Being Open: How to avoid a CDS l337

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Jamie Palisades
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Being Open: How to avoid a CDS l337

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Please consider this a blog entry ... and forgive the "hacker code" joke in the title. "1337" was sometimes used in internet geek circles to refer to an "Elite" group. Sort of like "FIC" in Second Life.

*The* single most difficult issue I have encountered in CDS -- by far --

Heh, it's not bad behavior in RA meetings :) Though that was a doozy.

There's something that's been a bigger obstacle to our growth. It's the continual difficulty that entrenched leaders often have, seeing how they may APPEAR exclusive or impervious to power sharing and new contributions. It's possible to lead, and even still to be strongly opinionated, while still actively and clearly welcoming different views and opposition ... but it's hard. More often, human nature being what it is, longstanding leaders tend to forget -- even when they have the best of intentions -- that their accretion of exclusive knowledge, networks, powers, positions, and influence can seem VERY daunting to a newcomer. Unfortunately, it's the rare leader who can consistently make it clear that she or he is there to share power, not hoard, cadge or use it.

No matter how officially open their rules and actions may be, people with great authority or great influence (even in a little virtual place) still accidentally may *look* impermeable or daunting to outsiders and newbies. And you know what? They almost NEVER believe it. If disagreements are met with a lot of fractious debating behavior, well, that's even worse.

Recently I've had several conversations with new and old CDS citizens, who related to me stories about trying to work with a CDS body .. or break into an allegedly open one ... to get heard. Without success, and walking away feeling disenfranchised. Different stories about different groups and different people .. in 2005, 2006, 2008.

My own very first impressions were good ones. When I came to CDS, and was interested in joining, it was a frustrating goal, because there was damn near no land available. But I was welcomed with friendly explanations by the couple of people I was lucky enough to run into -- Sudane and Gwyneth.

As it happens, this was roughly at the same time that the same time the RA was carrying out one of its annual nasty mudwrestling pogroms. I think that year it was a pit-bull fight over Ashcroft Burnham's elaborate judicial law ideas. Good thing for me that I ran into Gwyn on the Platz, not the RA in the Rathaus, hmn?

But soon AFTER I bought land, I started attending another body. Never mind which one. Suffice to say. there were entrenched leaders. They seemed a small circle of longtime friends. When challenged or questioned, on a matter they cared about, even nicely or objectively, some of them blew up, and became angry and stormed out, or turned personally mean. Another relative newbie and I were appalled, when we compared notes ... obviously the place wants absolutely no input at all, we concluded, if you don't agree with the Plantation Baas! Needless to say, I spent the next 6 months nowhere near CDS governance.

So. Leadership behavior matters. Deeply. We should be OBVIOUSLY fair and open ... ACTIVELY seek input ... ACTIVELY WELCOME ideas NOT our own ... ACCEPT disagreements ... and discuss policies and plans in objective terms without personal attacks. Our leaders should use a tone of leadership that makes it clear that we are servants and caretakers, here to empower our citizens ... not rule over them, self-aggrandize, or feed our own needs.

You want a mission statement for my term? That's it. You want to get my vote, as a CDS political faction? Bring me people who do that. Don't run the ones who don't. Regards JP

Last edited by Jamie Palisades on Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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Jamie Palisades
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Being Open ... CDS l337 ... using the Forums

Post by Jamie Palisades »

I wrote this today, on a different topic:

"I am not always sure how to process the idea that we have in world conversations "live", with one tone or character, followed by long Forum posts of another. Frankly that's a concept that I have struggled with, for the length of my residence in CDS. To me these forums are a vehicle for public postings, records, Q&A, and development of policy issues in writing. But I'm still pretty much going to deal with in-world behaviors and actions based on what I experience in-world. "

That got me thinking about this Forum, more generally. On the whole, I'm glad we have it. But I'm not sure about its beneficial effects on politics. Many times, CDS government & politics suffers some brawl, or bad behavior, or bad choice, made in-world .. and then is followed by a completely different statement, or loooooooooong justifications or spin, in these pages.

Eh. Fooey. Makes my eyes cross. I admit, I don't always read multi-page postings here. I bet most CDS people don't either. So, as a flame war tool, it's not always a positive thing.

To get back to my newbies and elites point -- I can think of FEW things more annoying and disenfranchising, to a newcomer, than "your idea is old hat, and I refuted it three years ago, see blog pages 262 through 286." It sounds too much like "only the Long Term Elect are qualified to argue this ... and if you want to be admitted, the price starts with you reading every word of my blatherings for the last three years." It's egoistic AND elitist.

My recommendation to people who are tempted to say that? Instead, craft a few, clear, simple arguments -- in a page or less (of the web), or a fairly small number of words (in-world chat). That allows newcomers to a debate to participate in it.

Especially, consider taking the time to talk to people in-world :) We are a democracy; we have meetings and gatherings. Face your neighbors. If they see you popping in to CDS occasionally for reasons OTHER than government meetings. it helps you seem like someone who has a stake in the community. Regards JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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