Greetings Fellow L.A. residents and CDS'ers,
This is an effort to put one of Jamie's many productive proposals to work. First off, I'd like to suggest that this meeting also be the beginning of an L.A. resident town hall meeting of sorts as well. I know it may sound like too much for one meeting, but i want to take advantage of having everyone together at once (or as many as we can wrangle). If it turns out that there is too much to discuss, then we can regroup the discussion and set separate time for a separate town hall. I do assume tho, that we can get what we need covered in one session, and having less meetings would be appreciated by all i think.
I would like to hold our first L.A. resident meeting this Tuesday at 11 a.m. SLT. I think that's an early enough time for our Euro residents and a decent time for Americans to sneak some time in around lunch, but annoyingly early for any Asian folks in our group, and I apologize. If it doesn't work, just say so and we'll work on it.
I'd like to hold the meeting at the little circular public courtyard with the benches along the river in L.A. across from Alexia's place, the first on the left, up stream from the bridge.
We will need someone with the right permissions to come down and make the trees phantom tho, as now you can't really walk around without getting stuck in them.
Any CDS residents are of course welcome to attend.
I think at this meeting we should choose a chair and appropriate positions (simple is better).
As a bit of a rough agenda for the meeting, i will list some items below. Feel free to add to this list, throw stuff out, whatever...
1. pick a chair
2. outline chair function (and yes, we will only do this after someone agrees to do it
3. address any issues from residents about the purpose/function of the group
4. cover general sim items
5. cover existing/quick brainstorm event proposals
a. Arria will be away on holiday, and has suggested that we adopt an old roman calendar to inspire our event schedule.
b. A benefit canoe race on the river, including the cn section, ending with a concert on the beach. i want to play horseshoes there....
c. Address Rose's cds birthday party.
6. determine if a separate group is needed, schedule as needed.
7. stop talking
8. go away
9. do stuff
So, as you can see, it's a terribly busy schedule... please add any ideas for event ideas, sim issues, group structure/function, chair nominations, etc. here so we can move the actual meeting along as smoothly and quickly as possible.
thanks all!