5-4 Gwynethstr. Relocation

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Claude Desmoulins
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5-4 Gwynethstr. Relocation

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

WHEREAS, the current location of Gwynethstrasse
* gives its residents a fine view of the city wall
* restricts traffic though the city to the Platz

and WHEREAS the residents of Gwynethstrasse are in favor of change

and WHEREAS moving the homes on Gwynethstr. adjacent to the cty wall would be in keeping with actual medieval town design

the Guild is directed to move Gwynethstr. by placing thelots currently adjacent to Gwynethstr adjacent to the wall in the present location of the street and moving the street northeast while keeping its present orientation.

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

BTW, I've just noticed that the house I have in Gwynethstr. is fully owned by Kendra and I cannot move it :)

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