While working within our little government, I've been able to give some thought (by SL standards) to the "commercial economy" of CDS and SL. While we should take steps, I am not yet sure this one is the right one. At least from my end in the executive branch, I prefer only to recommend and do things that have a good chance of success.
If we're going to empower someone, they ought to have a defined and doable task and the means to implement it. Leaders of this type can only be effective if they donate substantial time and are creative and inclusive as well ... which is a significant set of skills. I'm also skeptical about a "czar" because I believe our slow "commercial" growth stems from environmental and local law issues, not from a lack of designated honcho. As you can see below, we've had honchos and attempted honchos. Naming one as a placebo wouldn't be enough, and might even distract us as a palliative from taking more effective steps that we actually need.
My own feeling is that our core CDS community brand -- our effective "competitive advantage" or "differentiator" as a micronation estate -- is in areas other than commerce.
But I agree that the subject of commercial economic development still merits continued consideration. I will propose some specific additional actions this term, as well as continuing to push forward on those we already discussed at the end of the 9th RA term, which include:
* Getting the available commercial land out for bid (note this includes the CN city space under Guild development).
* Permitting small-footprint rental spaces in some commercial zones, and fixing citizen/voting definition so as to permit this.
As background, here's a rough review of material events to date of which I'm aware. Corrections welcome. I will go back and add some backlinks, in a later posting to this thread, for people who want to review further.
- 5th? term: some spaces (loosely) designated as commercial, rents raised on those lots
- 6th? term: Merchant's Guild started, Never really gets off ground, founders do not act.
- 6th? term: Citizens' store opens on Marktplatz government land. with one or two local vendors' selling devices.
- 6th term: CDS citizens spin off several successful separate estates with significant commercial content, including SLNE.
- 7th term: Emporio Romani (fairly large retail) launches in CN.
- 7th term: CDS citizens spin off several successful separate estates with significant commercial content, including Al-Andalus.
- 8th term: Emporio Romani closes, never profitable.
- 8th term: Citizens store falls moribund, though temporary citizen booths at Oktoberfests still seem to be popular.
- 8th term: Toga shop takes over ER space, runs at a profit.
- 8th term: RA establishes Commerce Commission, meetings held, notes moribund NFS and CZ commercial zones, recommends (a) some restrictive zoning for best traffic commercial space, backed by rent penalties, and (b) new chamber of commerce.
- 8th term: Two factions push through commerce laws to implement Commission recommendation. A third faction successfully pushes for definition of "commerce" to include empty zero-traffic storefronts, e.g. housing political non-vendor activity.
- 8th term: Some RA members launch a Chamber of Commerce group.
- 9th term: New RA, with pro-political-storefront majority, repeals Commission bill, replaces it with a bidding-process plan, and recommendation to engage a consultant. New RA attacks nascent chamber of commerce group, shuts it down.
- 9th term: Toga shop closes when owners leave CDS.
- 9th term: SL (and arguably RL) macroeconomy crashes; metrics take an uncharacteristic dive; anecdotally, hundreds of SL malls close.
- 9th term: Executive branch interviews prospective consultants, finds no prospects with availability and relevant skill-set, but reports general findings to RA, including fundamental low-sim-traffic issue.
- 9th term: Increased events and programming apparently draws new citizens, fills in majority of unsold residential land. Commercial land still slow to sell; bidding process delayed while economy reels, some lots also need physical development.
- 10th term: Guild agrees to do some commercial plot redevelopment.
So, in our 10th government term, we have some challenges and opportunities to face. Let's talk.
Regards JP
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.