We've had a number of interesting chats, in various groups, about the best organization for CDS government.
There's a thread on Symo/Pat's idea about an 'economics minister" elsewhere in the Forums.:
Let me suggest a similar but distinct idea, which comes from discussions with multiple neighbors. (Is there any such thing as a "new" idea?)
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_minister
Any such position would need to benefit from the qualities that we need in all effective leaders in a volunteer organization like CDS:
-- Inclusiveness
-- Good listening skills
-- Creativity
It seems to me that the following matters, now delegated to our executive branch, could possibly also devolve into a cultural affairs brief:
-- Arts NGOs
-- Cultural programming budget
-- Outreach to arts and culture groups
Note, though, that not all of our events are "cultural". Many are for the combined purposes of our own enjoyment and new citizen recruiting. So frankly I am mulling over whether a second position ought to exist, for citizen development, with a brief relating to
-- Entertainment events (this reflects my longstanding view that our events sell land and citizenships)
-- New citizen welcome & orientation
-- Governmental relations with other micronations
in BOTH cases, some kind of permanent commission ought to exist, whereby the appointee has a few designated board members or backup resources. (I am mindful of a small RL city council in my area that makes arts grants. There *always* is a squabble over whose project is better funded ... so a small diverse group of creative panelists is probably a better decision-maker, for that sort of thing, than any one creative person.)
I'm likely to propose to the RA that we create these two new positions, and delegate some budget authority appropriately, within 30 days. (As chancellor I can delegate, but to provide a stipend I require RA approval. Also, budget increases require a report to RA, and I expect to want to increase the spending in this area.) Any comments?
Regards JP