I would also like to start to thank the New Guild, and Symo in particular, as well as Moon and all the others who put so much effort on an extraordinary GMP. Like Pat, my comments are not against the GMP per se, the current one or future ones, neither a criticism of the excellent work done so far by the New Guild on it. I couldn't be happier about the GMP!
If I read this text correctly, and after Arria's and Pat's comments, it seems that, the GMP is a "more powerful tool" to expand the land in the CDS — one that completely eclipses NL 8-2, "In Theme" Expansion Act and side-steps it neatly. This I'm afraid is inconsistent — a convenient loophole to avoid going through the very demanding, but highly transparent, steps delineated on NL 8-2.
I would certainly agree on "clarifying legislation". As noted on the proposal, NL 8-2 effectively presumes the existence of a GMP, but does not give indications on how a GMP shall be produced, designed, or maintained. This is only present in NL 8-4:
The New Guild shall also create, update and maintain a CDS master plan under which future expansions in land area and themes shall occur.
But there is no direct provision to officialise the master plan as being the one to be consulted. An Act effectively making the current GMP to be used to the exclusivity of any other is not a bad idea (in the sense that we know which GMP is in force, and which one should be picked to define the themes for NL 8-2/8-4 to be applied). I agree there might have been some oversight in that regard, and I'm glad to have a bill that clarifies this.
In effect, NL 6-2 New Guild Establishment Act (sadly incorrectly linked on the CDS portal) validates the New Guild Charter, which is viewable here. The charter only defines that work one by the New Guild on behalf of the CDS on new sims will be made according to a master plan, but it does not say that the New Guild has to create it.
Thus, this is what I can agree with the proposed bill:
A proposed General Master Plan ("GMP") was prepared and made available for citizen review and comment on ______ and posted here: http://masterplan.slcds.info/.
Subject to the review provisions of this Act, the Representative Assembly adopts the GMP as presented, to be effective until amended or revoked.
1.Scope: The GMP shall be consulted as guidance for the addition and placement of all new territory to be added to the CDS, in whatever manner addition is made.
This introduces the "legality" of the current General Master Plan, indicates that it has to be used to te exclusion to any other, and defines the GMP as the "guidance" to be consulted for NL 8-2 (and to a degree, NL 8-4) too.
No further items are needed on this proposed bill. The rest seems a "replacement" for 8-2 and 8-4 which is very worrying. It simplifies the whole process by eliminating a lot of steps that were clearly defined as methodologies for in-theme (public) expansion and private expansion. It doesn't even distinguish between both types: it's not clear if "all sims" mean private development or public expenditure. It also disregards the financial overseeing — it only mentions "feasibility and advisability" (8-2 specifies in much detail what kind of documentation should be provided on all projects). It doesn't mention budgeting. It doesn't determine a method for offering the plots on new sims for sale, of setting up the prices, or of mandatory advertisement of the sales. It disregards intellectual property of the builders. It doesn't address citizenship in the new sims to be added. And finally, it doesn't even mention who acts as Estate Owner during the building process or after it.
Now, I understand that probably the purpose of this new act is to allow for more flexibility when adding new sims: basically, any type of project and/or method could be used, so long as the Executive approves it and the RA doesn't vote against it. But the work done in NL 8-2 and NL 8-4 show that we started from the exact opposite definition: not all methods of adding sims might be agreeable, mostly because dealing with "every sim as an exception" becomes unmanageable long-term. The purpose of NL 8-2 was to establish how every publicly funded sim ought to be planned and delivered. The purpose of NL 8-4 was to establish how every private development ought to be planned and delivered. In either case, the purpose and aesthetics of the new sims were left, respectively, in the hands of the Chancellor and the BAC/New Guild; the political decision to go ahead was in the hands of the citizens (e.g. through their representatives in the RA).
If "more flexibility" is desired, I would recommend that new legislation is passed to define different models (e.g. mixed public/private sims, for instance...) but they would have to be in the spirit of NL 8-2 and NL 8-4 with at least the same amount of detail, definition of approval and responsibilities, aesthetic considerations by the New Guild, and political will by the RA. I'm afraid the proposed bill does not only not address either of these, but it is a "loophole bill" to allow pretty much everything to be approved on a case-by-case basis.
Also, as Pat noticed, it makes changing this law as strong as a Constitution Amendment. That "technicality", by itself, is pretty much a contradiction in terms that should be overviewed by the Scientific Council: we have strict rules to adopt Constitutional Amendments, and we cannot vote a bill with simply majority that can only be changed with an absolute supermajority.
So, I strongly oppose this propose bill, except for the paragraph quoted above, which I believe would facilitate the understanding that the GMP we currently have is, in fact, the GMP legally in force, an omission from NL 8-2 (or the Guild charter empowerment law) that I think we should correct.
Oh and could I ask one of the SC moderators to move this topic into "Legislative Discussion", please? It would be more appropriate there than on "General". Thanks!