Ulysse Alexandre and I, we have decided to sell our common roman villa in Locus Amoenus, as we don't have a real use for it. I personnaly will reduce my presence and concentrate me in Colonia Nova.
This villa is built on four plots. Two plots are mine, two others are Ulysse's. The courtyard is a public land on which we have built a monumental fountain (to be given to CDS).
We would like to know if a person or a group is interested to get the four plots (the villa itself is not for sale), as it gives interesting possibilities for building.
The normal price for each plot is: 7'554 L$
Four plots: 30'216 L$
The tier for each plot is: 2,227 L$
People who are interested can IM me or Ulysse during the next week. If no one is interested by this offer, we will sell plots separately.
Concerning my plots in Colonia Nova: as soon as I get the new redesigned plot C15, I will also sell the plot C18.
Plot: $6,655
Tier: $1,332
Reference for prices: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key= ... NDOg&gid=5