We have been discussing what our "next moves" will be for CDS growth.
While we are closer to capacity (100% occupancy) in the last few months, there still are persistent economic issues. I expect about five new CDS parcels to come available due to rent defaults shortly, adding to the several (including some long unsold CN land) still available.
While I am still very interested in new expansion (see the NFS East thread) opportunities, we would need to be confident of the marketplace for selling out, in order to make that investment gamble.
For that reason I believe we should, in the next few months, concentrate instead on the two proposals offered to us which include some occupancy assurances (and so reduce the risk to CDS).
One is the Arria Perrault/Virtus plan for an expanded Monastery sim on the slope to the south of Locus Amoenus, The assurance aspect was provided by Virtus' kind offer to support the purchase of the sim and "back up" the rental stream for a period of time.
The other is our opportunity to join with Al Andalus. The assurance aspect there is provided by the demonstrated cash flow from their own admirable occupancy rate.
See the following postings to this thread (also linked above) for more detail.
Regards JP