First, thanks very much to Moon for her work here, as well as to Symo for his original efforts on which this builds.
We are well known as an unusually scenic place. It's a brand, and a good one. We should strive to keep that.
Having good planners doing careful work, followed by citizen exposure and comment, is key to our past and future success.
Yay team!
Now then. I have three comments to throw into the current thread (well, lots more, depending on how you count) :
1. I agree generally with Timo's take above, FWIW. Nice thinking.
2. I like much of the orography of Moon's helpful draft plan, but it embeds some assumptions that seem untested. Two are these:
a. if we join with Al Andalus, why would we strand them across a pelagic (watery-islandy) moat? Seems odd to me, even unfriendly at first glance.
b. Are we still assuming that the second rejected alternative for A.M. (Nea Hora) will happen? What's the evidence of market demand? Flatly, we sell Alpine better than Roman. Have for a long time. I'd like to get Arria's 2008 Monastery concept, or something like it, running first, before we cut off other options to keep the door to a theoretical NH open.
Those two might be related, even -- if we weren't stubbornly imagining a Nea Hora, AA might fit nicely along or close to CN's north edge, as I mentioned on 8 February in the comments linked below. Was this considered and discarded?
3. I have a bunch of other questions too :D I sent them to the Guild in February:
>> 1. We have discussed adding one or two NGO-focused sims. They might be open space or full sims. Assuming that we can work out the economics: (a) Do we have a community consensus that the first one should be placed to resolve the hillside west of AM and the scenic gap south of LA? (b) Where should a second scenic low density sim go, to best enhance the region?
>> 2. We have discussed joining in some way with the Al-Andalus estate. That may or may not include a physical move. if it does, we need some questions answered. (a) Where on the CDS map should the two main AA sims be joined? (I have heard many say that North of CN/LA works best, and agree, but this requires someone to review it.) (b) Could someone also inquire whether AA's voids are moveable by AA without difficulty to AA, or would need to stay where they are on the AA map (this would affect the CN connection) .. and (c) whether some or all of AA's low-cost voids could possibly be accepted by us, keeping the very low price they now pay, along with the two main sims, so that we can do #1 above without purchasing full price Linden voids?
>> 3. I believe that the next full sim we should add is an Alpine sim to the east of NFS, and continuing the NFS theme of hilltop fachwerk (which we can sell!) running down to valley. (a) Do you agree? (b) If not, where should be the next place for a full sim for residential expansion? (c) If you do agree that NFS East is a good place, then, (c) what should the topography look like? Specifically, I have eight detailed concerns. They are listed here, in the land planning forum where they belong.
>> 4. I have approved the Guild's plan for the SE City corner of Colonia Nova. What else should we do to revitalize CN? (Arria and Symo both have made some interesting postings with ideas about that. Generally I agree with them that we need to do more, both in buildings and programs, to support and enhance the Roman colony theme area.)
It's possible that Moon's draft considers and contains answers to some part of Q1 and Q2. Not sure yet. Q3 about NFS East also is a short term concern with acute potential.
My over-arching concern here, as someone responsible for operations, is that we do a better job of identifying moves and options for the next 1-4 sims. The hypothetical next 30 SHOULD receive some attention, but not ALL our thought. The look to a future map is good. The work is of value, and appreciated. Still, let's make sure that we move this conservations from dreams of being one of those massive tycooneries, to the practical near future, fairly soon.
Regards JP
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.