Two of my favorite topics :) The need for civil decent behavior in a community ... and how to deal with perceived elitism.
Carrying this thread over from the Land board, where it wandered into a different topic.
Ranma voiced, and our occasional visitor PMRobert chimed in on, some kind of screed about exclusion and being forced out.
Baloney. I like Ranma, actually, a lot. I'm very happy she made it back to us safely, and sorry she chose to leave again so soon.
But no one chased her away. What happened is, she had some strong opinions .. she voiced them ... she got strong opposition ... and she didn't like it, so she left. There's nothing wrong with that at all.
Of course, if you want to tell people they're all wrong (about Colonia Nova, Al Andalus, and all the other stuff she said we were doing wrong), you're probably going to get disagreements :D One way to approach that is to criticize people in a reasonably diplomatic tone. That helps make them less likely to slag you. It's possible to stay in the game and argue ... persuasively ... for your point of view, and change minds and hearts over time.
Another option, of course, is to loudly decry elitism and conspiracies. A third is to attack, either as an overt cranky critic (Prokofy Neva comes to mind), or a covert, whispering bad-mouther of others.
Personally, when I got here, I found the ruling elite of CDS a little annoying, self-satisfied and inbred. And yes, after 2 years here I STILL sometimes am frustrated with the adamant, emotional resistance to change from some longtime power holders, on a virtual sim some hardly even visit anymore. But, for the last year, I've been one of those government officials. Plenty of power to make change.
All I can do is do good work, try to be a good listener, and demonstrate an open minded approach: willingness to accept ideas different from mine, and gratitude for everyone's contributions.
There's nothing wrong with Ranma's decision. Consider how much MORE mature that was, than people in past CDS terms who in the same position instead put great energy into combative, bitchy, meanspirited fighting. Some people just like forming lynch mobs better than collaborating. So far in four years, the CDS government has been overthrown once ... almost twice ... and ground to a screeching halt a few more times. (I think that's what Gwyn means by "slow.")
However, in CDS, I am completely confident that "the popular kids" won't ... and can't ... gang up on people they just don't like. The community' as a whole is too diverse and too powerful, and simply won't allow it. That makes me smile. Look at the core of stable, mature, collaborative people we have here who really set the tone. Just to make the point -- do you really think that Sudane, Sonja, Moon, Brian, Pip, Rose, Justice, Lilith, Cindy and Delia would tolerate a government that petulantly banned its opponents, critics or ex-girlfriends? Even though they all are from different sides and don't agree much on policy ...
Our "deep bench" of calm, smart, fair, diverse neighbors is our biggest asset. We're not doing so badly, all things considered.
Regards JP