Just a recap:
Thursday, Dec 11, 7 slt, Brian hosts ABBA Hockey. this one may be a practice session, but it looks interesting!
Friday, Dec. 12, 2 pm Al Andalus invites CDS to its 1001 Nights party, to celebrate having received over 1000 votes as a b.places hotspot. Rudo Gynoid and Naftali Torok are handling the musical program from 2-4 slt, then Joaquin Gustav will play. Camel rides, belly dancing, and come in costume.
Saturday, Dec. 13, 10 am slt, we are hosting the Second Life Bar Association's annual holiday party in the Schloss.
2 pm, The CDS Mozart Christmas Ball, with Winters Kanto promising he will play Mozart and more. Come dance, or to listen to this professional pianist from Uruguay. We will TRY to have the owl contest judges by then, but rl schedules have been conspiring, so we may not announce winners until next week.
Sunday, Dec 14, 12 noon, Atheene Dodonpa concert in the Kirche. Atheene accompanies her haunting voice with several instruments: recorders and pipes, bells, rebec, symphonie, bowed psaltery, 5-stringed kantele, organ and celtic harp. This will be a Christmas themed concert, medieval tunes and emphasis upon Piae Cantiones - collection from 16th century Finland.
December 19, (through Jan 5)Secondlife Winterfaire begins, and we hope to be showcased for our Saturnalia festival events.
Saturday December 20, Parade of Owls and skating party. We'll have all the owls on display (Thanks to all who decorated them, you did a great job!) and will travel en masse to see them. (If anyone would like to hold a 'house party" in their home, we'd love to progress from place to place to visit.) Either way, we'll have skating on the river, races if there is interested, and a specially prepared holiday concert by Prowess Rayna at 1 pm. check back for times on the parade and house parties.
Sunday, December 21, Saturnalia in Locus Amoenus, hosted by Arria Perreault and Ulysse Alexander.
Possible concert by Duo Passionata, two of the most amazing classical musicians in SL. Again, times unconfirmed
Sunday, December 28k Saturnalia in Colonia Nova. This will be a masquerade ball with music from the more recent past, (50s forward) Traditionally Saturnalia is celebrated with a role reversal feast; we'll see what we can do! This party will be held on the Praetorium plaza.
Please invite your friends and neighbors for informal gatherings to skate, play hockey, hang glide, ski Alpine Meadow, play a game in the platz or forum, see the monastery exhibit, watch a program in the amphitheater or just enjoy a few minutes of quiet during a hectic time. We have some new citizens too, so treat yourself to the pleasure of meeting them!