Responding to Ulrika's posted claim of a visit to the City last night, in which she deleted not only her own remaining objects, but also many objects which did not belong to her, I visited the sim this morning, at about 3AM SLT.
All the walls have been deleted. Only the walls between Altenburg and the Schloss had been hers, or Kendra's, property. All the rest, from the southeast corner of the City, to the west past the church, around to the north, wrapping around the northeast corner by the school, and then to the Schloss, all these had been installed by Dianne. This was no "mistake", as she claimed in her post (which, by now, hopefully, is deleted by the SC). This is purposeful destruction of other people's property.
I addition, much of the street system has been deleted, including sections put in place by Aliasi and myself. Also a section of the corner of the Platz, which I had put in place a few weeks ago.
This is wanton and purposeful destruction of other people's property, commonly referred to as griefing. I have taken the step of banning her from the sim (altho, of course, there is no objective point now, since the damage has been done). I refer the banning action to the procedures established to either sustain or revoke that.
In addition, Kendra has removed all her objects, except, as of the time of my visit, the clock tower, the Schloss (which she built under a private contract with Ulrika) and the "placeholder" shops on the Platz. The City is indeed a rather devastated looking place at the moment.
All this news is perhaps gloomy. But it appears to me that with gloomy news comes also expressions of support which really do put the whole thing in context.
I encountered Jonty Peel this morning while surveying the damage. Jonty lost her house in Ulrika's first ramage, and now she has lost the street and walls system in front of her house. She was clearly shaken by the situation. But, her very strong reaction was... that it seems as if Ulrika "threw another tantrum and tossed all her toys out of the pram". Jonty told me she was even more committed to doing what she can to support the City, and she offered a number of helpful services. Jonty has been with NBurg a year now, almost from the beginning. We don't see her much cause of her schedule, but she said that she couldn't be more supportive of our community at this tough point.
Then, not 20 minutes later, I was approached by Phedre Acquitaine, who introduced herself as the appointed "ambassador from Celadon". Her very strong message to us is... anything they can do to help... they will! She expressed complete support for our effort, and said that Desmond was a great appreciator of what neualtenburg was and what we are doing.
After asking her to rely the message that NBurg is not for sale ( hehe ...), I conveyed our sincere thanks, and said I'd relay the message to the community. I suggested that although we might represent two different systems of organized community, we shared a common desire for peace and order... quality of life for our citizens.
Its really a new day, folks. Ulrika and Kendra are gone. The destructive hijacking of our community forum is over. There's a huge number of great projects to do. Let's get on with it!!!
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