RA Meeting 1st March TRANSCRIPT

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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RA Meeting 1st March TRANSCRIPT

Post by symokurka »

09:00Symo Kurka: Hello Soro
09:00Symo Kurka: coming soro
09:01Symo Kurka: lol
09:01Symo Kurka: we wait five minutes ok?
09:01Symo Kurka: welcome Ms Springvale
09:02Symo Kurka: Hi Pip
09:04Symo Kurka: Please touch the recorder under the table to indicate your consent to recording.
Gwyneth Llewelyn has indicated consent to be recorded.
Soro Dagostino has indicated consent to be recorded.
Rose Springvale has indicated consent to be recorded.
09:04Rose Springvale: smile
Sonja Strom has indicated consent to be recorded.
09:05Soro Dagostino: Hello Sonja
09:05Sonja Strom: :-)
09:06Sonja Strom: Sorry I missed last time - RL.
09:06Soro Dagostino: Hello Gwyn
09:06Rose Springvale: they are little glasses of "jello" made with usually some sort of alchohol :)
09:06Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi all that I haven't said hi before ;) )
09:06Symo Kurka: Welcome evrybody
09:07Symo Kurka: Please touch the recorder under the table to indicate your consent to recording.
Pip Torok has indicated consent to be recorded.
09:07Symo Kurka: Does anybody have news of Jamie
09:08Rose Springvale: Pip, i'll send you a recipe :)
09:08Sonja Strom: lol!
09:08Soro Dagostino: Heard nothing from him . . .
09:08Sonja Strom: He did that in my shop too.
09:08Pip Torok: what some apes will do to get attention!
09:08Gwyneth Llewelyn: aww Cindy! Stream it into SL :D
09:08Rose Springvale: I"m sure he'll be here. not on the agenda for a while
09:09Pip Torok: perhaps he'll honour this meeting with his presence!
09:09Gwyneth Llewelyn: oh yes, he just rezzed for me... lol
09:09Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hi Mael!
09:09Sonja Strom: Hi Mael :-)
09:09Symo Kurka: cindy
09:10Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha
09:10Gwyneth Llewelyn: Do you play Democracy Ballads too, Mael? hehe
09:10Gwyneth Llewelyn: ABBA!
09:10Rose Springvale: ohhh
09:10Gwyneth Llewelyn applauds!!
09:10Pip Torok: err ... <hint> I think Symos impervious to your charms!
09:10Rose Springvale: we love Abba :)
09:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe no
09:11Sonja Strom: Yay - relaxing background music!
09:11Rose Springvale: Mael, we're about to start a meeting, can i help you with questions about our sims?
09:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: or at least i should say... not that I'm aware of haha
09:11Pip Torok: youve guessed our dark and arcane secret!!!
09:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: uh-oh Pip
09:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: we're doomed, now we'll have to bury him in the sewers
09:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: mmmh background music is nice!
09:12Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, we have amazing ones, mael!
09:12Pip Torok: you seen Cloaca Maxima then??
09:12Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
09:12Rose Springvale: smile
09:12Gwyneth Llewelyn: this was fuuuun
09:12Symo Kurka: Thank you Mae
09:13Symo Kurka: I suppose we can start now
09:13Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
09:13Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi thirsti!)
Cindy Ecksol has indicated consent to be recorded.
09:13Symo Kurka: Please touch the recorder under the table to indicate your consent to recording.
09:13Sonja Strom: I was just given an object by "Radar Free V42"
09:13Symo Kurka: Me too
09:13Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm
09:13Symo Kurka: I have two updates to propose for agenda.
09:14Sonja Strom: ok
09:14Symo Kurka: PLEASE
09:14Symo Kurka: One update is Sonja's Referendum Bill if she wishes to start discussion about it
09:14Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm.
09:14Symo Kurka: The second update is Colonia Nova Texture Contest
09:15Symo Kurka: Reps,
I ask you, is the proposed agenda acceptable with the update proposals??
09:15Cindy Ecksol: link for agenda, please symo....
09:16Symo Kurka: Yes sorry pip http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2355
thirsti Sweetwater has indicated consent to be recorded.
09:16Soro Dagostino: Move approval to the proposed changes.
09:16Cindy Ecksol: second
09:16Symo Kurka: Ok do we vote for this?
09:16Cindy Ecksol: yes, no discussion necessary
09:16Symo Kurka: Ok
09:17Symo Kurka: any citizen who wants to sign up to speak on any of the agenda items?
09:17Cindy Ecksol: lol!
09:17Soro Dagostino: Symo -- call the question
09:17Cindy Ecksol: still need to vote
09:17Symo Kurka: Sorry
09:17Symo Kurka: we vote for agenda update
09:17Symo Kurka: say aye if you agree
09:17Cindy Ecksol: aye
09:17Soro Dagostino: :) You will be trained soon LOL
09:18Sonja Strom: aye
09:18Pip Torok: aye
09:18Soro Dagostino: aye
09:18Symo Kurka: gwyn?
09:18Symo Kurka: Hmm i vote aye and we go on if you don't mind
09:18Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sorry, I was actually reading the procedures lol
09:19Gwyneth Llewelyn: I thought that the LRA could introduce agenda points at whim, but allegedly not.
09:19Gwyneth Llewelyn: SO, well, yes, I vote aye to add thsoe two points to the end the agenda
09:19Sonja Strom: Me too.
09:19Gwyneth Llewelyn: (and hi jamie)
09:19Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, they would
09:19Gwyneth Llewelyn: Which we will just vote on point II :D
09:20Symo Kurka: Ok the first poin is just an info
Justice Soothsayer has indicated consent to be recorded.
09:20Soro Dagostino: Move Approval
09:20Sonja Strom: No problem Justice, we are just talking about the agenda for today.
09:20Pip Torok: seconded
09:20Symo Kurka: I quote a msg i received from SC
09:20Soro Dagostino: Call the question
09:20Symo Kurka: Since the Stonebender nomination was communicated to you and posted on 28 January, my read of 4-8 is that the RA has a deadline of 27 February to act on the nomination or it is automatically ratified.
09:21Cindy Ecksol: true
09:21Symo Kurka: If there is any objection to Aliasi, a special meeting may be necessary.
09:21Gwyneth Llewelyn: Indeed. Welcome, Aliasi :D
09:21Gwyneth Llewelyn: Too late for tha now, Symo hehe
09:21Sonja Strom: Is she here?
09:21Symo Kurka: So if anybody has objections speak now or never
09:21Gwyneth Llewelyn: (no, but I hope she reads the transcripts, Sonja ;) )
09:21Sonja Strom: I have only one real objection,
09:22Sonja Strom: which is that I do not want to appoint her to the SC if she can not come to accept the nomination.
09:22Symo Kurka: well sonja
09:22Symo Kurka: please read
09:22Cindy Ecksol raises hand
09:23Symo Kurka: http://portal.slcds.info/index.php?id=149 .
09:23Symo Kurka: Yes cindy
09:23Sonja Strom: Oh, ok - - well, then I guess she can get in automatically.
09:23Symo Kurka: Yes Sonja
09:24Soro Dagostino: Raises hand.
09:24Sonja Strom: But not with my vote.
09:24Symo Kurka: we can ask her anyway by courtesy to attend one of our next meetings ok??
09:24Gwyneth Llewelyn: Attend, yes.
09:24Symo Kurka: Soro
09:24Cindy Ecksol: my question, symo, is whether anyone asked her specifically to be here at this meeting
09:24Soro Dagostino: I think we ought to show that we support the nomination
09:24Symo Kurka: No Cindy alas nobody did
09:24Sonja Strom: For me it depends on if she wants us to vote to support her - if she does not care about that then there is no real reason for her to come to one of our meetings.
09:25Symo Kurka: Of course i suppose we all do except sonja?
09:25Cindy Ecksol: well, I will just point out that it is unreasonable to hold her to Sonja's standard if no one asked her to attend
09:25Justice Soothsayer: I would have preferred to have a discussion with her first, but I think it's our fault we didn't keep track of the timing.
09:25Cindy Ecksol: she may not even know that her nomination is up for approval today
09:25Sonja Strom: Did Aliasi not know that we might want to talk with her before we vote her in?
09:25Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well it's a procedural thingy really... the RA 'forgot' to confirm her appointment, so, well, there is no turning back the clock.
09:25Symo Kurka: I jst move to propose the following
09:26Symo Kurka: Nomination is obviously ratified but we would love to meet her in RA
09:26Gwyneth Llewelyn notices that she has only echoed what Justice already said. Sorry.
09:26Soro Dagostino: Raises hand
09:26Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm I'm sorry, Symo, but what purpose would that have? She's a SC member now, she isn't answerable to the RA anymore...
09:26Justice Soothsayer is always willing to be echoed by the lovely Gwyn
09:26Pip Torok: thats the best glos upon this imo
09:26Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
09:27Symo Kurka: Soro?
09:27Soro Dagostino: Never mind.
09:27Symo Kurka: Ok
09:27Sonja Strom: I do not dislike Aliasi - I just think for us to vote on her nomination it would be best for her to be at the meeting.
09:27Symo Kurka: So i propose TO INVITE her, just to invite her by courtesy
09:27Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, but we aren't allowed to do "a posteriori" invitations :D
09:28Symo Kurka: Gwyn COURTESY is not compulsoruy
09:28Sonja Strom: She does not need to come to our meeting or to be voted in by us to become a member of the SC.
09:28Gwyneth Llewelyn: well, or not explicitly allowed
09:28Symo Kurka: Ok
09:28Symo Kurka: guys
09:28Symo Kurka: we cannot waste our time on this
09:28Soro Dagostino: We have
09:29Justice Soothsayer: indeed
09:29Gwyneth Llewelyn: agreed :)
09:29Symo Kurka: So i personally invite Aliasi for courtesy
09:29Symo Kurka: to meet us if she can
09:29Justice Soothsayer: Ali is on SC; future nominees should be scheduled for a discussion w/RA before we vote, or we vote 'em down.
09:29Symo Kurka: AND we go on on second point
09:29Pip Torok: (agree)
09:29Symo Kurka: SECOND POINT
09:29Sonja Strom: OK, I agree with that also.
09:30Gwyneth Llewelyn: heeh Justice. yes, that would actually make more sense ;) Was that a motion? :-)
09:30Symo Kurka: III. RA RULES OF PROCEDURE (9:20 to 9:30)
Second draft bill from Justice Soothsayer
09:30Justice Soothsayer: revised after input at last meeting
09:30Symo Kurka: Yes justice to you
09:30Soro Dagostino: I looked for it this morning . . . couldn't find it.
09:31Symo Kurka: No discussion?
09:31Justice Soothsayer loking for link
09:32Justice Soothsayer: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1701
09:32Justice Soothsayer: I'll move adoption.
09:33Gwyneth Llewelyn: Seconded :)
09:33Symo Kurka: Ok for all?
09:33Cindy Ecksol: discussion?
09:33Symo Kurka: Jamie?
09:34Symo Kurka: any amendment proposal Jamie?
09:34Justice Soothsayer: The RA can always vote to extend time when needed
09:35Gwyneth Llewelyn: Quoting Justice: "The RA majority can always extend the time for debate under Rule 2(B) if needed."
09:35Symo Kurka: Can i comment that if RA members have NOT a bit of flexibility in regular practice they SHOULD NOT be here?
09:35Justice Soothsayer is ready to vote
09:36Symo Kurka: lol
09:36Gwyneth Llewelyn smiles :D
09:36Pip Torok: dont forget rules are ALWAYS used with discretion ...
09:36Symo Kurka: Ok
09:36Symo Kurka: any amendment proposed?
09:37Gwyneth Llewelyn remains silent :)
09:37Symo Kurka: Ok we vote aye for Justice' new Bill
09:37Gwyneth Llewelyn: Aye :)
09:37Symo Kurka: or nay if we do not agree
09:37Justice Soothsayer votes Aye
09:37Cindy Ecksol: aye
09:37Soro Dagostino: aye
09:38Pip Torok: aye
09:38Symo Kurka: great
09:38Symo Kurka: unanimous, aye
09:38Symo Kurka: POINT 4
09:38Pip Torok: sonja (did she vote?)
09:38Sonja Strom: aye, sorry IMs
09:38Symo Kurka: sorry sonja???
09:38Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
09:39Symo Kurka: point IV
09:39Gwyneth Llewelyn: Go Jamie go :)
09:39Symo Kurka: CHANCELLOR's monthly report
09:39Symo Kurka: i invite Jamie to speak
09:39Sonja Strom: I would like to thank everybody who put in so much work on arriving at these RA procedures.
09:40Sonja Strom: That was all, but I wanted to say thank you for all of this work :-).
09:40Gwyneth Llewelyn: :))
09:40Symo Kurka: Ok thank you all let's go on please, Jamie...
09:41Gwyneth Llewelyn: hooray :D
09:42Symo Kurka smiles
09:43Pip Torok: <grim chuckle>
09:44Symo Kurka thinks it sounds nuance to non english language natives
09:44Gwyneth Llewelyn: hah!
09:44Symo Kurka: kkkk
09:44Gwyneth Llewelyn: There is indeed a subtle difference; but Rose's title first, please...
09:44Symo Kurka: lol
09:49Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
09:50Gwyneth Llewelyn: Minister for Development? :-D
09:51Gwyneth Llewelyn: (true, it was meant as a joke, sorry to interrupt)
09:51Justice Soothsayer: what is latin for "Realtor"?
09:51Soro Dagostino: brb
09:51Sonja Strom: Chief Internal Affairs Officer = CIAO, lol
09:51Gwyneth Llewelyn: LOL Sonja!!!
09:51Justice Soothsayer: lol Sonja
09:51Sonja Strom: :-)
09:51Sonja Strom: lol
09:51Cindy Ecksol: lol!
09:52Cindy Ecksol loves sonja's acronym!!!
09:52Gwyneth Llewelyn: me too hehe
09:54Gwyneth Llewelyn: uh-huh
09:57Cindy Ecksol: /mme cheers for great ski runs
09:57Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
09:58Gwyneth Llewelyn: aww
09:58Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
09:58Symo Kurka: lol
09:58Cindy Ecksol: hee hee!
09:58Cindy Ecksol: I LOVE that jump!!!
09:59Pip Torok: id be happy if the theatre itself isnt touched
09:59Cindy Ecksol loves the bridge too....although it surprised her at first
10:04Cindy Ecksol claps
10:05Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, I do have a few questions, and I do apologise in advance if there are answers on the forums. Links would be mostly appreciated if there are any answers already.
10:05Gwyneth Llewelyn: oops
10:05Gwyneth Llewelyn: sorry
10:05Gwyneth Llewelyn: wrong key :P
10:06Symo Kurka: Now we all know Gwyn has a Third Life
10:06Gwyneth Llewelyn: More like the silly Senator who doesn't know teh difference between Ctrl and Cmd :O
10:06Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha
10:07Symo Kurka: Well it seems that our friend Jamie did not sleep much in the last weeks.
10:07Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, anyhow, I'll put myself in the queue for some questions, Symo...
10:07Symo Kurka: Ok please try to be concise with questions, we all will need a few days to get through all that reading in forums
10:07Symo Kurka: And a personal thank to Jamie
10:07Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, so I suppose most of it will be in the forums anyway....
10:08Symo Kurka: Ok Gwyn..questions??
10:08Gwyneth Llewelyn: So yes, first: THANKS! :D
10:08Pip Torok: i have one question jamie ... there are citizens (like me) who are members of AA ie have property and go to their meetings ... should "we" desists from certain discussions because of conflict of interest?
10:08Symo Kurka: First was Gwyn
10:08Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh, Pip can go first :))
10:09Soro Dagostino: Raises hand.
10:09Symo Kurka: The line is Gwyn, Pip, Soro
10:09Pip Torok: yes!
10:09Symo Kurka: kk
10:09Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, the first one is about clarifying the role of Treasurer and Estate Owner under the new executive. If I understand it, Sudane will focus on treasury; others (Rose, yourself) will mostly manage parcel allocation to citizens etc.
10:10Gwyneth Llewelyn: (note: I do agree this is an awesome concept!)
10:10Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok :)
10:10Gwyneth Llewelyn: Next, I *totally* agree with MORE spending in events!!
10:10Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah yes ? I understand that a new land management tool is propsoed for development
10:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: ok, I'm sure we'll know more about that, once it's done :)
10:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: So
10:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: Event funding ? by all means, increase the fundiing :)))
10:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm quite intrigued about this "Arts Committee" though
10:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: (yes, that's fine)
10:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: What wil be the legal status of that body,
10:11Gwyneth Llewelyn: ie. is it an advisory NGO to the Chancellor?
10:12Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes.
10:12Gwyneth Llewelyn: So is it "part" of the executive, like, say, the Janitors?
10:13Gwyneth Llewelyn: That's where my question was... will this be an appointed body by the Executive? (mind you, this is a neutral question; the Executive has full power to do that)
10:13Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok :)
10:14Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah good point. Yes.
10:14Gwyneth Llewelyn: Following that.... the same will apply to the "local" event groups, ie. the Chancellor will appoint a group of people on each sim to deal with local events?
10:14Soro Dagostino: zzzzzzzz
10:15Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, so like "Local Town Halls"
10:15Gwyneth Llewelyn: With Executive oversight,
10:15Gwyneth Llewelyn: and referring to the "Arts Committee"?
10:15Cindy Ecksol thinks this has interesting implications for future development of CDS government as we grow
10:15Gwyneth Llewelyn seconds Cindy'sthinking hehe
10:16Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ahhh
10:16Gwyneth Llewelyn: All right, all right
10:16Gwyneth Llewelyn: Got it! I'm slow, I know...
10:16Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, I wasn't understanding the relation hehe ? so overall funding will triple *because* there will be two new event funding sinks :)
10:17Symo Kurka thinks "structure"???
10:17Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, I won't ask more questions :) ty so much! I find this a very intriguing idea actually, and one that might solve, in the future, the issue about the AA merger ;)
10:17Symo Kurka: Ok there was Soro too??
10:18Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, not from me , Soro's next
10:18Soro Dagostino: Actually a comment on conflicts.
10:18Soro Dagostino: If I remember.
10:18Soro Dagostino: The requirement should be disclosure.
10:18Soro Dagostino: Not that they have to stop speaking.
10:19Soro Dagostino: So long as its on the agenda item.
10:20Soro Dagostino: Agreed
10:20Symo Kurka: Other questions?
10:21Symo Kurka: /
10:21Justice Soothsayer: Jamie, did you ge tthe word that we were looking for a report on AA?
10:22Justice Soothsayer: sure
10:22Justice Soothsayer: I the LRA permits
10:22Justice Soothsayer: *If the LRA permits
10:22Symo Kurka: Hum
10:22Justice Soothsayer: But the short question was whether you knew we wnated a report, not what is your report.
10:22Symo Kurka: i think on this complex matter we cannot fix time terms
10:23Justice Soothsayer: Any likely time frame from your perspective?
10:23Justice Soothsayer: For the report, that is.
10:23Justice Soothsayer: aye
10:24Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
10:26Symo Kurka thinks very clear sumup
10:27Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, thank you for that!
10:27Symo Kurka: yes we all are late her
10:27Symo Kurka: +so can i propose
10:27Symo Kurka: we postpone some items
10:28Symo Kurka: cindy/gwyn commission and sonja's bill
10:28Symo Kurka: and we have a quick look at texture contest?
10:28Cindy Ecksol raises habd
10:28Cindy Ecksol: hdn
10:28Symo Kurka: Cindy
10:28Cindy Ecksol: hand...that is
10:28Cindy Ecksol: Symo, this report has already been postponed
10:28Cindy Ecksol: and there are some things that we need to get on with
10:28Symo Kurka: Ok
10:28Cindy Ecksol: do I have th efloor?
10:28Symo Kurka: yes
10:28Cindy Ecksol: ok
10:28Cindy Ecksol: Two meetings ago, Gwyn and I volunteered to look into what was already in the Code regarding GMP with an eye towards opening a discussion of whether/what additional legislation might be needed to properly maintain and utilize the GMP.
10:29Soro Dagostino: Point of Information?
10:29Cindy Ecksol: yes soro?
10:29Soro Dagostino: Has the report been published?
10:29Cindy Ecksol: o report
10:29Cindy Ecksol: this is it....so listen up :-)
10:29Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
10:30Gwyneth Llewelyn: bye, jamie, and thank you again
10:30Symo Kurka: Thank you Jamie and bye
10:30Cindy Ecksol: bye jamie...
10:30Cindy Ecksol: ok....continuing....
10:30Cindy Ecksol: To date, we've had two long discussions that were focused not on coming up with legislation per se (since that would really need public discussion) but on trying to identify what exactly needs to be discussed and how to start a debate that will lead the community in productive directions.
10:30Cindy Ecksol: To make a long story short, we found relevant statements the Code in 8-2 and 8-4:
10:30Cindy Ecksol: 8-2 assumes GMP exists and is current and directs RA to consider it when approving new sims
10:30Cindy Ecksol: 8-4 assumes GMP exists, then directs Chancellor to take GMP into account when assessing proposals for private development.
10:31Cindy Ecksol: Both 8-2 and 8-4 emphasize that the role of the Guild is advisory and non-governmental
10:31Cindy Ecksol: Both 8-2 and 8-4 order RA and/or Chancellor to work with New Guild to accomplish government missions (seems required, not optional, although they are not "bound" by GMP)
10:31Cindy Ecksol: This raises what we think is the central issue: No one in RA or Executive has responsibility for developing/maintaining GMP.
10:31Cindy Ecksol: So if New Guild does not volunteer to create and maintain it on a regular basis, then GMP soon becomes outdated and useless. If Guild chooses not to work on GMP, neither RA nor Executive has any way to ensure completion of that work. Yet Code requires both RA and Executive to consult GMP regarding addition of new sims. And there are no other clear options in the Code regarding how the GMP might be completed other than by "directing" the New Guild to do so..and they are really an independent NGO that the government has no right to "direct" to do anything at all.
10:32Cindy Ecksol: You can all appreciate the issues I'm sure....
10:32Cindy Ecksol: That's the essence. Of course there's much more behind it, and we think it would be best if we opened the discussion of this central issue up to the community at this point. So our recommendations:
10:32Cindy Ecksol: 1. Open public discussion on the role of GMP in forums
10:32Cindy Ecksol: a. Who in government should have prime responsibility for maintaining GMP?
10:33Cindy Ecksol: b. How should the maintenance process work? (who proposes, who approves, how often, etc.)
10:33Cindy Ecksol: c. What role do we want the GMP to play in acquisition/development of new sims? Binding? Non-binding? "Advisory?"
10:33Cindy Ecksol: d. How should the role of GMP be implemented? New code required? Balance of power?
10:33Cindy Ecksol: 2. Open public discussion on role of the New Guild. If New Guild is truly an NGO, how do we avoid putting it in a position where it seems to be required to respond to mandatory requests from RA or Chancellor for completion of particular tasks? Or should some functions that now tacitly reside in New Guild really be government functions? Is so, which functions? And where in government should they reside?
10:33Cindy Ecksol: Our intent is to open and foster a couple of threads on the forum that will allow everyone who is interested to get involved. We're looking forward to hearing what comes up, and in particular we'll be interested to see if the discussion generates a basis for a bill to be proposed and if so what that bill will look like.
10:34Cindy Ecksol: That's where we're at...all done except that we will certainly entertain questions
10:34Symo Kurka: :)
10:34Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, here or on the forums ;)
10:34Symo Kurka: Great job girls
10:35Symo Kurka: Just one question. Who develops a single new sim if guild refuses to do it?
10:35Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well yes, it's a tricky subject really.
10:35Gwyneth Llewelyn: Public sim, or private sim, Symo?
10:35Symo Kurka: Both cases
10:35Cindy Ecksol: Symo, that is beyond the scope of our current discussion
10:35Symo Kurka: Lol
10:35Symo Kurka: it was analogy
10:35Symo Kurka: a provocatory question
10:35Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hehe actually CIndy's right. But the answer is simple really...
10:35Cindy Ecksol: right now we're just looking at the question of who has responsibility for the GMP IN GOVERNMANET
10:35Gwyneth Llewelyn: Public: the Chancellor decides :D
10:35Symo Kurka: anyway we stop here
10:36Pip Torok: true and dont forget the ngo IS an open organisation
10:36Gwyneth Llewelyn: Private: the person who owns the sim decides :D
10:36Symo Kurka: Him
10:36Symo Kurka: --*hum
10:36Symo Kurka: we better stop here
10:36Cindy Ecksol: :-)
10:36Cindy Ecksol: yep!
10:36Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha well..
10:36Symo Kurka: cann i show you a very NICE thing?
10:37Cindy Ecksol wonders if we cn allocate some funds to fix the roof so the snow doesn't get in here
10:37Gwyneth Llewelyn laughs at Cindy
10:37Symo Kurka: can you see it?
10:37Pip Torok: 9Ive taught in classes with snowy floors!)
10:38Gwyneth Llewelyn: it's loading, Symo...
10:38Symo Kurka: Dear reps dear citizens
10:38Symo Kurka: Yet another dream comes nearer today.
10:38Symo Kurka: Yet another dream comes in world thanks to two citizens' skills.
10:39Symo Kurka: Moon and Cindy, who worked for texture contest
10:39Symo Kurka: We got here some VERY elegant textures
10:39Symo Kurka: the cube is tiles and the screen is walls
10:39Symo Kurka: of the early roman empire
10:40Symo Kurka: and I'm proud to announce that these textures will change the look and feel of Colonia Nova
10:40Symo Kurka: and will bring back to our virtual world
10:40Symo Kurka: the look and feel of a very elegant town
10:40Symo Kurka: of the early roman empire
10:40Symo Kurka: I'm done
10:40Cindy Ecksol never thought those tiles she put up in her kitchen would be "Roman" some day :-)
10:41Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha Cindy
10:41Gwyneth Llewelyn: love the textures, Symo!
10:41Symo Kurka: If sonja agrees i would prefer to psotpone the referendum bill to next RA
10:41Symo Kurka: Sonja?
10:41Sonja Strom: OK, that is fine.
10:41Symo Kurka: Than k you dear
10:41Symo Kurka: i move to adjourn
10:41Cindy Ecksol: second
10:41Gwyneth Llewelyn: Aye on adjourning....
10:42Justice Soothsayer: OK
10:42Symo Kurka: whoa grees say aye
10:42Rose Springvale: wati
10:42Soro Dagostino: Aye
10:42Rose Springvale: grrrr
10:42Sonja Strom: aye
10:42Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha Rose
10:42Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
10:42Pip Torok: aye
10:42Justice Soothsayer: gotta move fast, Rose
10:42Cindy Ecksol: whoops!
10:42Cindy Ecksol: I take my "aye" back....
10:42Rose Springvale: i believe there is an agenda point that was not called!
10:42Symo Kurka: lol we are adjourned Rose but you can say off the records
10:42Rose Springvale: nope. :)
10:42Symo Kurka: ??
10:42Rose Springvale: i'll just let you all dig through forums.
10:42Sonja Strom: oh, Rose, would you like to say something?
10:42Rose Springvale: hmph
10:43Cindy Ecksol: symo hasn't called fo rthe vote anyway -- gwyn jumped the gun and we all followed....
10:43Rose Springvale: nm
10:43Rose Springvale: i'll just be quiet
10:43Rose Springvale: i've got things to do too
10:43Soro Dagostino: Hah!
10:43Gwyneth Llewelyn: "a. Open Citizens' Proposals and Discussion (9:50 to 10:00)" ?
10:43Sonja Strom: I'm sorry if we forgot something.
10:44Cindy Ecksol: Symo?
10:44Symo Kurka: Ok i listen to Rose
10:44Cindy Ecksol: are you calling for a vote on the open motion or shall we hear rose first?
10:44Gwyneth Llewelyn is fine with listening to ROse too.
10:44Rose Springvale: no, sorry, i witdraw my remarks
10:44Symo Kurka: we hear Rose
10:44Symo Kurka: Rose please
10:45Rose Springvale: really, not important.
10:45Symo Kurka: I'm sorry, we adjourn then
10:46Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
The meeting closed at 10:46 Linden time.

Cindy Ecksol
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Re: RA Meeting 1st March TRANSCRIPT

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

OK, really silly question: where is the Chancellor's report in this transcript? It seems to be completely missing....


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Re: RA Meeting 1st March TRANSCRIPT

Post by symokurka »

Well it's really amazing, in transcript are missing all Jamie's lines. It's the same in the originals i got in my email. Cannot explain.
The solution to this is I'll ask Jamie to kindly give us the text of his monthly report, and we'll integrate in here.

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