Your favourite foreign power here, with a small request.
Realising as we do that you have just had your semi-annual revolution ~ where, pray tell, can we find out who to rattle our sabres at?
Taunts and ultimatums just don't have that same inspirational ring when they are addressed "To Whom it May Concern," you see.
Not having withstood the long, boring meetings over governmental minutae regarding the CDS, we are a bit lost. So, without much ado, I may as well open the files. Here is our top secret dossier so far, as compiled by our top agents, moles and spies:
Top Sekr1t Dossier
"CDS" - "Confection of Democratic Simulators"
Land Area: 262144m
Governmental Reserves: Varies, but by all accounts a smugly rich little prize
Top 3 Imports: socialists, lawyers, and pundits
Top 3 Exports: arguments, expatriates and chicken hats
Government: (partial information, as best we could gather):
a) Chancellor: we think it's still Jamie but we are not sure
b) Body Politic: There are some acronyms like RA and LRA; best we can tell is that they decide stuff. Members: unkown
c) Guild: People that actually do stuff unless stopped by a) or b), members unknown
d) Scientific Council: if a) or b) fails to stop c) from doing anything, there are these people. Members unknown.
e) Estate Owner: Sudane, who curiously puts up with a), b), c), and d).
f) Judiciary: we're not entirely sure where they went, but perhaps there are one or two still running loose.
We beg you, please do a press release or something.
How are foreign powers to know which minor officials to approach with seditious offers of power in exchange for corruption? What positions should our operatives weasel themselves into?
Can you guys do a single forum post, terse, containing an itemised list of Who Does What, with 25 words or less describing the positions? We've tried interrogating your citizens but even they don't seem to know.
It's just not like the old days any more.
~ your favourite aristocratic menace from overseas,