I give up! I will not give my silent consent to the group that calls itself the "Confederation of Democratic Sims"
I am offering my land for sale at the reasonable sum of L$ 8,000 Lindens.
Buying the land now takes away my vote in the upcoming election! I promise to stay away from the CDS and stop writing in these forums.
The "democratic" sims do not qualify as a democracy or even as a representative republic.
Due to the election requirements and the nature of the government it is at best an electoral democracy.
Land For Sale
Moderator: SC Moderators
Land For Sale
- Sonja Strom
- I need a hobby
- Posts: 608
- Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:10 pm
Re: Land For Sale
Ranma, I am sorry to hear about your decision to leave (for a second time), but I respect your right to make your own decision.
All the best in whatever you choose to do from here!!
Please, if you have any thoughts about how the CDS government could be improved and more democratic, I would like to know what they are. I ask this of you partly because I have my own ideas, and partly because so long as I am in the CDS I want to work toward making its government better. In my view, if the CDS government is not about accurately representing the wishes of its citizens, then this is an interesting community but a failed project.
Re: Land For Sale
Am mostly sure my that my Faction has been "locked out" of the upcoming election.
To fix the CDS the entire thing needs to be redone. There are special people and groups within it. I will have trouble selling my lot due to the RA trying to cover up their embarrassing lack of foresight and all of that yellow in LA and CN.
What the CDS has is "silent consent" of the majority of its citizens. What is the number perhaps 40 or 50% will vote in the upcoming election. 4 or 5 seats to the CDSF and 2 or 3 seats to the DPU.
The problem with the CDS is the constitution is a joke. If something is a bother it can be changed with a vote of the RA. law or constitution change is just a difference of votes. I suppose it is the "European" way to due business. The CDS has no protection to the minority. Time and time again the vocal minority is chased out. Time and time again the CDS looks at itself as the one wronged. It can not look upon itself and wonder what went wrong.
I have been told in the past that my ideals are "too American". I AM AN AMERICAN!! I WILL ALWAYS BE AN AMERICAN!!
Time for your "outrage", am expecting such but will no longer be a static buzz in your dream world.
Oh I retain my rights as a citizen until my lot is sold. Though I will not vote in a 2 faction joke election. I will not give it the respect of doing such.
How does it go? I will be impossible as long as those who are possible are possible!
- Sonja Strom
- I need a hobby
- Posts: 608
- Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:10 pm
Re: Land For Sale
Thanks for your response, Ranma.
But I thought Simplicity had enough members to qualify for the election...is that now in question?
It is true that not everybody votes. This seems to be the case in all democracies everywhere voting is not required by law. For me it is hard to understand why so many people would not do even that much to help determine the future - but then, I get involved in a lot of things. Who am I to say what they should do? I think maybe sometimes people feel they have not followed everything enough to make a good decision, and so they leave the decisions to others.
Re: Land For Sale
Not sure if the election makes a difference. Even if I would get elected to the RA nothing would change. The current thought is that everyone must agree on everything to make things ok. Thus if one is not 100 percent for the ruling class they are "enimies of the state" and must be silenced or eliminated at all costs.
I noticed a string of events and who attacked me. In retrospect The "rulers" bird dog attacked me so not to "dirty" the masters hand. Wonder how many of the cds residents are alts? With the privacy of second life it is hard to know. This problem strms from Philip the Mad's policy of "no verification" and limitless alts.
If I offend, so what! We practice HARDBALL politics in the United States. My point is "qui observe les gardiens?" The so called democracy in the CDS has changed into something different.
Well I have to get back to the real world.......
seulement l'oiseau moqueur se repose au bord des bois
- Rubaiyat
- Casual contributor
- Posts: 42
- Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:37 am
Re: Land For Sale
Please excuse the roughness of this note, I did not take the time to properly edit it, but I wanted to make sure that I had a chance to say something before the conversation moved on.
I was glad when you returned to the CDS, as I had enjoyed our interactions in the past and it really seemed that you had developed a passion for the events that were going on. I was a little troubled by some of the accusations that were thrown about. However I do understand that this is how some people express themselves and I figured that things would settle down of their own accord for as far as I could tell all of the people involved were decent considerate people regardless of the passion of the conversation.
I have been a member of the RA now for going on 6 months and am honored to serve, and though I too see the occasional problem with the system, I also see that the system is keenly self aware and will bend over backwards to serve the people who are the reason for the existence of our democracy. This is true whether they are in government, and regardless of whether they vote or not.
I am surprised that you have decided to leave so soon, rather I am surprised that you have given up so quickly. It is my impression that you set the tone for discussion and have referred several times to your American viewpoint as feeding this on your part. This is fine by me, though not the way I would approach it personally, but you have a passion here. I do not think there was ever a conspiracy to put you or your party down or to prevent you from participating in the election. The 10% rule has been on the books for over a term now and applied to the last election as well. The law is awkward and has been a point of concern within my party as well (we need to make the 10% as well), but we have actively adapted to the law and it is one of those things that keeps us mindful of our numbers and connects us to new people (only one, I personally like everyone I have met in the CDS).
Our constitution is a living document that has grown and adapted itself to our needs through the last 9 terms. It is not fair to so offhandedly dismiss a document as a joke because it doesn't fit your ideal of a constitution is unfair. Have you watched the RA? Have you seen how painfully long it takes to pass what appears as simple legislation? I am not saying that there is no potential for abuse, I am just saying that the model has functioned for 9 terms now.
Please also note that there have been crisis in the past, and that our form of government has peacefully transitioned power from the hands of the original founders through generation after generation of residents. This is a fact of which I am exceedingly proud. I think we have something here which is sustainable and beautiful, and though it may not be perfect it is open, democratic and functional.
Personally (and this is me speaking for myself here, not my faction) I would like to see an overhaul of the elections system and the definition of citizenship. However I realize these things do not happen overnight or in a vacuum. I think there are some things in our constitution that just need to change as well, and if I am elected to a second term in the RA I will take those up. However I will not take them up without the input of the citizens whom I serve.
If you have decided to move on, then I wish you all the best, I would ask that you reconsider staying though as there seems to be a giant misunderstanding here. And I do not speak for anyone else on the forum as none of them speak for me either, but do not take any single aspect of your experience as the whole experience. This forum is not the CDS, neither is any faction, nor the guild nor the SC. The CDS is much greater than the individual parts.
In closing I would also like to point out that the large majority of us are volunteers here, and though some of us are insanely prolific (Rose and Jaime to name a few : ) in the end we are not accurately compensated for the hours we put in, so please be patient. Democracy works when people work.
Re: Land For Sale
Thank you Rubaiyat for your kind words. The problem with the constitution is again it is too easy to change. Do you understand with a single vote the present constitution can be revoked and a entirely new one put in its place? This is the reason it is a joke and a kind of sick one at that.
I am thinking about just fading away from second life. I need to spend more time with the real life government. Maybe I could get elected "dog catcher" or something. I wish to do more meaningful things. I can speak and write forum messages until the cows come home and it changes NOTHING. The last meetings of the RA have degenerated to a hug fest. Reminds me of the "monster" commercial of the last millieum. One member stating something, anything really. Then the other members state how brilliant the remark. :p I can still see the little children "when I grow up, I want to be a brown nose! I want to be a yes man!*giggles*
Laughs, I need to get back to my real life. I have yet another finance transmission to approve and transmit. Have fun, soon the EVIL Ranma will be a unpleasant memory like the founders. Just a very small splash in a lake. Seemly having no effect at all.