Herr Baron, (Klaus Wulfenbach Outlander) who runs the Consulate of Europa Wulfenbach in NFS, and Vice Consul, Annechen Lowey, have agreed to chair the next Grand Tour which takes place on June 20 and 21st, in conjunction with the summer solstice. CDS has the honor of leading off the festivities again, beginning with a Taste of Oktoberfest in the Platz. The entertainment will be provided by new CDS citizen zaphod Enoch, and his 11 piece tryolean band (more info below!) Thanks to Sonja Strom for the contact! The concert begins at 11:30 am. We will use this opportunity to get the momentum going for our 5th birthday celebration.
The Grand Tour committee has decided to use this opportunity to raise funds for Relay for Life, but the primary focus remains celebrating the creativity and spirit of Second Life. This committee is the most organized yet, and I expect traffic numbers will be high.
We are not planning for two events in CDS this time. If someone wants to step forward and host one in the roman sims, let me know and I'll help find time in the schedule.
For those intereseted, Al Andalus will have an event late Saturday night, featuring Joaquin Gustav and spanish/arab music. Rumor has it that Genie costumes are in order.
The Tiroler Eck Show Band.
The Tiroler Eck Show Band (short TESB) is performing a live music show with playback music. The genre of the music played is mostly a mixture between bavarian and austrian schlager and traditional music. During the show everybody on stage is live present. The Band is not using any kinda bots as musician or show (stage) fill up for missing members at day of performing. The band consists of:
- FrankyTirol Barbrossa (mal) Bandleader, acting vocal, fiddle, trumpet, bassguitar and rythm guitar
- Annabella Biedermann (fem) acting harmonica and zither
- Inga Nilsson (fem) acting vocal, bass guitar,keyboard, synthesizer, zither
- Mooni68 Oh (fem) acting brass instruments and fiddle
- Kurz Bert (mal) acting vocal, e-guitar and keyboard and synthesizer
- Doris Wisent (fem) acting vocal, keyboard and synthesizer
- Liz Sands (fem) acting trombone, fiddle
- TrickSie Anderton (fem) acting trumpet, trombone
- Melanielisa Shepherd (fem) acting drums and percussion
- GoodWin Frenburg (mal) acting guitar, synthesizer, drums
- zaphod Enoch (mal) technician, effects, contact person
To give an idea to what kinda music the band will perform just check the www for:
Zellberg Buam
(paste and copy the line into your browser url enter field)
(paste and copy the line into your browser url enter field)
Ursprung Buam
(paste and copy the line into your browser url enter field)
Zillertaler Schürzenjäger
(paste and copy the line into your browser url enter field)