Meeting on 2009-01-04
Those present:
Justice Soothsayer is in the chair.
Justice Soothsayer: we have a rather crowded agenda, and we have a quorum present, so lets get started on time.
Arria Perreault: Hi Pip
Arria Perreault: Hi Rubaiyat
Pip Torok: hi Arria! ...
Arria Perreault has indicated consent to be recorded.
Justice Soothsayer: The agenda is located in the notecard dispenser on the table, and at
Justice Soothsayer: First item: please touch the recorder on the table to indicate your consent to recording.
Symo Kurka has indicated consent to be recorded.
Justice Soothsayer: Second item: is the proposed agenda acceptable?
Lilith Ivory has indicated consent to be recorded.
Pip Torok has indicated consent to be recorded.
Rubaiyat Shatner: yes, acceptable
Pip Torok: acceptable
Arria Perreault: ok
Justice Soothsayer: OK
Arria Perreault: Hi Kedwyn
Kedwyn Parmelee: hi
Pip Torok: hi Kedwyn!
Justice Soothsayer: IS there anyone not on the RA who wants to sign up to speak on any of the agenda items?
Timo Gufler: hi
Arria Perreault: Hi Timo
Symo Kurka: Hello Timo
Pip Torok: good to see you Timo ...
Timo Gufler:
Justice Soothsayer: OK, moving on....
Justice Soothsayer: I just want to note that our next scheduled meeting is on 18 January , not 17 January as noted on the agenda
Lilith Ivory: hi moon
Moon Adamant: hi hi
Arria Perreault: Hi Gwyn, Hi Moon, Hi Sonja
Lilith Ivory: am I sitting at your place?
Sonja Strom: Hi everybody
Justice Soothsayer: That will be after the polls are closed, I think, so we w ill have one last "lame duck" session.
Moon Adamant: and hello everyone
Pip Torok: hi moon
Timo Gufler: hi Moon and Sonja!
Justice Soothsayer: so we can really mess things up for the next RA.
Justice Soothsayer:
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hi everybody and Happy new Year!
Sonja Strom: Yay, Happy New Year!
Justice Soothsayer: The next item on our agenda is the selection of an LRA pro tempore (for this month). I was going to nominate Gwyn if she didn't show up today.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ^^
Rubaiyat Shatner: lol, the wheels of government
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Lucky me, mmh?
Arria Perreault:
Justice Soothsayer: so the floor is open for any nominations. Anyone?
Moon Adamant: Happy New Year, everyone
Gwyneth Llewelyn: January will be a tough month for me...
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, February will me *much worse*
Gwyneth Llewelyn *giggles*
Justice Soothsayer: it is only a 26 day term!
Arria Perreault: one or two meetings ...
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, but 26 *rch* days
Gwyneth Llewelyn: *rich even
Gwyneth Llewelyn: an election in the middle
Justice Soothsayer: I guess I'll nominate Gwyn even though she did show up today.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Can I vote against myself???
Gwyneth Llewelyn: If so, I will do that!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Nay nay nay naaaay
Justice Soothsayer: twist arms of others, then, Gwyn.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh I hate to do that...
Gwyneth Llewelyn *shrugs*
Arria Perreault: I second this proposition
Justice Soothsayer: Any othern nominations?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Arria!
Gwyneth Llewelyn *shakes head*
Gwyneth Llewelyn: *sigh*
Justice Soothsayer: Going once...
Arria Perreault: my arms are in pixels, np
Gwyneth Llewelyn *covers her eyes*
Justice Soothsayer: ready for a vote? All in favor of Gwyn for LRA pro tempore?
Arria Perreault: aye
Gwyneth Llewelyn: N. A. Y.
Pip Torok: aye
Justice Soothsayer votes aye
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :p
Rubaiyat Shatner: this frightens me
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Good
Pip Torok: hi rose
Justice Soothsayer: Nice to have a reluctant deputy leader. She won't try to depose me.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: it's the owl staring at us, Ruba
Rose Springvale waves
Gwyneth Llewelyn: oh, never!
Justice Soothsayer: Congrats, Gwyn.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: and hiya Rose
Arria Perreault: Hi Rose
Gwyneth Llewelyn: You mean, "my deep feelings"?
Lilith Ivory: hi Rose
Justice Soothsayer: Item II b: report from Guild. Moon?
Gwyneth Llewelyn rezzes a coffin and goes 6 feet under
Sonja Strom has indicated consent to be recorded.
Moon Adamant: hm
Moon Adamant: well, the Guild on its last session
Moon Adamant: has decided to prepare a plan for re-deployment of CN City SE corner
Sonja Strom: Hi Solomon
Pip Torok: hi Solomon!
Solomon Mosely: morning
Moon Adamant: since we do have lots for sale there now
Moon Adamant: and a white elpehant in top of them
Justice Soothsayer: who is working on that plan, Moon? I'd like to prove some personal input.
Moon Adamant: this project will follow the usual proceeding
Moon Adamant: well, i have prepared a proposal for the reparcelling which will be discussed in the meeting after this one
Moon Adamant: if approved, then we'll go through the steps of preparing a budget, etc
Arria Perreault: It's a great idea. I ask me if it is not time to make some political decisions too
Pip Torok: ??
Arria Perreault: for example to decide that the redeployed area is commercial
Arria Perreault: we had this debat some months before about making some plots commercial
Justice Soothsayer: I guess related to that is my question: what is the status of our request for a report on rents (done in collaboration between Guild & Executive)?
Moon Adamant: uh
Arria Perreault: when there is a owner, it's complicated
Moon Adamant: atm i can't comment on those
Arria Perreault: now these plots are empty
Arria Perreault: I think that we have to discuss this question with the Chancellor who is working on the economic development plan
Moon Adamant: well, if that helps
Moon Adamant: all of teh area inside the city walls of CN is commercial/residential
Moon Adamant: with the stalls being only commercial
Arria Perreault: we can also decide that we allow to give some plces for rent in this area
Arria Perreault: the fact that all these plots are empty now is a unique chance to make changes
Pip Torok: hi Jamie!
Sonja Strom: Hi Jamie!
Moon Adamant: well, definetely from the parcelling and building pov
Arria Perreault: a lot a designer would interested to rent a small shop, especially for roman stuff
Lilith Ivory: hi Jamie
Moon Adamant: hi Jamie
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Just in time, Jamie, welcome!
Jamie Palisades nods, smiles, listens
Arria Perreault: Hi Jamie
Jamie Palisades: I;m due at 930. Happy new year all. Did I miss the guild report, then?
Moon Adamant: yes
Arria Perreault: we are talking about redeployment
Arria Perreault: of CN
Moon Adamant: redeployment of CN's city SE corner
Jamie Palisades: That would be the forrmer Emporio Romani and toga shop space?
Moon Adamant: yes
Arria Perreault: and I was asking if we can take this unique chance to make changes, especially with the economic development plan
Moon Adamant: uploading the image
Moon Adamant: there... it's really not much
Moon Adamant: same number of parcels, but creation of a street
Moon Adamant: also some adjustment because of the Minerva temple
Jamie Palisades: it simply permits independent access to all lots from the main via, as opposed to the "cleopatra" alley, no?
Moon Adamant: yes
Moon Adamant: also it forbids hmmm
Moon Adamant: the creation of a new emporium, but allows the creation of two large shops if parcels are joined
Moon Adamant: and resolves better the parcel hmm
Arria Perreault: One good idea would be that CDS keep the property of this land and give spaces for rent to open small shops
Moon Adamant: C-12
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Uh.oh, Arria...
Arria Perreault: Citizen cannot give places for rent, maybe CDS can
Jamie Palisades: Arria, if the RA elects in the future to allow rentals, which I support and Miss Llewelyn opposes on political ground, that would be a great use of the space. There's a thread on this in the web forums.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Actually, on constitutional grounds
Arria Perreault: we can adapt our laws
Jamie Palisades: easily amended by a wise RA, dear. However, we had a number of land, owner and sale reform ideas .. the first two are in your docket. Rent issues was another later one.
Justice Soothsayer: sorry folks. #$##$^^ laptop
Sonja Strom: lol
Rubaiyat Shatner: that was rather convenient after appointing gwyn
Jamie Palisades: hmm - I seem to have that brand of laptop, too
Gwyneth Llewelyn smiles @ Ruba
Justice Soothsayer: I trust the power didn't go to her head
Rubaiyat Shatner: maybe it was a test...
Moon Adamant: mind you that the dock stalls in CN were never occupied
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, so we have space for small shops already...
Moon Adamant: so i am not sure of the need for small shops
Gwyneth Llewelyn: small shops = more small sales = harder to fill in
Gwyneth Llewelyn: also, we have the ALtenburg quarter for that too?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Granted, it's not in CN...
Gwyneth Llewelyn: But it's also waiting for redevelopment.
Arria Perreault: small shops are mainly used to advertise the biggest shop of a designer
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Arria, sure, but how small is small?
Arria Perreault: a nice choice of designers can be attractive
Moon Adamant: the altenburg quarter can support a commercial function, like i believe all the inner city of NFS
Rose Springvale tried that with the ER, great designers, no sales
Moon Adamant: but mind you that the biggest plot in Altenstadt will support only 90 prims
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I mean, even a tiny shop to "advertise" for a designer needs mmmh some 50-100 prims left
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Exactly, Moon
Gwyneth Llewelyn: and in NFS, at least we can get "prim plots"
Moon Adamant: exactly, and you must take the building and props out of that
Jamie Palisades: the dock stalls had no traffic to support then, MoonGwyn
Arria Perreault: In Winterfell, they sell stuffs from Middle Age; In Roma stuffs from Roma
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I mean, I have a prime location on the Forum, and just 13 prims on t
Jamie Palisades: and I;m not sure you need 100 prims, seeing other suceeesful markets, GywnMoon
Justice Soothsayer: I should mention that I bought plot C15 when it came available, mainly to change it from a purveyor of sex beds. I'll gladly contribute that parcel back to redevelopment as it adjoins the targeted corner.
Justice Soothsayer: *C16
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Perhaps not 100 but 50..
Moon Adamant: oh
Moon Adamant: let me see
Arria Perreault: same with my parcel
Jamie Palisades: hm
Rose Springvale: raises hand
Jamie Palisades: happy to go with the freeform chat for now, just listening
Moon Adamant: thank you both, but those plots aren't part of the issue
Arria Perreault: I am ready to put it in the basket or to buy the parcel behind to make it bigger
Justice Soothsayer: just jump in for now, Rose
Rose Springvale: thanks justice
Arria Perreault: but the 2 parcels should be merged
Arria Perreault: C14 and C15
Rose Springvale: I tried several different marketing options in the ER
Moon Adamant: i mean, those plots are correct and ok
Gwyneth Llewelyn has indicated consent to be recorded.
Rose Springvale: and satir and i own the SDC roman outpost on the forum
Rose Springvale: sales here are dismal
Moon Adamant: well, Arria, that is an idea as well
Rose Springvale: regardless of the designer
Gwyneth Llewelyn: True, Rose, very true
Rose Springvale: doesn't seem to matter if the goods ar themed or not.. what DOES matter
Gwyneth Llewelyn: We simply don't have enough traffic; due to direct teleporting, people will go directly to where the events are, they don't bother with shopping.
Rose Springvale: is that there is more than one or two shops to look in
Rose Springvale: even the toga shop brought traffic
Arria Perreault: I would like to build a real urban villa to sell the textures (mosaics, paintings)
Jamie Palisades: hm
Jamie Palisades: do we regret direct TP, Gwyn?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh, you know what I said back then.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I haven't changed my opinion
Jamie Palisades: certainly almost all serious commecial mall efforts in SL leverage it
Jamie Palisades: but we ran ito a different question here: which is, are we really a mall?
Pip Torok: hi Kattie welcome to our meeting
Moon Adamant: hmmm
Jamie Palisades:
Sonja Strom: Hi Kattie!
Kattie Belgar: hi
Moon Adamant: yes, just what i was thinking jamie
Moon Adamant: i am not sure that our primary function is a commercial one
Jamie Palisades: the last RA's attempt to impose strong incentives for commercial land use was torpepoed by this RA
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Jamie Palisades: CSDF, really,, as I recall
Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
Jamie Palisades: so I asume your answer f :no"
Moon Adamant: well, it did grant eminent domain to a private NGO
Jamie Palisades: thus, if we are not a mall, well, is commercial space irrelevant?
Moon Adamant: i am suure you wouldn't like that Jamie
Jamie Palisades: no, it was an advisory role, and is moot now
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, Jamie, the CSDF is pro-encouragement of commercial activity, not pro-penalties towards the poor designers who scarcely make any sale
Moon Adamant: this is what i think
Justice Soothsayer: lets not re-hash that debate again and again
Moon Adamant: our main function essentially is a community function
Jamie Palisades: not sure Moon the majority of voters here seem to have been happy with "commercial" = moribund faction offices and the like. Vox populi vox dei.
Moon Adamant: most of our citizens have places elsewhere, but here we do meet
Moon Adamant: as we grow up, we'll have a more fixed population
Jamie Palisades: yes indeed. The number of people who PRIMARILY live in CDS is oddly small .. even for political leaders
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Mmmh in that case, Moon, I'll have to agree again with Arria's proposal of "many small shops" then...
Moon Adamant: not necessarily
Solomon Mosely: raises hand
Moon Adamant: what i think is that our population isn't sufficient atm to provide its own commercial traffic
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah yes, Jamie... *if* SL would be all a Big Mainland, the entire CDS would be the "city", where events happen, but where few people would live... they'd be in teh suburbs
Jamie Palisades: /but we were talking about Guild, and the ER space - Moon did we step on your topic?
Arria Perreault: I am in favor of a clever commercial activity related to our themes
Moon Adamant: well, a bit
Moon Adamant:
Moon Adamant: i just have a proposal for approval at the Guild
Moon Adamant:
Arria Perreault: look at Roma or at Winterfee
Jamie Palisades listens , looks to the distinguished roman senator with the Superman cape for topic guidance
Gwyneth Llewelyn: rofl
Justice Soothsayer: Time for guild discussion has gone beyond its schedule. Moon, do you want to add anything else efore Solomon gets a question?
Moon Adamant: no, nothing
Arria Perreault: Winterfell*
Justice Soothsayer: lol
Justice Soothsayer: Solomon?
Solomon Mosely: well, back to the use of those stalls,
Solomon Mosely: what if those stalls around the center and telehub housed satelite shops of existing cds shops with tps to main stores. and then we continue to offer those spaces for rent from the cds. that way the place looks full to potential renters as well as displays cds shops in obscure locations.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Mmh.
Solomon Mosely: marketing of cds is a separate issue
Moon Adamant: that could be an use indeed, Solomon
Moon Adamant: though the fact is
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, indeed.
Moon Adamant: that they've been standing there for two years +
Pip Torok: certainly something to consider
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Moon Adamant: and nobody has thought of that yet
Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol true! nothing like fresh ideas
Solomon Mosely: you guys are inspiring
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Actually I think that you are inspiring, Solomon... that's actually a pretty good idea.
Jamie Palisades: sorry, what's been standing, moon?
Moon Adamant: the stalls and deck stalls at CN
Jamie Palisades: and I agree, a good strategy to test, thanks
Justice Soothsayer: OK, time is up on is agenda item. Can we move on to Chancellor's report, since we have at least 2 bills to consider as well?
Rose Springvale: i think hte dock stalls are ful.. brian has a store there
Arria Perreault: yes, and wehave to find solutions for the empty plots first
Jamie Palisades: ready when you are, sir.
Justice Soothsayer waits for typing gestures to subside
Pip Torok: before we do that I suggest someone makes a proposal for the next RA concerning Solomon's idea .. with the intention of trying it out ASAP
Arria Perreault: and the current owners of these stalls?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'll be happy to second a motion to let the Guild propose a project based on Solomon's suggestion.
Moon Adamant: if no more questions for the Guild, i would like to go and prepare the meeting
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, that would fall into the label of "eminent domain", Arria.
Solomon Mosely: if the structure is going to be cds owned do upgrades now tho
Justice Soothsayer: I think we can refer this to the Guild for further discussion, since today's conversation was meant to give some input.
Arria Perreault: let's ask the owner first
Jamie Palisades: Good question, Arria, but a review of the concept to develop it and see if it has merit, need not await ownership decisions.
Justice Soothsayer: Let's move on to Jamie's report, please.
Jamie Palisades: it might work in multiple places, in any case
Moon Adamant: ok, see you all in one hour then
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Moon Adamant: thank you all
Justice Soothsayer: Thanks, Moon.
Jamie Palisades: Thank you, Moon.
Justice Soothsayer: Jamie, you have the floor.
Jamie Palisades: As she leaves, let me just ask: Guild today?
Justice Soothsayer: At 11, I think,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: uh-huh
Jamie Palisades: thx
Jamie Palisades: OK.
Jamie Palisades: We've had a quiet month, albeit with successful music events (largely atended by nonresidents, and we continue to get a few prospects for new residents from each one.)
Jamie Palisades: A quick show of hands question on that
Jamie Palisades: some estates send out a blue screen welcome notice for each new permanent resident
Jamie Palisades: I rather like that
Jamie Palisades: I was counsuled against it as spammish
Jamie Palisades: an alternative would be once a month
Jamie Palisades: what do you all think? we're talkg abotu 2-3 a month tops, at current volume
Jamie Palisades: any question yes or no reactions?
Jamie Palisades: *quick yes or no
Pip Torok: once a month on a set date seems ok Jamie
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'd love a one-per month "Welcome, New CDS Citizens!" party but I have no problem with the 'spamming' either.
Arria Perreault: I agree with Pip
Justice Soothsayer: by welcome notice, you mean an announcement to the community that New Avatar has joined us?
Jamie Palisades: yes, Justice
Arria Perreault: (and why not a welcoming party
Pip Torok: yes PLUS those new avatars who havew become citizens
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, arria
Justice Soothsayer: Sounds OK to me, and a periodic welcoming party would be good too.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: yay
Jamie Palisades: ok .. anyway, no need for a long analysis but I am getting generally positive reactions. Good, thanks, we try not to spam too much on the blue CDS group
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Pip Torok: For the record I'd be happy to offer "Arpar del Pip" for them
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Compared to others, Jamie, we're almost *boring*
Justice Soothsayer: And I'll second Jamie's thanks to Rose, as I've been able to attend some of the musical events over the holidays and they are all exceptionally done!
Jamie Palisades: LL Winterfaire listed us as an attraction, which brought traffic to a concert and the CDS info display added temporarily to the CN docs.
Jamie Palisades: Kudos to Rose, no surprise, for wangling us the listing.
Jamie Palisades: Man do those LL search thingies drive traffic
Gwyneth Llewelyn applauds Rose's efforts once more
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh they do.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: No question about that!
Jamie Palisades: Good classical holiday concerts - we were pleased to see high turnout
Sonja Strom:
Jamie Palisades: and Great owl contest go look, if you have not, on the CN to LA path. Our own Keila and Richie won first place.
Jamie Palisades: On land.
Jamie Palisades: Our expansion plan stopped for a bit in reaction to the ecnoomy, which I think was the right thing.
Jamie Palisades: Now we are looking in part to the Guild's GMP re-fresh project, newly launched, for data and guidance.
Jamie Palisades: As a separate thread from generic expansion options, our chats with and about AlAndalus ran into some interesting reactions. If we get our own hosue in order, that may be the next topic to take up again.
Jamie Palisades: Though I still see our own land and admin issues as being the first proper priority of this RA.
Jamie Palisades: All flag debates aside
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
Jamie Palisades: as for the land "market" (I'm 2/3rd of the way through, Justuce)
Jamie Palisades: I note that Two parcels *show* for sale in CN.
Jamie Palisades: Seven in LA, which is down to a more manageable number.
Jamie Palisades: Enough are clustered at LA's "naked" southern border that I feel confident it will improve further, once the scenic flaw of the sim break next to Alpine Meadows is solved .. whether by parkland, or otherwise.
Jamie Palisades: .. which I expect will be an early financial issue for ...
Jamie Palisades flips calendar momentarily ...
Jamie Palisades: .. the 10th RA once seated.
Jamie Palisades: (A word on that at the end of my commens.)
Jamie Palisades: There are 10 commercial lots in NFS. Three are or shortly likely will be empty.
Jamie Palisades: There are 18 commercial lots in NFS. Between 8 and 10 are or shortly likely will be empty.
Arria Perreault: CN?
Jamie Palisades: oooops
Jamie Palisades: yes, CN on the lattern sorry Thanks, Arria
Jamie Palisades: Our current laws
Jamie Palisades: see
Justice Soothsayer: Those 8 to 10 being the area we were just discussing, no?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Mmh definitely part of it
Jamie Palisades: They are most but not all, yes.
Jamie Palisades: .. those laws ... current require than I set aside (small smile) 15& of abandoned-to-the-Confederation commercial land
Jamie Palisades: at a minimum, for a competitive bid for commercial development at a 50% rent rate
Jamie Palisades: look at the law, you weill see that there are some other requirements
Jamie Palisades: suffice to say
Jamie Palisades: I can and will, now that the holidays are over and attention spans are waking up again
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Jamie Palisades: announce that arragement as an open bid, tomorow, with respect to the land OTHER than the "ER" six plots, for now.
Jamie Palisades: It's been clear that a litle fiddling of the ER plot boundaries was imminent.
Jamie Palisades: It;s my read of the law (and of our best fiscal choice) that I can do that with more than 15%, so I plan to do so as noted above.
Jamie Palisades: now
Jamie Palisades: last item on land
Jamie Palisades: there are also four new replatted resident plots in NFS on the old Altstadt
Gwyneth Llewelyn: yay
Jamie Palisades: for those of you hwo were uttely outside of SL last month, we held a very wellk received and moving memorial service for Kendra Bancroft there.
Jamie Palisades: fittingly
Jamie Palisades: and the path, of course, has long been "KendraStrasse"
Jamie Palisades: so Moon was kind enough to help me make a few adjustments
Jamie Palisades: wiht the result that the park there is now a memorial as well.
Justice Soothsayer: very nice
Jamie Palisades: Go take a look
Jamie Palisades: and thanks again to Moon for that.
Jamie Palisades: As for the lots
Jamie Palisades: there were multiple interested parties.
Pip Torok: hi Sudane
Sonja Strom: hi Sudane!
Sudane Erato: hi
Arria Perreault: Hi Sudane
Lilith Ivory: hi Sudane
Jamie Palisades: so I also plan to offer them for sale with advance notice .. to give folks someth9ing other than a sheer serendipitous land rush chance
Sudane Erato: hi hi
Gwyneth Llewelyn *waves* at Sudane
Jamie Palisades: however the way we do that will depend on today's RA actions
Arria Perreault: I have a question (very practical)
Jamie Palisades: because the laws on your docket afect what we can do.
Jamie Palisades: Done on land.
Jamie Palisades: Fionally, may I just publicly note the upcoming elections for RA.
Jamie Palisades: Hm - have we seen the list of qualified candidates confirmed by the SC yet?
Amaretto Coffee Mug: Yummy!!
Jamie Palisades: I think not
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh! No?
Jamie Palisades: suffice to say, the SC, god bless them .... is in charge
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Jamie Palisades: and with Cindy on vacation shortly, I think that means a small roster
Justice Soothsayer: Just what individuals have posted in the forums, I thin, but one could also sign up to be a candidate by IM to the Dean
Jamie Palisades: so, ah, best of luck to them and to all who depend on them
Justice Soothsayer: *think
Jamie Palisades: heer is the place for the record, where i'd expect any further notices to sppear:
Jamie Palisades: thank you, Justice, and done.
Arria Perreault: I really would like to have the plot behind my villa in CN (C14 I think). As I have two plots, I cannot buy it. But I think that C15 and C 14 could be merged. Would it be possible to buy it in advance in order to merge it or will I fall in an administrative and legal gap and get a new unhappy neighbour soon?
Justice Soothsayer: Thanks Jamie
Jamie Palisades: arria it is EXACTLY that sort of issue, if I may Justice ...
Jamie Palisades: .. that su used to manage personally
Arria Perreault: I ask this because in one hour, the Guild will discuss this question and tomorrow land are for sale ...(if I have undestrand well)
Jamie Palisades: and now we do with the yellow map and serendipity
Jamie Palisades: and I have probabled (see agenda) that we do differently in the futuer
Jamie Palisades: I;m big on transparency and not so much on insider markets, personally
Arria Perreault: even I will buy it, I am not allowed to do it ....
Justice Soothsayer: not sure Arria got an answer?
Sudane Erato: you could, Arria, if you formed a group
Rubaiyat Shatner: what would it take to permit the joining of the parcels?
Sudane Erato: according to the current law
Arria Perreault: until tomorrow?
Arria Perreault: with who?
Rose Springvale: our eo will resign!
Sudane Erato: *shrug*
Rose Springvale: if we ask for joining parcels
Arria Perreault: eo?
Sudane Erato: yes, she will be extremely unhappy
Rose Springvale: estate owner... = sudane
Arria Perreault: for this case, you should see the map
Jamie Palisades: heh heh
Arria Perreault: the former Cleopatra shop
Sudane Erato: it was owned by a group... which is how they managed so many
Jamie Palisades: it is my reading of the law that it;s unclear as hell and the authors should be put in the public stocks .. however.. the practical effect has been that the RA must approve sgiificant plat maps, and anything with material economic effect (like, say, perturbing the net rental square meters), and tha minor changes that do not have that effect can be done by the likes of Sudane and me. Or our successors.
Jamie Palisades smiles pleasantly
Jamie Palisades mutters .. ooo .. public stocks have to look at the entertainment budget again
Arria Perreault: what can I do (on a very practical base)?
Rose Springvale has a guillotine in inventory, but no stocks...
Kattie Belgar: good bye all was nice to see you
Pip Torok: bye Kattie
Justice Soothsayer: perhaps the dunking booth could be used.
Sonja Strom: bye bye Kattie, thanks for visiting us
Jamie Palisades: nice to meet you Kattie, thanks for stopping by.
Lilith Ivory smiles at Rose
Justice Soothsayer: Jamie, I had one other question for you and Sudane. I know we've seen a major increase in abandoned CN commercial property, but other than that, has the current economic problems caused us to have any increase in defaults? (question is also related to our next agenda item)
Jamie Palisades: dunking booth, guillotine you say PoTahto ...
Sudane Erato: Justice, my informal impression is that defaults are normal
Jamie Palisades: hmmm. Su? My gut is, we took back a passel of abandoned properties just now, but that's from 3 months ago plus, due to our pokey laws
Sudane Erato: yes, i agree
Jamie Palisades: in other words it;s not indicative of anything special in the last 60 days
Jamie Palisades: and hey, for that matter ...
Jamie Palisades: the deadbeats list which we don't circulate for obvious reasons .. is a litle SHORTER than usual
Gwyneth Llewelyn: That is good, isn't it?
Justice Soothsayer: good to hear
Sudane Erato: yes
Jamie Palisades: in part, that's successful sales of parcels to enthuastic, pay-on-time newcomers, smile .. luired by events, hint hint
Justice Soothsayer: Other questions for Jamie before we get to the next item, which is the proposal to un-pokey the land reclamation law.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: But what does it indicate? More new citizens, or higher retention rates?
Jamie Palisades: (but of both, so far)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah, so more new citizens, ok
Justice Soothsayer: On to the next item, then: Land Sales Reclamation Act.
Justice Soothsayer: the draft bill has been on the forums and is available as a notecard from the dispenser on the table.
Jamie Palisades: may I also just selfishly toss in the URI here:
Justice Soothsayer: Jamie, was it your intention that Paragraph 6 be included? It is in brackets in the notecard.
Jamie Palisades looks
Jamie Palisades: Yes.
Gwyneth Llewelyn wonders if we hadn't discussed the wording around 'provisional citizens' before...
Sudane Erato has indicated consent to be recorded.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ie. just the NAME
Gwyneth Llewelyn: not what it means being one
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I suppose that "delinquent citizens" even sounds more horrible...
Jamie Palisades: as to para 7, yes, include please, otherwise it's a glaring loophole - i thin Gwyn and I had a bit of tete-a-tete on this in the RA when it last came up
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes.
Jamie Palisades smiles, whispers - public stocks .. think of it as our keep-out-EO-amused act
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
Jamie Palisades: give sudane a nice little black hood
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, a question on 6, which is teh issue of refunds
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Imagine the following stupid scenario, someone owns two plots, one is paid in full for a year, the other is paid every month, and, well, the citizen forgot to pay one month
Gwyneth Llewelyn: What happens?
Jamie Palisades: you or me, su?
Sudane Erato: sorry
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Jamie Palisades consigned Santa Minerva to the holiday props locker
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Sudane Erato: at this time, there is no provision other than to pay each month
Jamie Palisades: under current law before this change? They;re in arrears and get foreclosed after 3 months anyway
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Aaah what about the citizens that go away on vacation and are sure they aren't able to log in to pay?
Jamie Palisades: under the new law, same
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, the 3 months was because the number of citizens who take more than 3 months of "computer vacations" are very very rare...
Jamie Palisades: Gwyn, speaking only as personal opinion, that's one rason why I went to change software
Jamie Palisades: prepay would solve that one
Pip Torok: IMO a glance at landlord-tenant relatyions and the use of _discretion_ would be useful (only a thought)
Sudane Erato: currently, anyone who will be away need only speak to me, and give me an idea when they will pay... and its fine
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes!
Jamie Palisades: but um - you know, we *have* had workarounds
Jamie Palisades: they';re just manual and thus annoying
Sudane Erato: most people, however, say nothing
Jamie Palisades: yup
Solomon Mosely: raises hand
Jamie Palisades: it;s the person who is gone from SL entirely, for example, where we are losing rent for months for no good reason
Jamie Palisades goes afk a sec
Justice Soothsayer: Solomon?
Solomon Mosely: yes, well, i had another question about item 6 of the reclamation act
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, jamie. I'll withdraw my objections, since a) if we have a prepayment system in place, we can arrange for a refunding bill, but since we don't have it, the question is moot; b) the few cases where *currently* someone will ask Sudane to accept payment for a whole year and 'forget' to pay another plot monthly are probably very few
Solomon Mosely: relating to qwyneths earlier question
Sudane Erato: well... when people ask to prepay... i refuse
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Gosh, Sudane, you're terrible
Sudane Erato: yes... and very tired...
Solomon Mosely: ok, because according to #6 (ithink im reading it right) that owner of two parcels with one prepaid and one in default would lose both
Gwyneth Llewelyn makes a mental note never to take any vacations again
Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, Solomon, exactly ? both AND the right to be a citizen, with all what it implies
Justice Soothsayer happens to know Gwyn rarely travels without computer access
Sudane Erato:
Sudane Erato: well, its up to you all to define citizenship
Sudane Erato: i only collect the tier
Arria Perreault: If we allow people to pay in advance, can we make some bargain for 3 months in advance or 6 months in advance?
Jamie Palisades: Gwyn I suggest we make it simple and mutually agreeable, by making the effectiveness of para 6 contingent on an opportunity for prepayment
Gwyneth Llewelyn: But often without *network* access, Justice
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I totally second that, Jamie
Sudane Erato: administratively, using current software, we have no method to handle any prepayment
Jamie Palisades: workingon wording
Sudane Erato: so, prepayment = new software
Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes
Justice Soothsayer notes Item III b on the agenda = new software
Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
Jamie Palisades: indeed
Jamie Palisades: so
Jamie Palisades: consider adding this sentence at the end of para 6
Jamie Palisades: "However, this paragraph 6 shall only be in force on and after the date on which CDS government has posted a method by which absent landowners can effectively prepay rent, in amoutns at least up to 3 months' in advance."
Jamie Palisades: hmm ... modulo the typo
Jamie Palisades: "amounts"
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm fine with that hehe
Justice Soothsayer: I'll second that, along with taking off the brackets to make it clear that para 6 is part of the full bill.
Jamie Palisades smiles - I not longer wear he cape around here, so if that's an amendment it will need a motion and second Is that Gwyn moves, Justice seconds, then?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: mmh yes.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (with Justice's comment of tacking off the brackets, and I removing a typo or two)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: *taking even
Justice Soothsayer thinks Jamie needs a cape
Jamie Palisades makes quiet note -- see if Adam & Eve has sale on Gravitas!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: oh gosh, that sentence of mine was full of typos too
Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol Jamie
Sudane Erato:
Jamie Palisades: naah, see, bottom line is actually much more embarrassing than that ...
Jamie Palisades leans over whispers to Justcie .. cape envy.
Justice Soothsayer: Any objection to the amendment?
Pip Torok: none
Pip Torok: (at least from me)
Justice Soothsayer: Let us move on the bill as amended, then. Are you ready to vote on it, or any further discussion?
Gwyneth Llewelyn is fine with voting now.
Justice Soothsayer: The vote, then, is on the bill as amended. All in favor, say aye.
Pip Torok: aye
Rubaiyat Shatner: aye
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Aye !
Justice Soothsayer votes Aye
Justice Soothsayer pauses to wait for Arria
Justice Soothsayer: Well, the motion carries 4-0.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: True
Gwyneth Llewelyn watches the yellow markers on the Map suddenly triplicate... hehe
Justice Soothsayer: Meanwhile, we have only 11 minutes until the scheduled guild meeting
Justice Soothsayer: Next item is " Land Sales LIsting Improvement Act" (which will take the yellow markers away_
Justice Soothsayer: eventually.
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Justice Soothsayer: Discussion?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, question....
Gwyneth Llewelyn: How will land sales be promoted *besides* that "central listing method"? I mean, additionally to what we have now?
Jamie Palisades: well, gwyn I have four things in mind
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok!
Jamie Palisades: 1. we have brian's bulletin boards now at the two main hubs
Jamie Palisades: so look, if you haven't
Jamie Palisades: *go
Jamie Palisades: PIOs are putting nice little in-your-face pictures, right thetre
Jamie Palisades makes happy-chancellor face
Sonja Strom:
Jamie Palisades: 2. I;d expect us to announce *commercial* availability in the group, goign forward
Jamie Palisades: after all any prospect can joint the friends-of group and get that stream, RSS so to speak
Jamie Palisades: 3. web hub
Jamie Palisades: siigh manual for now
Gwyneth Llewelyn: "web hub", you mean mmh ?
Jamie Palisades: yes but 4. new software (broken record, me) would give us some augmented display ability
Jamie Palisades: and heh heh
Jamie Palisades: next term , they/we should decide whether we list on SLX too
Gwyneth Llewelyn: OOOOOOOH
Sonja Strom: X-Street
Gwyneth Llewelyn: YES!!!!!
Arria Perreault: sorry (I was ok anyway ...)
Jamie Palisades:
Justice Soothsayer: wb Arria
Jamie Palisades points to the legislation draft itself,
Justice Soothsayer: Jamie, I was wondering if you have an estimate of time/cost of delivering a "central listing method", even just a ballpark estimate at this time
Jamie Palisades: yes.
Gwyneth Llewelyn removes any of her potential objections on this bill, and would like to hear about the estimate as well.
Jamie Palisades: 1. the hub bulletin boards (inworld) actually qualify NOW but
Jamie Palisades: 2. realyl it was the softeware with display capability I was keening towards
Jamie Palisades: and that is, oh, a wek after we buy it
Jamie Palisades: *week
Jamie Palisades: so
Jamie Palisades: budget obstacles aside
Jamie Palisades: I plan to have it installed before my term ends , e.g., end of this calendar month
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok ))
Jamie Palisades: that factors in a bit of pass-it-around-get-feedback-on-the-interface
Jamie Palisades: in the best traditions of CDS, grin
Arria Perreault says Aye on the Land Reclamation bill (for the record)
Justice Soothsayer: a week would set a land speed record around here.
Justice Soothsayer: for the feedback loop, that is.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, I'm ready to vote aye, too
Jamie Palisades: (a week after buy to deploy) (this month, i.e. 3 weeks or so, for the feedback loop, before buy)
Rubaiyat Shatner: me as well
Justice Soothsayer: Arria was stating her vote in favor of the previous bill for the record.
Justice Soothsayer: We are now on the Land Listings bill, and it seems we are ready to vote.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh oops, sorry Justice
Justice Soothsayer: So, please state your vote noew on the Land Listings bill.
Justice Soothsayer: *now
Jamie Palisades has indicated consent to be recorded.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Aye on that!
Rubaiyat Shatner: awww brian
Brian Livingston: Whhops, sorry :p
Jamie Palisades: wasn;t that cute
Rubaiyat Shatner: it was
Jamie Palisades: and people say *I* suck up to the RA, tsk
Justice Soothsayer: heh
Gwyneth Llewelyn: A *mining* brian?
Brian Livingston: Gotta pay the bills :p
Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
Justice Soothsayer votes Aye on land listings bill
Rubaiyat Shatner: aye
Pip Torok: aye
Arria Perreault votes Aye
Gwyneth Llewelyn had voted aye too in case it wasn't clear
Justice Soothsayer: Motion carries.
Justice Soothsayer: Lot of work to do, Jamie. Thanks in advance.
Justice Soothsayer: OK, we are now past our 11 am adjournment, and still have budget to discuss and open discussion.
Justice Soothsayer: Jamie, are you ready to talk about revisign the budget, or has time caught up with us on this?
Justice Soothsayer: most of the budget period having already expired, that is.
Jamie Palisades: Justice, I'd say it should be a higher item in 2 weeks and plently of time for it then - because that will give this RA a thoughtful chance to giev the next RA its collective take
Gwyneth Llewelyn: It's your call, either way I'm fine
Jamie Palisades: we are in fact not at risk in the short run because we're spending as if the higher reserves exist
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Granted, I don't like to do "major voting" during the campaigning period...
Justice Soothsayer: I'm willing to postpone it for 2 weeks, but ask that Jamie post in the forums his suggestions, especially with regard to increasing reserves.
Justice Soothsayer: That will let the rest of the community participate int he discussion.
Justice Soothsayer: So we are now on to Item II C Open Discussion.
Justice Soothsayer: I just want to again congratulate Rose and the PIO team for an excellent job of events and lots of publicity drawing traffic and new citizens!
Sonja Strom: yaaay!!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: yay Rose
Rose Springvale smiles ... thank you all for supporting
Symo Kurka: me/ appaludes
Lilith Ivory: applause
Jamie Palisades: Yes indeed Cheers, Rose & Brian
Timo Gufler: applause!
Justice Soothsayer: Also, a reminder that polls open on 10 January to 17 January.
Justice Soothsayer: No ebay listings of RA seats here! You have to vote!
Brian Livingston notes there is still tiem to buy his vote Bid High and Bid Often!
Sonja Strom: lol
Brian Livingston is a few seconds too late :/
Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha justice
Jamie Palisades: On that, justice, in, ah, lieu of a clear notice from anyone about it, let me mention here what i did on the forums
Justice Soothsayer: hehe
Justice Soothsayer: Claude posted that schedule at
Jamie Palisades: exec branch usually sets up a RA faction debate
Jamie Palisades: we will offer to do so again.
Jamie Palisades looks at calendar, frowns
Jamie Palisades: probbbbbbbbaly next weekend
Gwyneth Llewelyn:
Jamie Palisades: thought I have not heard a thing about whose ballot device is in propscte for use this time. Justice, perhaps you and I should ping Claude.
Justice Soothsayer: Good idea, Jamie.
Jamie Palisades: I'll do so in e mail and copy you, then
Justice Soothsayer: Any other comments before we adjourn? Open to all.
Brian Livingston: Just a reminder that the electiosn guide is available at:
Rose Springvale: with all the LL traffic
Rose Springvale: we've had quite a few people leaving litter. so check your land
Arria Perreault: I would like to know where we are with the idea of fees based on prims.
Sonja Strom: About the litter - if you see some in a public place and can not pick it up please let me know!
Sonja Strom: I will.
Lilith Ivory: You can ask me also
Rose Springvale: remember too you can turn off "build" for all residents on your own land.
Rose Springvale: heading over to guild
Rubaiyat Shatner: are we winding down?
Gwyneth Llewelyn wanted to go over to the Guild too....
Justice Soothsayer: I think we are, though Arria still needs an answer on fees per prims; Guild din't have much to say on it. Jamie?
Justice Soothsayer: *didn't
Jamie Palisades: mm good point. Better ask them
Justice Soothsayer: sorry we are adjouring a little late.
Jamie Palisades: one of the drawbacks of volunteers they act on an as-avail basis
Justice Soothsayer: But lets all move over tot he Guild meeting and raise that again.
Jamie Palisades: Cheers all, and thanks, and happy new year!
Justice Soothsayer: So I am declaring the meeting adjourned.
Arria Perreault: tennis play isn't the best answer
Sonja Strom: so long
Kedwyn Parmelee: \o
Brian Livingston: Same to you Jamie See you all at the Guild Meeting.
The meeting closed at 11:20 Linden time.