So who Actually Won?

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Desmond Shang
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So who Actually Won?

Post by Desmond Shang »

Your favourite foreign power here, with a small request.

Realising as we do that you have just had your semi-annual revolution ~ where, pray tell, can we find out who to rattle our sabres at?

Taunts and ultimatums just don't have that same inspirational ring when they are addressed "To Whom it May Concern," you see.

Not having withstood the long, boring meetings over governmental minutae regarding the CDS, we are a bit lost. So, without much ado, I may as well open the files. Here is our top secret dossier so far, as compiled by our top agents, moles and spies:

Top Sekr1t Dossier


"CDS" - "Confection of Democratic Simulators"

Land Area: 262144m

Governmental Reserves: Varies, but by all accounts a smugly rich little prize

Top 3 Imports: socialists, lawyers, and pundits

Top 3 Exports: arguments, expatriates and chicken hats

Government: (partial information, as best we could gather):

a) Chancellor: we think it's still Jamie but we are not sure

b) Body Politic: There are some acronyms like RA and LRA; best we can tell is that they decide stuff. Members: unkown

c) Guild: People that actually do stuff unless stopped by a) or b), members unknown

d) Scientific Council: if a) or b) fails to stop c) from doing anything, there are these people. Members unknown.

e) Estate Owner: Sudane, who curiously puts up with a), b), c), and d).

f) Judiciary: we're not entirely sure where they went, but perhaps there are one or two still running loose.


We beg you, please do a press release or something.

How are foreign powers to know which minor officials to approach with seditious offers of power in exchange for corruption? What positions should our operatives weasel themselves into?

Can you guys do a single forum post, terse, containing an itemised list of Who Does What, with 25 words or less describing the positions? We've tried interrogating your citizens but even they don't seem to know.

It's just not like the old days any more.

~ your favourite aristocratic menace from overseas,


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Re: So who Actually Won?

Post by symokurka »

Ha, ha, ha.

Rose Springvale
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Re: So who Actually Won?

Post by Rose Springvale »

Dearest Despot.. er.. Desmond,

I have a press release drafted and will forward it forthwith :) We have already provided the information to the Eminent Mr Longstaff. Really Guv, you've got to have more staff meetings! Or maybe you'd like to hire our staff so that you can be better informed? :) I understand you can do that without a meeting. :)
In brief, winners posted here. With the exception of the third Simplicity Representative, which has been determined but not yet announced.

Chancellor election occurs at the first meeting of the new RA, in early February. Until deposed, Jamie is it.

SC nominations ongoing, but generally they will bring in new members with new terms as well. Expect updates within the month. For now, Claude Desmoulins is dean, Cindy Ecksol and Dnate Mars members.

You will find the definitional detail you seek here: work of co-PIO Brian Livingston. He works for carrots, but not catnip.

Sudane is sim owner in spirit, but technically her cute little sister Rudeen Edo is on the land tabs.

I've heard rumors of invasion. I can be bought ;)


*edit: stopped reading too soon. oops.

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Desmond Shang
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Re: So who Actually Won?

Post by Desmond Shang »

Oh most delightful! Yes, this helps. Never crossed my mind to look in the Scientific Council's forum area. I suppose they are a wee bit more important than I thought!

Sadly it seems the second link isn't working for me ~ is it just me or is it broken?

* * * * *

I must confess to an Ulterior Motive. I was thinking of building a Lecture Hall at the University of Caledon Oxbridge, for various NCI classes if they wished to use it - plus informative displays for all the new residents who land and explore there. For instance a sort of overview of forms of governance, culture and suchlike.

Imagine, if you will: a few types of grid governance described. Caledon's aristocracy of landed gentry of course, the CDS democracy, the elven Councils, the largely anarchic Mainland and a few other flavours. At very least it would be Interesting!

For culture, I suppose I could describe Neovictorians and furries, Elves and goreans, blingtards and barbies. We might even do a diorama - imagine a culturally accurate depiction of a gorean home, with appropriate educational signage! But I'm getting off track here.

Essentially I wanted a really terse, accurate summary of the CDS government - something that could be understood by someone with a human attention span, looking at half a dozen different types of government. And I knew that unless I got someone to cough it up, the Proposal for Such would die in the Subcommittee of the Committee of the Enquiry Charged to Consider the Matter. Just like my simple request to list your flag on the international flags page!

So there it is :)

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Re: So who Actually Won?

Post by Rose Springvale »

1. ah, well, my runaway ellipses messed up the link, try this: for brevity, let me send you the press release.

3. re the flag... i KNOW our RA wants to act on either updating or reaffirming our current flag, and adopting our most excellent anthem, before our inaugural ball....which is probably February 1...

How many reservations shall we hold for you?


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Desmond Shang
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Re: So who Actually Won?

Post by Desmond Shang »

Hold just one but don't hold it too tightly :) If it's at a time I can show up, I'll be there.

Let me see if I got this straight - correct me if wrong! (as follows):


Government type: Democracy

Example: Confederation of Democratic Simulators

The powers and responsibilities assigned to each branch are explained in detail in the C.D.S. Constitution and can be changed by constitutional amendment.

Representative Assembly - The Representative Assembly (RA) is the legislative branch of the C.D.S. government. It is made up of an odd number of seats that are held by representatives of each faction who are elected every six months.

As of January 09:

Symo Kurka
Soro Dagostino
Gwyneth Llewelyn
Justice Soothsayer
Arria Perreault
Sonja Strom
Pip Torok
Rubaiyat Shatner
Timo Gufler
(note: I have no idea who LRA is)

Scientific Council - The Scientific Council serves as the judicial body of the C.D.S. Members of this body are responsible for ensuring that the actions of the C.D.S. government, as well as citizens and non-citizens alike do not violate the C.D.S. Constitution, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, or our founding philosophies.

As of January 09:

Claude Desmoulins (Dean)
Cindy Ecksol
Dnate Mars

Executive Branch - The Executive branch of the C.D.S. is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the community. Headed by the Chancellor, the Executive Branch is also comprised of a number of civil servant positions. These positions include the Treasurer, Public Information Officers, and Caretakers.

As of January 09:

Jamie (Chancellor)
Sudane (Treasurer)
Rose, Brian Livingston (Public Information Officer(s))
_____ (Caretaker(s))


... I don't see anything about your guilds here, but I guess they aren't strictly part of the government? Did I miss anybody? The idea would be to put this as a notecard along with a landmark, in a prim with some governmental-looking CDS edifice piccy on it at the new resident community gateway. I think I also found out why the election results eluded me ~ I find the forums via, which has remarkably outdated election results on it. The names are really important in a description; I think there's a big difference between the 'idea of government' and mention of people actually *doing* it.

Also - the name 'scientific council' still makes me cringe - anyone else find that a bit creepy for a judicial body? Anyone ever thought to rename it something daring, like, you know... 'Judicial Branch?' But at least now I know where the judicial branch went...

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Jamie Palisades
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Re: So who Actually Won?

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Not too bad. For a tyrant you're a quick study. Corrected text below.

Representative Assembly - The Representative Assembly (RA) is the legislative branch of the C.D.S. government. It is made up of an odd number of seats, that varies with the population size, held by representatives of factions (parties), who are elected every six months.

January 09 election results:
Symo Kurka (LRA)
Soro Dagostino
Gwyneth Llewelyn
Justice Soothsayer
Sonja Strom
Pip Torok
Cindy Ecksol (subject to confirmation)

Executive Branch - The Executive branch of the C.D.S. is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the community. Headed by the Chancellor, the Executive Branch is also comprised of a number of civil servant positions, listed below.

As of January 09:
Jamie Palisades (Chancellor)
Sudane Erato (Treasurer)
Rose Springvale & Brian Livingston (Public Information Officers)
Sonja Strom & Lilith Ivory (Land Caretakers)
Alexicon Kurka (Webmaster)


... I don't see anything about your guilds here, but I guess they aren't strictly part of the government?

That's correct. Thanks.

Also - the name 'scientific council' still makes me cringe - anyone else find that a bit creepy for a judicial body? Anyone ever thought to rename it something daring, like, you know... 'Judicial Branch?'

Without getting into a long history thing, I agree. Whoever named it that obviously read too much science fiction and not enough politics. Maybe our first SC dean was Hari Seldon? regards JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
Cindy Ecksol
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Re: So who Actually Won?

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Rose Springvale wrote:

Dearest Despot.. er.. Desmond,

I've heard rumors of invasion. I can be bought ;)

Ooooh! If I'm confirmed to RA it'll be my first term, and I get to deal with an invasion? And maybe even threats and ultimatums? Wow, that's got to be at least as interesting as making democracy!

Let's see now....I think there was an itty bitty infant democracy around 233 years ago that got invaded by a royal power. Anyone remember how that one came out?


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Re: So who Actually Won?

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

Desmond Shang wrote:

Also - the name 'scientific council' still makes me cringe - anyone else find that a bit creepy for a judicial body? Anyone ever thought to rename it something daring, like, you know... 'Judicial Branch?' But at least now I know where the judicial branch went...

Since, originally, the SC was a determinative body that happened to sit in judgement on occasion, it was appropriate. (Just to give the idea, what if the US Supreme Court could simply look at a law that Congress had passed and say 'that won't fly' without waiting for someone to bring a case?)

These days it's largely a historic abberation, I admit, although the SC is still somewhat broader than a judicial branch.

Member of the Scientific Council and board moderator.
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