I will be asking the new RA to re-appoint me to run the government's executive branch this week. A few words about plans and priorities are probably a good idea.
First, needless to say I fully subscribe to my own faction's plans, noted here:
To summarize the SP List:
1. GMP updated, but with a deadline.
2. Possible use of void sims for NGOs.
3. Careful exploration of new residential sim additions, with an eye to what's attractive and sells in the market now, keeping our region physically striking and attractive, and keeping our over-all ratios of rented-out land reasonably high.
4. Finishing the AM ski slope run. May need to move a lot or two.
5. Continued strong events programming, with some possibility localization of control to a cultural commission and/or theme neighborhood councils.
6. Permitting commercial rentals of small spaces for marketplace-like activity.
7. Repealing the CDS citizenship loophole based solely on groups.
8. Simple government conflicts of interests rules.
In addition. here are some items on my personal list of continuing projects and concerns:
a. I have not been able yet to finish the scoping and acquisition of land and rental management software that relieves some of the current heavy manual burden, and gives us better data on our rentals. Completing that soon is a high administrative priority.
b. Having a continuation plan and designated empowered back-up people .... so that every officer, SL group and key land and data resource is replaceable ... continues to be a key background goal.
c. We need to finish the enacted plan to make our commercial space more attractive and bid it out for proposed uses The economy both in SL and RL slowed us down, but this needs to be completed now.
d. Working with our current and some possible future NGOs to increase and broaden their programming, and leverage their connections with CDS for publicity, is also likely to be an important task this term.
e. I would like to see us finish the work started on "franchulates" to better design how we would collaborate and affiliate with various other regions and installations within SL.
f. The government question hour idea still has merit, and ought to be re-attempted on a more feasible schedule.
g. We must always work to welcome contributions and creative input ... and discourage naysaying and not-invented-here politics. There's enough room and opportunity in CDS for everyone to contribute and be appreciated.
Thanks for your help and support of CDS and our work in self-government.
Regards Jamie