Traditionally we have encouraged each active CDS political faction to post information about their positions and candidates, during election season, at our two highest traffic hubs, the Neufreistadt Marktplatz and Colonia Nova Forum crossroads. [1]
Factions are erecting their signs there for this week's election, as usual. Some are larger, and placed in locations that more directly obstruct traffic, than usual. here's some merit to it being clear that the faction signs (which represent private political opinions) are not placed so as to complete with, or look like, the various sanctioned official government bulletin boards. We don't want a new arrival TPing to at the sim hub to be boxed in by signs; so we need spaces that can accommodate all factions reasonably. I have asked some to make their signs in the public spaces proportionate (with a face limited to about 2 x 2 meters, and not positioned to resemble the government bulletin boards) and relocate them to the usual and slightly less obtrusive locations -- along the Rathaus wall, for NFS, and over by the the memorial Column, for CN.
By the way, this only applies to the limitation of signs on PUBLIC land. Citizens are free to do anything they like ... that is within the theme covenants ... on their personal land.
Regards JP