What we do not like about the CDS

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Sonja Strom
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What we do not like about the CDS

Post by Sonja Strom »

Is there anything we do not like about the CDS?

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Jamie Palisades
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Re: What we do not like ... kein schuss!!!

Post by Jamie Palisades »

No ski slopes! :D Seriously JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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Sonja Strom
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Re: What we do not like about the CDS

Post by Sonja Strom »

Hahaa!! :D I completely agree with that one!! :)

I find the relatively desolate shopping experience of the Neufreistadt Marktplatz disappointing. Besides a "Political Party Row" and a huge Visitor Centre there are just a few interesting shops (and I do want to say it is a very good thing they are there), but even they don't have a lot of objects in them. The buildings there are also separated with spaces in-between, and those on the north side do not have ground in front of or under them, which is something I noticed right away and seems sloppy because I have never seen that in the town square of any RL Central European community.

When I was in school in the 1980s I went on a sponsored tour to the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), and the atmosphere of the NFS Marktplatz (outside of our Oktoberfest parties, which have been great) reminds me surprisingly of how those towns felt, especially the town of Weimar.

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Re: What we do not like about the CDS

Post by Rose Springvale »

the forums....

:: Rose runs and signs out fast!::

Ranma Tardis

Re: What we do not like about the CDS

Post by Ranma Tardis »

My main objection is the group tends to attack those that do not agree. That many consider disagreement a personal attack and go all out to quiet the opposition.
It is sort of like being attacked by a pack of animals. The only recourse is to keep quiet.
Oh well...........that is not my strong point

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Re: What we do not like about the CDS

Post by Grey Ashdene »

I will go on record as wishing there was a ski slope in CDS also. It wouldn't have to be extensive, or take up too much land. Also worth consideration would be a Nordic ski track. If there are cross-country ski animations available a track would guide visitors around CDS, subtly letting visitors see the scenic beauty of the area.

Also, I wish that Neufreistadt weren't so quiet. I don't mind that it is often empty when I am there--since I am usually there at night--but I think it would really add to the mood if some city sounds were present. I can imagine a random loop of window shutters slamming, carts going by, houses creaking, maybe a dog or a cat, even a night watchman calling out the "all-well." I suppose he (or she) should call it in German. Our CDS musicians could make an MP3 of just this kind of thing. Since many of our citizens live in Europe in RL, they could go to any market square and record a day and a night tape.

Grey Ashdene
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Re: What we do not like about the CDS

Post by Sonja Strom »

I find it unsettling that so much work has gone into discussions of a Judiciary for the CDS, as well as into defining the role of the Scientific Council, yet all of this seems unresolved.

Perhaps there is a way some of the work on the Judiciary could be incorporated into coming up with more definition for the SC? I also find the name "Scientific Council" a bit strange, although its conception has been explained by Aliasi here (thanks :)) as interpretive. Perhaps we could change it to something like the "Constitutional Council."

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Improvement in what we do not like about the CDS

Post by Sonja Strom »

I am very happy to announce that over the past few weeks we have been making some great improvements to the Marktplatz :!:

I was able to get one of the shops there myself, on the corner across from the Rathaus. A new building was put in which now houses an Annabella's Trachtenladen - a shop for traditional Alpine clothing. Although I am still ongoingly working on improvements, please visit this shop when you get a chance. Please also let me know if you have ideas for its further improvement.

The CSDF has moved its office away from the Marktplatz, and in its place a new shop will be put in. :)

New CDS resident zaphod Enoch is from Bavaria, and he is working on making the Biergarten a bit more authentic for a Bavarian-style tavern. He has gotten permission from the owner of a Biergarten near his RL house to take photographs there so he can incorporate them into ours. He and Moon are working together on this project. :D

Also, I have updated the notecard about how to turn the fog in Neufreistadt off and on (the old notecard given out at the Information Office had obsolete information), and added a German translation of the text at the bottom of it. Since in Central Europe the keyboard controls are different than in the English-speaking world, the controls in the translation are different. This notecard has recently replaced the old one given out at the Tourist Office. :mrgreen:

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