What we like about the CDS

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Sonja Strom
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What we like about the CDS

Post by Sonja Strom »

Is there anything we like about the CDS?

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Jamie Palisades
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Re: What we like about the CDS

Post by Jamie Palisades »

The people! Great neighbors JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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Sonja Strom
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Re: What we like about the CDS

Post by Sonja Strom »

I too like having friends and neighbors in the CDS, many of whom I might never have met or spoken with if not in this community.

This community of residents trying to work together with their own democratic self-governance is something I really like. So far as I know it is one of the longest ongoing geographic communities in SL. When I talk with people elsewhere I almost always say my house is in the CDS.

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Arria Perreault
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Re: What we like about the CDS

Post by Arria Perreault »

I appreciate

- the landscape
- the urbanism and the architecture
- the public places open to everyone for projets
- the peace. I am not so disturbed by low traffic. Being museum curator, I know that low regular traffic is better than laggy crowd
- people: I have met great persons in CDS and I have learned a lot with them

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Timo Gufler
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Re: What we like about the CDS

Post by Timo Gufler »

What I have found exceptional here...

- the themes and the landscape
- the people
- a community that owns and manages the place by itself
- a road network

Last edited by Timo Gufler on Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ranma Tardis

Re: What we like about the CDS

Post by Ranma Tardis »

One think I really liked about the CDS is the people. Along with Caledon the CDS has attracted some of the most talented people in second life. If one considers the numbers the CDS is far ahead of Caledon in the talent pool.
The 4 sims are very well constructed as well, it was not correct for me to criticize the layout well at least too much ;)

Rose Springvale
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Re: What we like about the CDS

Post by Rose Springvale »

I like all the unsung heroes who spend hours and hours of time trying to realize a dream when we aren't even sure what the dream is.
I like the RA.
I like the Guild.
I like all the public servants.
I like people who exercise the right to vote.
I like knowing that if there is something we need to do, or something someone wants to know about, there is always a person in CDS ready and willing to help. For all the criticism we give ourselves of elitism, I would challenge anyone to approach any CDS citizen and say, "can you help me with this?" and not get what they need. We are a family, and while we may scrap a bit with each other, it is very gratifying to see the citizens of this community defend our way of life to outsiders.

I like this question :)

and it's pretty in CDS.

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Re: What we like about the CDS

Post by Grey Ashdene »

I like the whole concept of CDS. I like the people i have met. Mostly what I immediately appreciated however were the things they have built. To me its a very comfortable, organic environment. Walking around NFS feels like walking around a somewhat chaotic old town, that grew over time. It feels old.

I like the Roman themed SIMS, though I haven't met as many people over there. The docks are nice, and my complements to whatever designer thought to install a small table and chairs with a view of the water. Maybe someday citizens will be able to rent moorings there, and sail out to Port Spinoza or somewhere else.

I like Alpine Meadow. If you just walk along the paths you will see it blends nicely from the out-side-the-walls part of NFS, and yet has its own ambiance. I enjoy the wild wolf cries at one end of the meadow as much as I do the domestic animals voicing their contentment at the other.

The events, and the electorial process are all good. They give a vibrancy to the place.

Grey Ashdene
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Re: What we like about the CDS

Post by Sonja Strom »

Yeah, I really like that we have towns actually identifiable as towns, with - as Grey said - a real and "organic" feeling.

I also really like the stream that runs through Alpine Meadow, and the Monastery nearby below the town wall.

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Re: What we like about the CDS

Post by Sonja Strom »

I want to acknowledge Rose Springvale for her untiring belief in the CDS and support of it.

Both literally and figuratively, the Confederation of Democratic Simulators would not be the same without her contributions. It is clear the community of Al Andalus would not have become what it did, nor would it have later joined the CDS, without her efforts. She has been an extraordinary organizer of events and parties as Public Information Officer (PIO), and constantly is greeting new people and showing them around. In addition she has served in the Representative Assembly and the Guild, and has added at least something to every major effort I can think of that has taken place in the CDS since I first came to it.

Rose and I do not always agree on everything, and we even belong to different political factions within the CDS, but it would be dishonest for me not to give her this credit. Thank you, Rose.

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