Please see the following post for the final adopted text of the bill, subject to the nonsubstantial typos noted below:
The following minor punctuation mistakes in that posting are noted, but none of them affect the law's meaning:
a. Delete the lone square bracket in the first paragraph of section 3. (Before "transferred".)
b. Delete the two brackets remaining in the last paragraph of section 5. (Before "or" and before "or".)
c. Delete the lone square bracket in the first paragraph of section 5. (Before "or".)
d. Delete the lone square bracket in paragraph (b) of section 7. (Before "a".)
e. Delete the two brackets remaining in the last paragraph of section 7. (Before "within" and before "CDS".)
This bill, approved by the CDS RA on 31 May, is the culmination of the drafts and debates that can be found from these links:
Regards JP