NG Board Secretary Elections

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Moon Adamant
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NG Board Secretary Elections

Post by Moon Adamant »

Hello all,

As per our Charter, i am calling the elections for Secretary of the Board of the New Guild.

Atm, i am finding a bit difficult to appoint a date within the 15 days allowed, due to the sitting of the new RA and possible changes in the schedule of the RA meetings. But temporarily i am setting the election for next Sunday, the 25th January, at the NG Board meeting.

Everyone wanting to run for the role of Secretary of the Board, please answer this thread until that date.


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Arria Perreault
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Re: NG Board Secretary Elections

Post by Arria Perreault »

I suggest that we organize the election of the chair of the Faculty in the same meeting.
I am not running again for this position. I stay member of the Faculty.
Please adress your candidacy to Moon Adamant, Secretary of the New Guild, until the 25th January.

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Re: NG Board Secretary Elections

Post by Rose Springvale »

I'm officially nominating Moon Adamant as Guild Board Secretary.

I'm not a member of faculty though :)

What time will guild meet this week?

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Re: NG Board Secretary Elections

Post by Moon Adamant »

Rose tsk :)

I don't know actually what time is the meeting, i think it will be after the RA, since the last RA was cancelled and passed to next sunday. So if it happens, we're meeting at 7; if not, at 5.

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Re: NG Board Secretary Elections

Post by Rose Springvale »

i think this means if there is RA, we will meet at 11 slt, if not, then at 9 slt.

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Re: NG Board Secretary Elections

Post by Moon Adamant »

Yes, sorry :) Thinking GMT there :)

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Jamie Palisades
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Re: NG Board Secretary Elections ... (complexity)

Post by Jamie Palisades »

The Guild has the right to govern itself as a NGO, so this is a question for its members, not the government. As a governmental 'customer' of the Guild who gratefully benefits from its work, I would like to encourage its members to err on the side of simplicity and ease of administration.

Under its current charter, the Guild has at least three panels, perhaps intended to protect conflict of interest issues ... but in practice demanding more leadership, more meetings, more time and more subtlety in parsing assignments than may always be easy to achieve.

Do you really need a guild AND faculty AND B.A.C. AND three chairs, one of each?
Might the faculty better be a honorary title than alleged organizing body .. especially if classes continue to be fairly rare?
Should there not be someone who can convene the Guild when the Secretary is unable to attend, or ill?

And so on. I invite our friends in the Guild at least to consider opportunities to simplify their structure, at this convenient occasion of officer elections.

I have been trying, though slowly, to do the same thing myself: earmarking laws that tell the Chancellor to do things ... and then doing them, or noting the ones we haven't done in ages and no one seems to miss. Think of it as spring housecleaning.

Regards JP

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Arria Perreault
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Re: NG Board Secretary Elections

Post by Arria Perreault »

I agree with the fact that organizing a meeting of the Faculty is impossible. I have organized writen votations. I have hardly find people for the BAC and I have renounced to fill the position of the education department. The mentor program was a pragmatic alternative to this department. I will not run again, mainly because of this impossibility to meet. I don't think that it is a bad will of our members. Faculty members are very busy and involved in many SL projects.
The main activity of the Faculty is its mentor program for newcomers in CDS. Our members are ready to help them (and also other people who are developing building projects) in building, designing, scripting, etc. All details are in the Portal:

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Re: NG Board Secretary Elections

Post by Jon Seattle »

Actually I do think the New Guild could have an active and functioning faculty. It will take a substantial effort to organize, but the CDS would be much better off for it.

There is always a (bad I think) tendency for the Guild to become a center of political power -- the new one as well as the old. The New Guild is much better than the old in that it remains open and democratic. One of my intentions when I designed the organization.

The New Guild should also be an organization of actual creators who can use it to manage shared resources, provide a forum for people to talk about the interesting aspects of design and planning, and provide a hand up for people who want to improve their skills. The New Guild, to maintain its balance, needs to be both a planning department and a school. One of the failings of the old organization, by the time I arrived, is that it had become a city planning department only.

One of the intentions, btw, is that the NG would not limit its faculty membership or teaching to CDS citizens, but rather try to establish itself as a center of design learning for the larger SL. And that, if it worked, would help to bring more people in to the CDS. But we would need someone with that ambition and time.

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