Chancellor report for April 2009

For the Chancellor to make important announcements regarding executive actions.

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Jamie Palisades
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Chancellor report for April 2009

Post by Jamie Palisades »

{as delivered to RA 19 April]

1. Expansion

Much work and negotiation has been completed on the proposed Monastery and Al-Andalus expansion plans. See:
You will hear about our conversations on AA-CDS physical land merger at today's RA meeting, under that agenda item, in the form of some great options from the Guild ... which might even call for this body to go look at those maps. I have provided to AA management, and posted on the CDS forum, a draft bill for CDS-AA merger. A key aspect of that plan is to find a mutually satisfactory common map. So I'd like RA to consider giving its blessing to the options the Guild has drawn up -- that's an RA "action" -- and then we can tell AA to look, & tell us whether they like one or all of them.

The Monastery plan is posted here: Less description is needed here as it's a fairly clear and simple plan that has not changed much. We're lucky to have both these opportunities.

2. Land devices.

You know from prior reports that Sudane and Rose and I have been wrestling with that. We are interested in running a pilot test of the HIPPO devices (still on display in the Praetorium) on Alpine Meadows sim for next month, the June 2009 rent cycle. If successful and satisfactory, we could convert all, afterwards. As we've discussed, this system also will give us some additional land-marketing and advance-rent-payment options.

3. Existing land development.

Not going as well as I would like. The commissioned re-fit of the old ER/toga shop space, Colonia Nova city southeast corner, is a month or more late. I plan to give it a deadline, and then act in other ways if it's not completed.
Also, we are working with the SL Bar Association in a possible relocation of their HQ to our territory, to be discussed at a future RA meeting if the negotiations proceed.

Regards JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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