As announced at the last RA meeting two weeks ago, I ask the RA to approve a ownership trade between CDS land, and me personally, of two NFS parcels During Oktoberfest. we expanded the main CDS information center on the NFS Marktplatz by simply donating my own lot next door. Everyone seems to like it.
I propose that I make it permanent and personally give CDS that lot, trading it for the one across the Platz that's underused as a "store for citizens". As part of that swap, I propose to move or substitute the few citizen vendors, there, across the Platz to near the expanded location as feasible.
As we have no conflict of interest rules in CDS, apparently under our current law I would be permitted as Chancellor to do this myself -- even though it's me as the government doing business with me as an individual. :( But that's not how we should work. so I hereby ask the RA to approve this transaction at its meeting on 9 November.
I will restore the original smaller info center next week, if the swap's not approved, and make the current, larger structure permanent, if it is.
Thanks JP