In a small community, ideally we would work together for the benefit of all. Infortunately there are many different opinions about what is good for a community. As there are few people and as these people are involved in different organizations (governmental or not), it is hard to avoid what is called conflict of interest in biggest organizations. It is a kind of paradox: we have to accept that people are involved in different organizations, but as soon that people disagree about solutions, conflicts of interest become a theme. That is the main lesson I had learned in the project of the Monastery sim. Now I am free of every link: in few days, I will not be RA member anymore and I will not have any position in the other branches. I will not be chair of Faculty anymore (this position has de facto the responsibility of the BAC) soon. So now I can work again on this project. That's exactly what I will do.
In the case of GMP, there are many expectations from the citizen and many different expectations. Some will a greek cluster, other will high mountains. Some will roman cities, other alpine landscape. Some consider that we have to build what is easy to sell, other will consolidate themes that are maybe harder to sell, but more challenging to build and to animate. Some will high density, other low density. Some will a low ration of public space, other think that a community needs public places. How can we reconciliate the wishes of all the community? There are some conditions to answer this question. First the wishes of the citizen must be known. There was a survey about GMP. You can read the results there:
1/3 of the CDS population has answered this survey. Some answers are really interesting:
How much more RL involvement in CDS sims would you like to have? People had to choice a value between 1 to 5. The proposition which got the highest value was: "rl-artists" (3,43). The second rank was "Non-profit organizations" (3,21).
CN residents are the less satisfied with their sim.
What would you like to get more in CDS sims? Here are all the results:
Make friends: 4,29
Have fun: 4,25
Participate in democracy: 3,82
Learn: 3,79
Art exhibitions: 3,57
Concerts: 3,57
Building: 3,32
Shopping: 2,21
Make money: 1,93
We see here that SL or CDS is seen first as social network and an entertainment place. The increase of the participation in democratic processes is also expected. Culture and education are also well placed in citizen's expectations. People would like also to have more opportunities to build. Expectations in economic activities are low.
This kind of datas give the direction. The next step is the design of policies in order to fill people's expectations. If I look at these data, I see that there is a place for more cultural activities in CDS. People expect to have more artists in CDS. How can we attract them? How can we give to people the opportunity to build and to be creative? How can we welcome people volunteering? I think that we are far from that.
To be frank, I hate to critize the New Guild. I am a member since a long time. When I enter the New Guild, I was supposed to have worked 10 hours to building projects. I had always the wish to learn and I learned a lot, with Moon and Jon, the spirit of the New Guild. But I was also disappointed. I had always wished to work on the building of new sims. I was especially wishing to learn the process of the "birth" of the sim: relief, terraformation. Twice I have discovered the already terraformed sim. In AM, I had only the possibility to build a small bridge. It was not possible to collaborate on roads. In LA, all the harbour area was already done. I would like to participate to the building of the next one since the beginning. I consider also that other NGO (or even indivuduals) should have the possibility to build sims. It is important to share knowledge, ALL knowledge. When I work in a team, I don't appreciate when a large part of the job is already done by experienced people, only because it's quicker. Sharing knowledge is accepting to work slow with people. Sharing knowledge is important in order to make the community sustainable. What happen when skilled people leave? I am not telling that skilled people will retain the information. I consider that they try to make things efficient. Doing so, they forget that people are here to learn and that they become frustrated when they don't get interesting missions. Having tried to organized courses in SL, I know that it is hard. I believe that people love to learn by doing and the building of a new sim is a great opportunity for that. GMP too.