn I wikll
Jamie Palisades: Let;'s give the Guild and Arria a chance to prepare
Jamie Palisades: they need it
Moon Adamant: may i speak then?
Patroklus Murakami: i thought we were able to ask question? do i have to wait for a while til you're finished?
Jamie Palisades: and Pat - i will NOT make web postings about this until I have woprds I feel are APPROPRIATRW to CONSPICUOUS posting because -- duh -- AA reads the web tooi
Jamie Palisades: This is a prelimiary, iunformal meeting.
Jamie Palisades: Where we can talk more in an exploratory way
Jamie Palisades: Or not, acording to your taste, Pat.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: For the sake of keeping order, I'd just sahy the following: let us listen to Jamie until the end, then Moon next, and finally Pat again
Jamie Palisades: I believ eI wil lresere any other coments and listen happil y to the veiws of others
Moon Adamant: ok
Moon Adamant: then i'll start
Patroklus Murakami: umm. transparency? and jamie's been talking since 10:30. when does anyone else get a word in? /me waits for moon...
Moon Adamant: first of all, i don't think that AA and CDS sharing citizens invalidate any tentative of approach
Moon Adamant: that would be a bit like saying if you own land in NFS, you can'y own it in CN
Moon Adamant: i myself have a house in Cedar and an part of teh Cedar Community
Jamie Palisades: I objetc to Mr Muyrakami;s insinutaions. I expect civlity. You asked for a report. informally Or rather, the RA did., They have receievd as much of it as I have been POERMITTED to give civilly.
Moon Adamant: looking at the idea from a technical pov
Moon Adamant: which is as always my main concern
Moon Adamant: it would allow us to test Symo's GMP notion of clusters
Moon Adamant: and that would be extremely interesting from an urbanistic pov
Moon Adamant: that's it
Gwyneth Llewelyn: thank you Moon. pat?
Patroklus Murakami: i'd just like some transparency in govnt
Patroklus Murakami: this is the first time this idea has been publicly aired
Patroklus Murakami: yet it's clear that some have been talking about it for a while
Patroklus Murakami: let's have that out in the open, on the forums where all our citizens can read
Patroklus Murakami: let's know waht the proposal is from AA
Jamie Palisades sighs at politics as usual: Mr former LRA, I invite you to give me detail on any matter where you think transparency is required or advisable and has not been provided. I ask you not to bandy about slurs if there aren't any.
Patroklus Murakami: and what changes that might require in the CDS
Jamie Palisades: THERE IS NO PROPOSAL YET -- clear enough?>
Patroklus Murakami: could i finish?
Patroklus Murakami: and i haven't bandied any slurs
Jamie Palisades: Oh, sorry, are interrupotions inappropriate?
Jamie Palisades: in this informal chat?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: *sigh*
Patroklus Murakami: i believe i have the floor
Jamie Palisades: Indees sigh
Patroklus Murakami: it's very disturbing that you react so badly to the request for openness
Patroklus Murakami: when there's a proposal, let's make it public
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, Pat, it is my understanding that Jamie's presentation today is not a 'formal proposal' but just an open announcement that some citizens here (and in the AA) are giving this idea some thought. Nothing more So the 'project' is at Stage Zerol.
Patroklus Murakami: that's all i'm asking for
Patroklus Murakami: well, one of the things that jamie said is that this would require changes to our structures to accomodate AA
Patroklus Murakami: that is a statement that sets lots of hares running!
Patroklus Murakami: and suggests that some thinking on the question has already been done
Patroklus Murakami: i'd just like us all to be on the same page so we can assess the proposal
Patroklus Murakami: it may well have merit
Patroklus Murakami: i haven't written off the idea by any means
Patroklus Murakami: but let's *see* it please
Patroklus Murakami: that's all from me
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ok ty
Gwyneth Llewelyn: any reply to that, jamie?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, if not...
Jamie Palisades: Not at this place and time. I will consider what to say after being accused of lack of transparency for annouciung nascent ideas under development.
Gwyneth Llewelyn smiles
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I just have a slight announcement, and then I'd move we adjourn, since the Guild requires some of the people here to attend
Rose Springvale: i'd like to make announcments too
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I've been neglecting my duties in chairing the Election & the Ethics Committees
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (ok, Rose, you next )
Symo Kurka: Well let's keep it smooth it's not a crime talking about Sim merge
Delia Lake was thinking the same as Symo....
Jamie Palisades: IThe suggestion that the CURRENT government lacks openness .. from longtime CDS government people ... gives me strange coughing fits that seem to impar my speaking ability sorry
Gwyneth Llewelyn: so I'm suggesting to do a 'long' meeting of the Election Committee next Saturday or Sunday perhaps, and try to go through the three points not discussed yet
Gwyneth Llewelyn: and that would be the one-before-last meeting of the Election Committee
Patroklus Murakami: i've clearly hit on a sore point
Gwyneth Llewelyn: the last one would be approving a document with recommendations,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: and after that, it would be presented in the RA for open discussion
Gwyneth Llewelyn: That's it.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Rose, please... your announcements
Jamie Palisades: Old wounds, son SOme of us do not find sport in jupmign on them. .. Others want World of Statecraft