Board Guild Meeting 16th Nov 2008 - Transcript

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Moon Adamant
I need a hobby
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Board Guild Meeting 16th Nov 2008 - Transcript

Post by Moon Adamant »

[9:45] You: so let's start
[9:45] Arria Perreault: Hi Rose
[9:45] Delia Lake: hi every one. slow to rez today
[9:45] You: please remember this meeting is transcripted
[9:45] You: and touch the blue box for agenda
[9:46] You: 1. Void sims - info point
[9:46] You: no further news on this
[9:47] You: we are aware that major groups are trying to negotiate with LL on this
[9:47] You: but we have heard nothing new
[9:47] Rose Springvale: though people are dropping sims aggressively
[9:47] Arria Perreault: I have a question
[9:47] You: which means that the Monastery sim project is still frozen in its current planning
[9:47] You: yes?
[9:48] Arria Perreault: The RA has asked for some calculations about prices based on prims
[9:48] You: yes
[9:48] Arria Perreault: can we try to do that this week?
[9:48] You: Sudane is doing those, but she's warned me she couldn't be here
[9:48] Arria Perreault: for next meeting?
[9:48] You: hopefully, yes
[9:48] Arria Perreault: I am ready to help
[9:49] Arria Perreault: I will send her a mail
[9:49] You: please do
[9:49] Arria Perreault: ok
[9:49] You: as a general info, this discussion has been brought to the RA
[9:50] You: which is now discussing the possibility of funding void sims
[9:50] You: not only i the light of NGO sims, like the monastery
[9:50] You: but also because our General Master Plan implies the acquiring of voids
[9:51] You: so, please, if you want to say your opinion on what should be the policy of the CDS regarding this mattetr
[9:51] You: please attend RA and ask to speak :)
[9:51] You: 2. Anzere telehub
[9:51] You: Brian?
[9:52] Brian Livingston: Nto a whole lot of progress. I've gone to Anzere and half a dozen other hubs to see how the others stack up. There are photos of my research on the ground floor of the praertorium
[9:53] You: ok, thanks for sharing the reserach with us
[9:53] Brian Livingston: I did notice that most of the hubs are larger in terms of area, which was intersting. The largest by far was Prokofys.... FIC
[9:53] You: :D
[9:53] You: well, Anzere is fairly old
[9:53] You: maybe that's why~
[9:53] Brian Livingston: *nods* indeed
[9:54] Rose Springvale: were you able to make scripts work there?
[9:54] Brian Livingston: But I'll get with Sudane about settign up a tiem for us to meet inworld and work
[9:54] Brian Livingston: TBH< I forgot to check :/
[9:54] Delia Lake: what function is Anzere performing for us now?
[9:55] Delia Lake: how much traffic does it get?
[9:55] You: well, it has a few fachwreks and a newbie can get info and teleport directly to here NFS
[9:55] Brian Livingston: Significant traffic. I think when I was there it was well over 5k
[9:55] Delia Lake: do many do that?
[9:55] Rose Springvale: there is always someone there
[9:55] Rose Springvale: many times naked lol. makes me nervous
[9:56] Brian Livingston: Some I noticed had ads for their sponsors, some were immediately next door so fwe ads were needed
[9:56] You: well, i am seeing in my radar two newbies who most possibly arrieved here from there
[9:56] Brian Livingston: We're in a unique positio nas we are on a private estate, so we can't jsut ahve a giant arrow pointing to our region
[9:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi... better late than never ;)
[9:56] Brian Livingston: Hiya Gwyn
[9:56] You: wotcher Gwyn
[9:56] Delia Lake: hi Gwyn
[9:56] Symo Kurka: Hi Gw
[9:56] Rose Springvale: hi Gwyn
[9:56] Arria Perreault: Hi Gwyn :-)
[9:57] You: we are currently discussing Anzere telehub
[9:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn: great :))
[9:57] You: which Brian and Sudane are working upon
[9:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
[9:57] Brian Livingston: And strongly encoruage anyone else intersted to join in :)
[9:58] You: everytime i went to Anzere, i must sy, it was always crowded
[9:58] You: sometimes even with significant lag
[9:58] You: so Anzere is important to bring newcomers into the CDs
[9:58] You: hello Aleks, do join us
[9:58] Aleks Burner: hello everybody
[9:58] Aleks Burner: thank you
[9:59] You: this is a transcriptyed meeting, please touch the blue box for agenda
[9:59] Rose Springvale: i'd like to help brian, i think if we could gvie some gifts that can be used here, it might help
[9:59] Rose Springvale: for example ski sweaters
[9:59] Delia Lake: hello Aleks
[9:59] Rose Springvale: or the like
[9:59] Brian Livingston: Cool :)
[9:59] Rose Springvale: Hi Aleks
[9:59] Delia Lake: good idea Rose
[9:59] Brian Livingston: I think refreshing and reorganizing the content will help a lot as well
[9:59] Arria Perreault: Hello Aleks
[9:59] You: we should also point nevertheless to the other themes, btw
[9:59] Rose Springvale: yes, and i'd even go have a coffee hour or somthing
[10:00] You: and have some panoramas of the CDS, or something like that
[10:00] Delia Lake: yes
[10:00] Symo Kurka: (never benn in Anzere :( )
[10:00] Symo Kurka: *been
[10:00] You: have a look then
[10:01] Rose Springvale: you should symo
[10:01] You: it's very small
[10:01] You: but it was the original location of NFS
[10:01] Brian Livingston: umm, around 1200 m2 I believe
[10:02] Rose Springvale: just a little bavarian village
[10:02] Brian Livingston: Perhaps repurpose one of the fachwerks as a gathering place for smaller events and socialization
[10:02] Rose Springvale: i'd rather work out in the open
[10:02] You: that is a good idea
[10:02] Delia Lake: I pop in occasionally, but am thinking it might be more effective in bringing people to the CDS if we had more interaction with that hub
[10:02] You: either of those are good ideas
[10:03] Rose Springvale: maybe centralize the tables.. even have some music there
[10:03] You: yes, i think we must think on it as a gateway into the CDS
[10:03] You: something that bring us traffic
[10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Did anyone do some "spying" work on other group's telehubs...?
[10:03] You: yes, Brian did
[10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aaah ok
[10:03] Rose Springvale: yes, he even made an exhibit
[10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sorry, missed that bit :(((
[10:03] Brian Livingston: Photos on the ground floor of the praertorium
[10:03] You: it's on the praetorium gardens :)
[10:03] Delia Lake: i was thinking that too, r ose. get Nafti, Cindy and Alex to play there
[10:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ok, ty!
[10:04] Brian Livingston: I hid a camera in my hat
[10:04] You: lol
[10:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[10:04] You: ok guys
[10:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and then hid your hat too...
[10:04] Brian Livingston: insidea plywood cube, on my head
[10:04] You: ahahah
[10:04] You: 3. Winter Holidays
[10:04] You: Rose, what do you need from us?
[10:04] Rose Springvale: well
[10:04] Rose Springvale: smile
[10:04] You: if anything
[10:05] Rose Springvale: let me paste the summary of our meetings
[10:05] Rose Springvale: i must say there were a LOT of great ideas
[10:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hooray :D
[10:05] Rose Springvale: Roman Sims, Sol Invictus : solar theme (unconquered sun)
-inversed roles Slaves become Masters feast
-masked ball.. turn off tags and titlers
-chill out event in thermae
-ice racing on the river


-Mozart for NFS ball?(tarts and vicars? )
-classical music concerts. kirche (monastery, others?)
-biergarten events
-Christmas tree on Platz
-freeze Soccer rink...Hockey?
-ABBA skating party on the field... weekly??

All sims:
snowfight event with Lindens winter holidays (AM most likely?)
-build your own gift competition (to leave under tree)
-Owl Parade (like Cow Parade) (owls to be provided)
-snow on or before Dec 1... all sims
-winter trees... planting before or during snow
-snow machine (aliasi has?)
-secret santa
-holiday games: primtionary, building contests (biergarten? amphitheater?)

AM Anniversary, November 22.. same as grand tour .. skiing?
[10:05] Rose Springvale: sorry, that is a lot of text for chat
[10:05] Rose Springvale: shoudl have put on a notecard
[10:06] Rose Springvale: but i'm still fussing with dates
[10:06] Rose Springvale: what i really need from the guild
[10:06] Rose Springvale: is to take over the winterizing of the sims
[10:06] Rose Springvale: and making sure our decorations get put up
[10:06] Arria Perreault: for 22, I am ready to help for toga ball
[10:06] You: ok
[10:06] You: well, i have already done some winter decorations
[10:07] Arria Perreault: the Grand Tour
[10:07] You: Rose has seen them and approved them
[10:07] Rose Springvale: thanks Arria
[10:07] Rose Springvale: that will be very helpful
[10:07] You: i now need to make the solar ones for CN and LA
[10:07] Rose Springvale: do you want to share them with guild or save them moon?
[10:07] You: winterizing must be worked up with sudane, because of ground textures and public space trees
[10:08] Rose Springvale: yes
[10:08] Arria Perreault: we can help to decorate
[10:08] You: oh, i will share trhem
[10:08] Rose Springvale: i'd like to do it that weekend of the 30th
[10:08] You: just let me make the solar ones so i can hand out a pack
[10:08] Symo Kurka: sorry crashed
[10:08] Delia Lake: I can help with winter decorations, and I may have 1 or2 of the snow machines we used last year. oth
[10:08] Rose Springvale: oh, well, i was thinking a sneak peek so others could thingk along the same lines
[10:08] You: ahaa
[10:08] You: ok
[10:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[10:09] Rose Springvale: Delia, on my list of volunteers i sort of have you as decor coordinator lol
[10:09] Delia Lake: some were Aliasi's and some mine
[10:09] Delia Lake: ok. i can do that, Moon
[10:09] You: ok, these are for the NFS posts
[10:09] Symo Kurka: talkin winter sports?
[10:09] Rose Springvale: arent' they beautiful?
[10:09] Rose Springvale: decorating symo, let me copy what you missed
[10:10] You: you don't see them very well here because of alpha
[10:10] Arria Perreault: an other information: I think that I will open the exhibition Second Mirrors for the 22th nov. All infos coming this week ...
[10:10] Brian Livingston: those are gorgeous
[10:11] You: ty
[10:11] You: but as said, still the solar ones missing
[10:11] You: when i have them all, i'll share a pack for teh decorating
[10:11] Arria Perreault: what's the date for Saturnalia?
[10:11] Rose Springvale: No dates set yet. Traditionally i think it is dec 21
[10:12] You: that's a good date
[10:12] Arria Perreault: Ulysse and I we could host a party
[10:12] You: it's a saturday
[10:12] Rose Springvale: well
[10:12] Rose Springvale: smile
[10:12] Rose Springvale: it IS a good date
[10:12] Arria Perreault: our house is quiet big
[10:12] Rose Springvale: great Arria
[10:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :D
[10:13] You: ok guys
[10:13] You: in any case
[10:13] Arria Perreault: greek music ;-)
[10:13] You: snowing will start on the 30th, i think
[10:13] Rose Springvale: yay :)
[10:13] You: well, that weekend, at least
[10:13] Delia Lake: 2 wks from now?
[10:13] Rose Springvale: we MAY have some snow fall for the grand tour
[10:14] You: Delia, it will be great if you could lend us the snow boxes again
[10:14] Rose Springvale: but no ground cover
[10:14] Delia Lake: yes
[10:14] Rose Springvale: i have some too Delia
[10:14] Delia Lake: i can put out what i have
[10:14] You: so i think the best plan is to call a Winter Day
[10:14] Delia Lake: well. sometimes the first snows don't stick....
[10:14] You: when we make snow, change tress, put up the decorations etc
[10:15] Rose Springvale: moon?
[10:15] Symo Kurka: i'm available to help tracking the ski tracks
[10:15] You: i will check with Sudane when's the best date for her
[10:15] You: and we will resume this next week
[10:15] You: agreed?
[10:15] Rose Springvale: That is US thanksgiving weekend, so we need to be careful
[10:15] Rose Springvale: i know many are traveling
[10:15] You: oh hmmm
[10:15] Rose Springvale: would rather have the work spread over the weekend
[10:16] Rose Springvale: and then maybe a party when its complete
[10:16] You: ok, call it Winter Weekend
[10:16] Delia Lake: I may not make next week's meeting as I may be still driving
[10:16] You: ok
[10:16] Rose Springvale: Also
[10:16] You: it will be transcripted as usual Delia
[10:17] Rose Springvale: if i can go on?
[10:17] You: yes
[10:17] Rose Springvale: i've contacted the guy who made our bierwagons
[10:17] Rose Springvale: and he will make us owls to do the Owl Parade... easy he says
[10:17] You: great :)
[10:17] Rose Springvale: yes, i'm exicited
[10:17] Delia Lake: oh good!
[10:18] Rose Springvale: and i wa s thinking we will maybe do some carolling tours in bier wagons to see them all :)
[10:18] You: will Owl parade be a contest?
[10:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yay on the Owl parade...
[10:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh... a contest, yes, i though?
[10:18] Rose Springvale: well, do you want it to be or just something we can all participate in?
[10:18] Rose Springvale: contest is fine
[10:18] Rose Springvale: but then we need judges :)
[10:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn: even if the prize is just a 'congrats, you've won!'
[10:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[10:18] You: well, cash is more appropriate :P
[10:19] Rose Springvale: then we will
[10:19] Rose Springvale: i still need to hadn out the certificates from the last two :: hangs head::
[10:19] Rose Springvale: will get fired yet!
[10:19] You: ohhhh
[10:19] You: poor Rose
[10:19] Rose Springvale: smile
[10:19] You: :)
[10:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn smiles
[10:19] You: ok
[10:20] Rose Springvale: so as soon as sammy gets me an owl, i'll set up the guidelines
[10:20] You: last point
[10:20] You: 4. Governmental Spaces Re-organization WG.
[10:20] You: Brian, did you publish trhe report?
[10:20] Brian Livingston:
[10:20] You: yes, i have read it
[10:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: woot, Brian rocks :)
[10:20] Brian Livingston: There is the final draft of the report, awaiting approval from the NG
[10:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
[10:21] You: eheheh
[10:21] You: ok, so please everyone
[10:21] You: we will hold a vote on this
[10:21] You: a couple of minutes so everyone can read
[10:21] You: if approved, then we will send this to the RA, SC and Exec
[10:21] You: and start planning how to adapt spaces
[10:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn reads
[10:23] Symo Kurka: Hi Rudo
[10:24] Rose Springvale: hi rudo :)
[10:24] Rudo Gynoid: hello every body
[10:24] Brian Livingston waves
[10:25] You: hi Rudo, this is a transcripted meeting
[10:25] Rudo Gynoid: hello neihgbour,.... waves back
[10:25] You: we are just closing it, but you're welcome to join us
[10:25] Rudo Gynoid: sorry moon well I vcome back later
[10:26] Symo Kurka: hey you can stay...
[10:28] Rose Springvale: brian
[10:28] Rose Springvale: what are you suggesting for the rathaus?
[10:28] Brian Livingston: Hiya
[10:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn has read it overall, and my first impression is that it's fine... I have the same question as Rose though :)
[10:29] Brian Livingston: One suggestion is to utilize tis space to comply with the umm "celebrating our Voulenteers" Legislation passed by the RA a tem or two ago, while maintaining its current purpose of a deed room.
[10:29] You: we do need to hold the payboxes somewhere
[10:29] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ah
[10:30] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (Moon, Brian also suggested, as an alternative, to do that on the Info Cenre)
[10:30] Delia Lake: the bottom floor has notary machines that don't really work anymore
[10:30] Brian Livingston: The other proposal was to parcel and sell the land off.
[10:30] Brian Livingston: Open up two more platz spaces
[10:30] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, it should be removed really, Delia...
[10:31] Rose Springvale: i'm all for saving prims
[10:31] Delia Lake: I may be one of the few who has actually used them and they were a real nuisance
[10:31] Brian Livingston: Which might help drive additioanl traffic on the platz with new commerce. However, in doign so we'd lose the structure.
[10:31] Rose Springvale: but not so sure about removing the rathaus
[10:31] You: the rathaus as it stands has issues in any case
[10:31] You: we do not *hold* the structure de facto
[10:31] Rose Springvale: we need to rebuild ala biergarten?
[10:32] You: that's not for us to decide
[10:32] Delia Lake: so are you saying if we are to keep it we should rebuild the rathaus, Moon?
[10:32] Brian Livingston: If we go that route, I would suggest rebuildign it under teh IP licensing agreements
[10:32] You: though as a radical, i'd say yes
[10:32] Brian Livingston: But that is my personal suggestion
[10:32] You: exactly brian
[10:33] You: but it's not our decision to rebuild it, it must be placed an order by the Executive Branch to do so
[10:33] Delia Lake: that makes sense. then it could be more flexible for different uses
[10:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn: well... in that case... which uses would those be?
[10:33] Rose Springvale: i have some ideas
[10:34] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Let's hear them (since they might be part of the recommendations?)
[10:34] You: you could make a copy of what is there (with new textures) and use the building for exhibitions, welcome centre, whatever
[10:34] Rose Springvale: i think we have enough welcome centers
[10:34] Rose Springvale: but
[10:34] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :D
[10:34] Brian Livingston: Indeed. The recommendations are still very very much open for ammendment.
[10:34] Rose Springvale: i'd like to see us have our governmental records available
[10:35] Rose Springvale: maybe a place with links to RA transcripts
[10:35] Rose Springvale: or office hours for the exec
[10:35] Rose Springvale: or whatever
[10:35] You: we could make a consult room
[10:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ahh
[10:35] Rose Springvale: make it a truly governmental office
[10:35] You: mind you that this report is sending the Executive to the praetorium
[10:35] You: we have a lot of unused space there
[10:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: but hmm, the exec, under the proposal.... yes, like Moon siad
[10:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *said
[10:36] Rose Springvale: well, i thought it was sending the RA to the praetoriem
[10:36] Rose Springvale: not the exec?
[10:36] You: RA and Executive
[10:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Botgh!
[10:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *both
[10:36] You: don't forget that we have the big RA room
[10:36] Delia Lake: with a suggestion box for notecards? if the door opened on the plaz the bottom floor could be the welcome center also and we could sell off the facherwerks house that now is the welcome center
[10:36] You: but inderneath it, two rooms
[10:36] You: and the gardens
[10:36] Rose Springvale: personally, i'm not sure that its a good idea to centralize the government in one sime
[10:36] Delia Lake: i agree, rose
[10:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: well, the SC would be on the Schloß :9
[10:37] You: no, you have SC in NFS
[10:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe sorry Moon, we keep echoing each other....
[10:37] Rose Springvale: i dont' know that we actually think of hte SC as government
[10:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oh pfft
[10:37] Rose Springvale: it meets rarely, has little to do
[10:37] You: but it is
[10:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn *shakes head*
[10:37] Rose Springvale: lol okay, i'll be quiet. clearly in the minority
[10:38] Aleks Burner: goodbye everybody, thank you for letting me follow this meeting
[10:38] You: bye Alecks
[10:38] You: Aleks*
[10:38] Symo Kurka: ciao
[10:38] Gwyneth Llewelyn: My problem with the Rathaus is that once the RA doesn't meet in there, that space lost its function...
[10:38] Delia Lake: bye Aleks
[10:38] You: but we either as, Delia says, move teh tourism office there
[10:38] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and should be used for something else entirely, or, well, sold as parcels... I mean, NFS has a *lot* of 'public space'
[10:38] You: or make a volunteers room as Brian says,
[10:38] You: or just make more shops
[10:39] Symo Kurka: the change is well motivated in Brian's report
[10:39] Rose Springvale: the tourism office just got finished
[10:39] You: the Rathaus is very expensive in prims
[10:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'd go for moving the tourism office there hehe
[10:39] Rose Springvale: and it is visible now.. easy to get to
[10:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes I know Rose
[10:39] Rose Springvale: i'd oppose that
[10:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn *snickers*
[10:39] Rose Springvale: tourism and tier boxes dont' go together
[10:40] Brian Livingston: Then again, we could always repurpose the garden level of the praertorium for complying with the Celebrating Voulenteers act.
[10:40] You: then keep it as payhouse
[10:40] Delia Lake: hmmm....that's something to consider
[10:40] You: but it doesn't NEED to have 500+ prim
[10:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: There was a reason for having the Rathaus there... it's the complement on the Church, 'seat of secular power' vs. 'seat of spiritual power', that sort of thing
[10:40] Rose Springvale: yes
[10:40] Rose Springvale: makes sense
[10:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: It +did+
[10:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Perhaps not any more :)
[10:40] You: Give Ceasar what is Ceasar's--- leave teh payboxes tehre
[10:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: well
[10:40] You: but guys
[10:41] You: i am sorry
[10:41] You: but look at this f4rom an economic pov
[10:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and just have the payboxes
[10:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: we can definitely give up the first floor,
[10:41] You: we have a parcel that is occupying 874% of teh prims it is allotted too
[10:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, and that can't be!
[10:41] You: to*
[10:41] Rose Springvale: may i suggest we spens some time on what we want to do with the rathaus?
[10:42] Rose Springvale: because i'd like to hear some other opinions
[10:42] You: the parcel is losing functionality, since we almost can't hold a RA meeting inside it
[10:42] Rose Springvale: i agee it needs to be rebuilt
[10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: worst case scenario: it becomes the seat of the CDS Football League, with the souvenir shop currently under the Marktplatz, and gets an entrance to the underground from there too...
[10:42] Symo Kurka: lol great
[10:42] Rose Springvale: now see? that's a good idea!
[10:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :F
[10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha
[10:43] You: ehehe good idea
[10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: it was meant as half a joke ;)
[10:43] Rose Springvale: i like it lol
[10:43] Brian Livingston: Ack, my secret plan has been revealed :p
[10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: football is almost a religion in some countries, soooo.... it makes sense to share the Marktplatz ;)
[10:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha Brian
[10:43] Brian Livingston hopse noone realizes his plan for usign the Kirche as a carrot cellar.
[10:44] You: lol
[10:44] Symo Kurka: LOL
[10:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn *snickers*
[10:44] You: carrots tacked up neatly under the butresses
[10:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[10:44] You: ok guys
[10:44] Brian Livingston: I would suggest that we keep this report open for another wek or two, and I would really like to hear suggestions on other ways in which we can best utilize ourcurrent spaces.
[10:45] You: it's a quarter to 11
[10:45] Rose Springvale: seconds that motion
[10:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sounds reasonable to me...
[10:45] You: ok Brian, i second
[10:45] You: all greeing, say Aye
[10:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye!
[10:45] Symo Kurka: aye
[10:45] Rose Springvale: aye
[10:45] Brian Livingston: aye
[10:45] You: pending Delia's vote, aye as well
[10:45] You: and the ayes carry it
[10:45] Brian Livingston: Please, read over the report, think on it some, and post your thoughts, comments, suggestions, or wahtnot in the discussion forum thread :)
[10:45] Delia Lake: yes
[10:46] Delia Lake: keep it open
[10:46] You: ok
[10:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
[10:46] Brian Livingston:
[10:46] You: Any Other Business?
[10:46] Delia Lake: also, make comments as to the Schloss
[10:46] Rose Springvale: yes
[10:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, Delia, agreed!
[10:46] Rose Springvale: Brian has been working on the info signs too
[10:47] Rose Springvale: give him feedback on them please :)
[10:47] You: i'd like to thank Brian for an excellent work on this report
[10:47] Brian Livingston: Oh, comment on anything in the report. On the font if you would like :) Again, it's not my report, it's the New Guild's report :)
[10:47] You: :)
[10:47] Rose Springvale: well, i was going to mention the carrot juice stains
[10:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[10:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
[10:47] You: ahaha
[10:47] Brian Livingston: Sorry... I get so hungry... :/
[10:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[10:47] You: ok everyone
[10:47] You: motion to adjourn
[10:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn: seconded!
[10:48] You: all agree?
[10:48] Rose Springvale: thanks for a great meeting moon, agree
[10:48] Brian Livingston: aye
[10:48] You: i take silence as consent
[10:48] Symo Kurka: aye
[10:48] Delia Lake: yes
[10:48] You: aye
[10:48] You: ok, thanks everyone
[10:48] Delia Lake: thx Moon
[10:48] You: afk while i publish the transcript

Eudaimonia now!
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