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Rose Springvale
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Debate Transcripts

Post by Rose Springvale »

[7:17] Rose Springvale: Thank you all for coming out today... i'm guessing jamie is having log in trouble.
[7:18] Rose Springvale: I'll leave it up to you candidates.. we can go ahead and start, everyone konws the format... or we can wait longer
[7:18] Symo Kurka: I think we should start but we need a moderator, would you do it Rose?
[7:18] Rose Springvale: i'll be happy to fill in until jamie gets online, sure
[7:19] Symo Kurka: In respect of our audience
[7:19] Symo Kurka: we better start
[7:19] Rose Springvale: if that's okay with Arria and Sonja
[7:19] Symo Kurka: any objections girls?
[7:19] Arria Perreault: ok for me
[7:19] Rose Springvale: sonja?
[7:19] Sonja Strom: yes :-)
[7:20] Rose Springvale: great. Let me explain briefly for our new citizens
[7:20] Sonja Strom: I meant no, no objections...
[7:20] Rose Springvale: We open the debates with a brief statement by each candidate representing their faction
[7:21] Rose Springvale: after that, the floor is open to you, for questions. The way we do that is by you handing your questions to the moderator on a notecard, and then each candidate answers in turn
[7:21] Rose Springvale: we start alphabetically, then rotate
[7:21] Rose Springvale: Any questions before we get started?
[7:21] Rose Springvale: Spinoza, can you read from where you are?
[7:21] Spinoza Haiku: Yes :)
[7:21] Rose Springvale: checking chat distance. Good.
[7:22] Rose Springvale: Okay, if no questions. I think Arria is first from CSDF
[7:22] Arria Perreault: ok
[7:22] Rose Springvale: i think openings are 3 minutes?
[7:22] Arria Perreault: Citizen's Social Democratic Faction is CSDF
[7:23] Arria Perreault: Our faction is in favour of the CSDF development in different domains:
[7:23] Arria Perreault: sorry the CDS development*
[7:23] Arria Perreault: 1. Developing the participation of the citizen. Participation must be larger than the right to elect representants in an assembly. Cooperation with other factions or with NGO is the best way to make a project successful.
[7:24] Arria Perreault: 2. Developping the creativity of the citizen.
[7:24] Arria Perreault: Our brain, our creativity is our most important ressource. We have people with different skills and we have to find ways to share these skills.
[7:24] Arria Perreault: 3. Developing the CDS. The keyword is "Quality".
[7:25] Arria Perreault: This is right for land development, where we prefer to be careful (regarding the current economical situation) and where we would like to consolidate, improve what we have.
[7:25] Arria Perreault: This is also right for economy: the SL economy is a long tail market. Economy is more than shops: it englobes also services and places to be (like museums or dance clubs). We have to favour products and services of quality.
[7:25] Arria Perreault: 4. Developing our place in the virtual world
[7:26] Arria Perreault: by continuing our efforts to make us visible, to promote tourism in our sims, to develop contacts with other communities, especially communities who have the same values (democracies) and the same themes (for example roman theme).
[7:26] Arria Perreault: Our members are very involved in the life of the community. They participate to many projects, NGO, commissions and they have also built a lot of things in CDS.
[7:26] Arria Perreault: I am done
[7:26] Rose Springvale: thanks arria
[7:27] Rose Springvale: may i ask for the candidates to stand when speaking
[7:27] Symo Kurka: sure :)
[7:27] Rose Springvale: i hate to interrupt for time if you are finished, and it's hard to tell :)
[7:27] Arria Perreault: ok
[7:27] Rose Springvale: Sonja, DPU is next alphabetically
[7:28] Patroklus Murakami claps
[7:28] Ulysse Alexandre claps
[7:28] Sonja Strom: Hi everybody :-)
[7:28] Sonja Strom: Thanks Rose!
[7:28] Rose Springvale: no need to hide you!
[7:28] Sonja Strom: hahaa!
[7:29] Sonja Strom: I'm a bit shorter than some of the people in SL
[7:29] Sonja Strom: but I have a big heart you can't see over the podium :-)
[7:29] KlausWulfenbach Outlander chuckles
[7:29] Sonja Strom: First let me thank everybody for being here.
[7:29] Sonja Strom: Without you and your participation,
[7:30] Sonja Strom: there would be no reason for the rest of us to be here
[7:30] Sonja Strom: When I say you, I mean everybody too... all the faction members represented
[7:31] Sonja Strom: There is a particular community of people in the world who find the concept and technology of virtual worlds to be interesting
[7:31] Sonja Strom: and within this community there is a more deeply interested community of people
[7:31] Sonja Strom: who see what the potential is for them
[7:32] Sonja Strom: who want to experiment with it, and try to create something beautiful out of it
[7:32] Sonja Strom: For now within it, of course,
[7:32] Sonja Strom: which it has to be,
[7:32] Sonja Strom: but I think there is a much bigger concept to what we are doing here.
[7:32] Sonja Strom: I feel we have much in common here --
[7:32] Sonja Strom: all of us
[7:33] Sonja Strom: so there is no use trying to say which of us is better
[7:33] Sonja Strom: but we do have some philosophical differences
[7:33] Sonja Strom: and I know you want to find out what those are here.
[7:33] Sonja Strom: The DPU stands for creating a wonderful community for all of us.
[7:34] Sonja Strom: Its letters are
[7:34] Sonja Strom: Democratic
[7:34] Sonja Strom: Pragmatist
[7:34] Sonja Strom: Union
[7:34] Sonja Strom: The intention of this is to create a community for us all
[7:34] Sonja Strom: working together to create what we want,
[7:34] Sonja Strom: resulting in a community that is valuable for us
[7:35] Sonja Strom: in terms of that our time here is spent
[7:35] Sonja Strom: in a way that we enjoy, and that leaves us having what we want.
[7:35] Sonja Strom: Once again I thank you for your time and attention.
[7:36] Sonja Strom: If you are interested in what the DPU really wants to work toward in detail,
[7:36] Sonja Strom: please see our platform
[7:36] Sonja Strom: or speak with any of our members.
[7:36] Rose Springvale: Thanks Sonja
[7:36] Sonja Strom: Thanks for your support of the DPU!
[7:36] Rose Springvale: Our last faction running is The Simplicity Party... Symo?
[7:36] Symo Kurka: Thank you Ms Springvale...
[7:37] Symo Kurka: riends, citizens, guests of the CDS Republic
[7:37] Symo Kurka: Let me first look for wise men within this audience....
[7:37] Symo Kurka: Hmmm i can see many...
[7:37] KlausWulfenbach Outlander: Heh.
[7:37] Symo Kurka: So my first question for you wise ladies and gentlemen is ...
[7:38] Symo Kurka: Why are you here???
[7:38] Symo Kurka: And i believe there might be two main answers:
[7:38] Symo Kurka: First: "I've been trapped in Secondlife and cannot get rid of it anymore".
[7:38] Symo Kurka: Second: "I'm fascinated by CDS experiment".
[7:38] KlausWulfenbach Outlander chuckles
[7:38] Symo Kurka: Well I think we cannot discuss about the first point:
[7:38] Symo Kurka: deep motivations belong to our intimacy.
[7:39] Symo Kurka: But for sure all you here who joined the CDS
or who just sympathize, you all know very well
[7:39] Symo Kurka: that ours is a VERY complex experiment...
[7:39] Symo Kurka: In the last term we developed a great amount of successful events...
[7:39] Symo Kurka: And therefore some could ask:
[7:39] Symo Kurka: are you JUST here for having fun?
[7:40] Symo Kurka: I'd answer no, no doubt, not only this...
[7:40] Symo Kurka: Some could ask: are you here JUST for virtual democracy??
[7:41] Symo Kurka: I'd answer no, no doubt, not only this...
[7:41] Symo Kurka: We develop beautiful Sims which all are economically healthy
are we JUST wise Sim builders?
[7:41] Symo Kurka: I'd answer no, no doubt, not only this...
[7:41] Symo Kurka: We have a lot of musicians and creative ppl in our community
are we just a good playground for artists and musicians?
[7:42] Symo Kurka: I'd answer no, no doubt, not only this...
[7:42] Symo Kurka: We are here ALL THIS and much more...
[7:42] Symo Kurka: We are a very complex micro world and we all must be
[7:42] Symo Kurka: PROUD of our experiment.
[7:42] Symo Kurka: So what are the main dangers we are facing here in CDS?
[7:43] Symo Kurka: What should we take care of, wise men of the CDS?
[7:43] Symo Kurka: It might sound like a paradox, but we have to keep it simple.
[7:43] Symo Kurka: KEEP
[7:43] Symo Kurka: IT
[7:43] Symo Kurka: SIMPLE
[7:43] Symo Kurka: yes
[7:43] Symo Kurka: Because when we grow up in number of Sims, in citizens participation, in number of laws, in number of activities
[7:43] Symo Kurka: our main risk is beeing overwhelmed by our own complexity...
[7:44] Symo Kurka: I think we all want to go on growing up
[7:44] Symo Kurka: with a CDS healthy economy
[7:44] Symo Kurka: with great events
[7:44] Rose Springvale: time Symo :)
[7:44] Symo Kurka: with beautiful Sims
with more participationwith more and more creative citizens joining us....
[7:44] Symo Kurka: So
let us just
[7:44] Symo Kurka: if we want to succeed in all this.
[7:45] Symo Kurka: You find Simplicity Party's platform in
[7:45] Symo Kurka: And that's all, ladies and gentlemen.
[7:45] Ulysse Alexandre claps
[7:45] Rose Springvale: Thanks.. lets explores with questions now..
[7:45] Rose Springvale: Let me ask the audience to please pass yoru questions to me on notecards...
[7:45] Rose Springvale: and if the candidttes will keep me in im .. i'll remind you on time
[7:45] Rose Springvale: :)
[7:46] Rose Springvale: our first question will be addressed to all three factions. Please keep your remarks to 2 minutes
[7:46] Rose Springvale: what makes your faction different from the others? why should we put your faction first? what is your unique selling point?'
[7:46] Rose Springvale: Sonja, your turn to start
[7:46] Sonja Strom: podium, or here?
[7:46] KlausWulfenbach Outlander nods in approval of the question
[7:46] Rose Springvale: whereever you are comfortable
[7:47] Sonja Strom: ok, thanks, here is fine :-)
[7:47] Sonja Strom: The DPU came about toward the end of 2004
[7:47] Sonja Strom: out of a desire to have a more open community
[7:47] Sonja Strom: and a more open government for the community
[7:48] Sonja Strom: This is the background for the name Pragmatic
[7:48] Sonja Strom: a practical approach that works to have things in such a way that they are beneficial for everybody involved
[7:48] Sonja Strom: when things are that way,
[7:48] Sonja Strom: the community is fun,
[7:49] Sonja Strom: and valuable for people,
[7:49] Sonja Strom: and they want to participate in it
[7:49] Sonja Strom: We are not so much wanting to pay a lot of attention to the minute details of bureaucratic wrangling
[7:50] Sonja Strom: and not trying to maintain control
[7:50] Sonja Strom: through any such sort of means.
[7:50] Rose Springvale: time
[7:50] Sonja Strom: We don't think people should have to have a postion or even be at a particular meeting to participate,
[7:50] Sonja Strom: but that we can all work together, all the time.
[7:50] Sonja Strom: Thank you :-)
[7:51] Rose Springvale: Thank you. Sorry for interrupting!
[7:51] Rose Springvale: Symo?
[7:51] Symo Kurka: Thanks Ms Springvale
[7:51] Symo Kurka: I do not know much of Parties History,
[7:51] Symo Kurka: as i'm almost a newbie here.
[7:52] Symo Kurka: But i can say WHY I myself choosed SP
[7:52] Symo Kurka: I just know for sure
[7:53] Symo Kurka: Sorry, I just know for sure there is a big focus in SP on communication,
[7:53] Symo Kurka: in this party a clear communication is very important
[7:53] Symo Kurka: i believe this is a strategic point in our community
[7:53] Symo Kurka: if we want to grow involving new citizens .
[7:54] Symo Kurka: I remember when i was a newbie
[7:54] Symo Kurka: i could not understand much of what was goin on here
[7:54] Symo Kurka: until i disocvered the forum at least... :)))
[7:54] Symo Kurka: so, ciommunication makes the difference
[7:55] Symo Kurka: to my point of view
[7:55] Symo Kurka: Thank you all
[7:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn claps :)
[7:55] Rose Springvale: Thank you Symo
[7:55] Rose Springvale: Arria?
[7:55] Arria Perreault: If I have to find one word to define my faction, it is definitely
[7:56] Arria Perreault: "creativity"
[7:56] Arria Perreault: I have been even temptated to propose this as name: Party of creativity. ;-)
[7:56] Arria Perreault: First, our members are very creative:
[7:56] Arria Perreault: some of them (inclusive I) are in the New Guild. Some of them have created great things in CDS or elsewhere in CDS.
[7:57] Arria Perreault: Being in this faction, I have learned a lot.
[7:57] Arria Perreault: In our vision of what can be an online democracy, we consider that creativity, skill, sharing of knowledge has an important part.
[7:57] Arria Perreault: We support projects in educational and cultural domain.
[7:58] Arria Perreault: We wish that people are creative. We would like to encourage them to bring their projects to life.
[7:58] Arria Perreault: Creativity also in participation forms: we are open to new ways to involve people in the public debate: surveys, Citizen Assembly.
[7:58] Arria Perreault: Even in land development and economical development,
[7:58] Arria Perreault: we think that creativity is the key of success and we are ready to help this creativity.
[7:59] Arria Perreault: thank you
[7:59] Rose Springvale: Thanks Arria :)
[7:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn cheers :)))
[7:59] Rose Springvale: We'll Start with Simplicity for the next question.
[8:00] Rose Springvale: Remember we have a lot of new people here and if you can focus on the specifics that distinguishe your factions, that will help them a lot
[8:00] Soro Dagostino: Point of Order?
[8:00] Rose Springvale: Our work and experimentation with virtual democracy is important for rl. we have built beautiful sims. but so far they are underutilized. How would you engage the citizens ?
[8:00] Rose Springvale: Soro?
[8:00] Rose Springvale: one second symo
[8:00] Soro Dagostino: Can you post the question?
[8:00] Rose Springvale: oh, i have been in chat, and we will post the transcript too.
[8:00] Rose Springvale: how do you mean though?
[8:01] Soro Dagostino: What is the question?
[8:01] Rose Springvale: let me paste again
[8:01] Rose Springvale: Our work and experimentation with virtual democracy is important for rl. we have built beautiful sims. but so far they are underutilized. How would you engage the citizens ?
[8:01] Symo Kurka: Most of Sims are "underutilized" in SL
[8:01] Symo Kurka: just because we are part time inhabitants of SL
[8:01] Soro Dagostino: Thank you
[8:02] Symo Kurka: so there is ONE way to utilize more our Sims
[8:02] Symo Kurka: which is mixing up more with RL
[8:02] Symo Kurka: RL events
[8:02] Symo Kurka: concerts aetc
[8:02] Symo Kurka: or RL economics
[8:02] Symo Kurka: Thanks
[8:03] Rose Springvale: Thanks Symo. Arria?
[8:03] Rose Springvale: Our work and experimentation with virtual democracy is important for rl. we have built beautiful sims. but so far they are underutilized. How would you engage the citizens ?
[8:03] Rose Springvale: to repeat the question
[8:03] Arria Perreault: Thank you for this question. This is an important point. I would like to clarify soemthing first.
[8:03] Arria Perreault: I am not sure that high traffic is the only one indicator for good places in SL.
[8:04] Arria Perreault: I see in the Monastery that in one year I had 1200 single visitors. This doesn't people who come several times.
[8:05] Arria Perreault: The best thing we can do is to encourage people to make projects of good quality: places of interest, shops, museums, events, whatever
[8:05] Arria Perreault: my own experience in CDS shows that there are alwqays a lot of barriers for peole who are volunteering to build good projects
[8:06] Arria Perreault: this must not happen in the future
[8:06] Arria Perreault: because we need people to make our sims livingänother point is certainly to develop contact with other communities
[8:07] Arria Perreault: especially for our roman sims
[8:07] Arria Perreault: I am in favour to rebuild our relatation with Roma SPQR
[8:07] Rose Springvale: thank you Arria... time
[8:07] Arria Perreault: thank you
[8:07] Ulysse Alexandre applauds
[8:07] Rose Springvale: Before sojna takes this question
[8:08] Rose Springvale: i am mindful that we set one hour for the debates, and that there is an event schduled by CSDF at ten. with your permission i'd like to continue.. we have a few more questions
[8:08] Rose Springvale: sonja*
[8:08] Sonja Strom: thank you
[8:08] Rose Springvale: let me repaste and astart the clock :)
[8:08] Sonja Strom: When I walk around the CDS,
[8:08] Rose Springvale: Our work and experimentation with virtual democracy is important for rl. we have built beautiful sims. but so far they are underutilized. How would you engage the citizens ?
[8:09] Sonja Strom: the streets often are empty.
[8:09] Sonja Strom: hahaa :-D
[8:09] Sonja Strom: Although our land here does sell,
[8:09] Sonja Strom: this for a while has been only slowly.
[8:09] Sonja Strom: There seems to be a lack of inspiration about our community,
[8:09] Sonja Strom: and this is what the DPU wants to address more than any other single issue.
[8:10] Sonja Strom: Why do people choose to leave the CDS?
[8:10] Sonja Strom: What do they want out of this community, and in it, and to do here?
[8:10] Sonja Strom: We want to support expanding the community
[8:10] Sonja Strom: through sim growth,
[8:10] Sonja Strom: through having it be attractive
[8:11] Sonja Strom: and through coordinating
[8:11] Sonja Strom: with others, and what they are doing,
[8:11] Sonja Strom: especially in regard to different kinds of events.
[8:11] Sonja Strom: We want to keep it fun for people to be here,
[8:11] Sonja Strom: making it very clear that their participation
[8:12] Sonja Strom: is appreciated, valued, and results in what they are looking for in their SL experiene.
[8:12] Sonja Strom: experience.
[8:12] Rose Springvale: Thanks Sonja
[8:12] Sonja Strom: If you read the DPU platform, you will see that almost all of it is based on this perspective.
[8:12] Sonja Strom: Thank you.
[8:12] Rose Springvale: I have two questions left, and we will wrap up. by 8:30
[8:12] Rose Springvale: so forgive me if i hold us to time on these two.
[8:13] Rose Springvale: the question goes firs to .. hmmit was mentioned in a recent post on the new cn redeployment forum somthing to the effect, that creating a shopping mall is not in the spirit of the cds. i completely agree. as a newbie to sl, sl business, and the cds, i wonder how you all believe that we can grow the cds to stimulate economic growth without becoming too commercial.
[8:14] Rose Springvale: i'm lost. who's turn is it? lol
[8:14] Sonja Strom: lol!
[8:14] Symo Kurka: LOL
[8:14] Sonja Strom: :-D
[8:14] Rose Springvale: i think Sonja?
[8:14] Arria Perreault: It's my turn, I think
[8:14] Rose Springvale: ah, thanks!
[8:14] Rose Springvale: go ahed then please. here:
[8:14] Rose Springvale: it was mentioned in a recent post on the new cn redeployment forum somthing to the effect, that creating a shopping mall is not in the spirit of the cds. i completely agree. as a newbie to sl, sl business, and the cds, i wonder how you all believe that we can grow the cds to stimulate economic growth without becoming too commercial.
[8:15] Rose Springvale: two minutes please :)
[8:15] Arria Perreault: There is a misunderstanding about what is SL economy
[8:15] Arria Perreault: we cannot compare SL economy and RL economy
[8:16] Arria Perreault: here we have a long tail market
[8:16] Arria Perreault: that means that we can profite from the fact that besides big market there is place for specialized markets
[8:17] Arria Perreault: big market are in mall sims definitely
[8:17] Arria Perreault: for CDS, the future is in specialized market: shops, services
[8:18] Arria Perreault: we have to encouragethis and give good conditions for it
[8:18] Arria Perreault: a good economic health is not measurable with traffic only
[8:18] Arria Perreault: our policy in CSDF is to develop skill, to encourage great designers
[8:19] Arria Perreault: to give good condition to newcomers
[8:19] Rose Springvale: Thank you Arria.
[8:19] Ulysse Alexandre claps
[8:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: very good :)
[8:19] Rose Springvale: Sonja? it was mentioned in a recent post on the new cn redeployment forum somthing to the effect, that creating a shopping mall is not in the spirit of the cds. i completely agree. as a newbie to sl, sl business, and the cds, i wonder how you all believe that we can grow the cds to stimulate economic growth without becoming too commercial.
[8:20] Sonja Strom: This question speaks to whether or not the CDS is inspiring to people too -
[8:20] Sonja Strom: because if people like the CDS, they will want to be here and support it.
[8:20] Sonja Strom: So the main perspective of the DPU is to work on that basic level.
[8:21] Sonja Strom: But there are things we can do to improve conditions for economic growth here.
[8:21] Sonja Strom: One is to make nice places accessible to people who want to invest their resources in having places here,
[8:21] Sonja Strom: like shops for example.
[8:22] Sonja Strom: If the CDS grows in numbers, there will be more opportunities for interconnectivity
[8:22] Sonja Strom: and numbers of shoppers :-)
[8:22] Sonja Strom: (of which I am an active one myself)
[8:22] Sonja Strom: We of course also want to support fun events,
[8:22] Sonja Strom: that keep traffic high and maintain an interest in the CDS.
[8:22] Sonja Strom: Thank you.
[8:22] Rose Springvale: Thank you Sonja
[8:23] Rose Springvale: Symo? it was mentioned in a recent post on the new cn redeployment forum somthing to the effect, that creating a shopping mall is not in the spirit of the cds. i completely agree. as a newbie to sl, sl business, and the cds, i wonder how you all believe that we can grow the cds to stimulate economic growth without becoming too commercial.
[8:23] Symo Kurka: Ok thank yoyu Rose
[8:23] Symo Kurka: First I believe this quotation:
"creating a shopping mall is not in the spirit of the cds"
[8:23] Symo Kurka: is not proper. The proper quotation sounds
"creating a shopping mall is not in the spirit of COLONIA NOVA"
[8:23] Symo Kurka: I mean Ancient Roman sims are not supposed to have huge Malls.
[8:24] Symo Kurka: Second.
[8:24] Symo Kurka: It's not commercial SPACE that brings in economic growth
[8:24] Symo Kurka: but commercial APPEAL of products and services you offer
[8:24] Symo Kurka: and MARKETING, ofcourse
[8:24] Symo Kurka: which is something different and more valuable than space, in the era of teletransport.
[8:24] Symo Kurka: This said
[8:25] Symo Kurka: I do ABSOLUTELY agree on the principle
[8:25] Symo Kurka: that we have to diversify our revenue sources.
[8:25] Symo Kurka: We live 100% on citizens' tiers
[8:25] Symo Kurka: and this is definitely no good.
[8:25] Symo Kurka: So i frankly believe we have to encourage bringin in activities.
[8:26] Symo Kurka: Thank you
[8:26] Rose Springvale: Thank you Symo
[8:26] Rose Springvale: There is one last question, and the candidates are entitled to close, In the interest of tiem, i'll give you the question and perhaps you an incorporate the answer in your closing?
[8:26] Rose Springvale: if not, perhaps post on the forums.
[8:27] Sonja Strom: sure ;-)
[8:27] Rose Springvale: here is the question: What does your faction see as the most immediate priority for the CDS at this time, and how will you work towards it if you have the majority?
[8:27] Rose Springvale: and please wrap up as you speak :)
[8:27] Rose Springvale: Sonja, you get to lead off i think
[8:27] Sonja Strom: They way I see it,
[8:28] Sonja Strom: and I believe I can speak for the DPU on this,
[8:28] Sonja Strom: is that the most immediate priority is what direction we want the future of thes sims to take.
[8:28] Sonja Strom: How do we want to plan for them to look like?
[8:28] Sonja Strom: Which sims will be added next?
[8:29] Sonja Strom: Which other communities should we work with?
[8:29] Sonja Strom: The most pressing issue
[8:29] Sonja Strom: is that if we want the CDS to look attractive,
[8:29] Sonja Strom: maybe the next sims added should be near Neufreistadt.
[8:29] Sonja Strom: If they are, do we want them to just go down to the sea,
[8:30] Sonja Strom: leaving NFS at the top of an island in the ocean?
[8:30] Sonja Strom: Or do we want to expand the Alpine concept,
[8:30] Sonja Strom: and try to build upwards,
[8:30] Sonja Strom: having some sort of mountainous terrain
[8:30] Sonja Strom: that could improve the look of the area, and give a more solid feel to it.
[8:31] Sonja Strom: If we want to do that we could have a ski area
[8:31] Sonja Strom: and a community that would have a value in its natural appearance that might be lost if we just build right downward all around to the sea.
[8:32] Sonja Strom: We want to have disussions about all of these kind of future developments with the entire community.
[8:32] Sonja Strom: Thank you again for your time, and for your participation! :-D
[8:32] Rose Springvale: Thanks Sonja
[8:32] Rose Springvale: Symo... here is the question: What does your faction see as the most immediate priority for the CDS at this time, and how will you work towards it if you have the majority?
[8:33] Symo Kurka: Well
[8:33] Symo Kurka: I personally think next RA has to discuss, define and APPROVE a General Master Plan for our future development.
[8:33] Symo Kurka: We should have some Milestones fixed and shared for our future
[8:34] Symo Kurka: And we CANNOT invent our future day by day
[8:34] Symo Kurka: SEcond
[8:34] Symo Kurka: Brian exposed very clearly the Simplicity Party main goals and priorities
[8:34] Symo Kurka: 1. Encourage greater community participation.
[8:34] Symo Kurka: 2. Maintain sensible fiscal policy.
[8:35] Symo Kurka: 3. Support reasonable, productive expansion.
[8:35] Symo Kurka: 4. Enhance the C.D.S. image and reputation.
[8:35] Symo Kurka: And
[8:35] Symo Kurka: 5. Continue pushing for simple, coherant legislation and regulations.
[8:35] Symo Kurka: as I said at the beginning of my speach. We have tio KEEP IT SIMPLE
[8:36] Symo Kurka: Thank you all
[8:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: thank you Symo! :)
[8:36] Rose Springvale: Thank you Symo.
[8:36] Rose Springvale: Arria, here is the question :)
[8:36] Rose Springvale: What does your faction see as the most immediate priority for the CDS at this time, and how will you work towards it if you have the majority?
[8:36] Arria Perreault: The priority now is the redevelopment and consolidation of what we have built.
[8:37] Arria Perreault: The economy and SL economy seems to have a stop. It's hard to say where we go.
[8:37] Arria Perreault: This can be seen also as an opportunity
[8:37] Arria Perreault: we have built great sims
[8:37] Arria Perreault: great places
[8:38] Arria Perreault: great landscapes
[8:38] Arria Perreault: now we can concentrate us on the question: what will we do that heritage?
[8:38] Arria Perreault: we can rebuild, we can improve
[8:39] Arria Perreault: we assign new activities to some zones
[8:39] Arria Perreault: We have also to find synergies outside CDS and create relations with external communities
[8:39] Arria Perreault: In this perspective, for the next term, I see the development of the roman sims as priority.
[8:39] Arria Perreault: CSDF is also in favour of expansion and will engage itself in the reevaluation of the GMP.
[8:40] Arria Perreault: This evaluation questions also us about what we will for the future: what kind of landscape, what kind of citizen (density), what kind of activities we will.
[8:40] Arria Perreault: Again for that we need creativity :-)
[8:40] Arria Perreault: Conclusion now or is it another turn?
[8:40] Rose Springvale: now please
[8:40] Arria Perreault: If you vote for CSDF, you vote for a creative vision of an online democracy.
[8:41] Arria Perreault: An institution like CDS must be a roof where citizen can express their creativity and develop themselves.
[8:41] Arria Perreault: An institution like CDS must be help people to build things together.
[8:41] Arria Perreault: This makes us different.
[8:42] Arria Perreault: Our faction has made a lot projects in CDS. Our members are very active in the community or in several NGO.
[8:42] Rose Springvale: Thanks Arria
[8:42] Arria Perreault: As faction, we are ready to engage us to develop CDS and to give to citizen the good conditions to develop projects.
[8:42] Arria Perreault: read our platform
[8:42] Arria Perreault: :-)
[8:42] Ulysse Alexandre claps :)
[8:42] Rose Springvale: Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your patience and excellent questions
[8:42] KlausWulfenbach Outlander gave you Snapshot : Sternberg Schloss , Morkeleb (190, 99, 22).
[8:43] Rose Springvale: A transcript of the debates will be posted on the forum
[8:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: thank you to all candidates!
[8:43] Arria Perreault: thank you Rose, for chairing this debate :-)
[8:43] Rose Springvale: I'll remind you that
[8:43] Patroklus Murakami: yes, well done everyone :)
[8:43] Arria Perreault: and thank you to all people who come here :-)
[8:43] Justice Soothsayer: good job all
[8:43] Rose Springvale: CSDF has a scheduled meet and greet now in the Biergarten..subject to change since we used their time
[8:43] Rose Springvale: and DPU has one tomorrow at ten am i think
[8:43] Sonja Strom: Yes!
[8:43] Sonja Strom: :-D
[8:43] Sonja Strom: SLT!
[8:43] Rose Springvale: SP will be scheduling one for slt evening hours.. 9 pm i believe, but date not set yet
[8:44] Patroklus Murakami: CSDF meet and greet is in the biergarden at 10 am today i believe
[8:44] Rose Springvale: Please try to meet the candidates. We may hold another informal session .. ah thanks Pat
[8:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 10 AM, yes — after the Guild meeting
[8:44] Rose Springvale: I"m confused with time zones as always!
[8:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (which is at 9)
[8:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: same here, Rose!!!
[8:45] Sonja Strom: Thank you very much Rose!!!!
[8:45] Sonja Strom: Great job moderating :-)
[8:45] Rose Springvale: smile. We are lucky to have three vital factions with great candidates.. so PLEASE VOTE!!

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