Special RA Meeting 0800 hours June 7, 2009

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Soro Dagostino
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Special RA Meeting 0800 hours June 7, 2009

Post by Soro Dagostino »

Here is the RA AGENDA for Special Meeting at the request of an RA Member, set for 7th June 2009, 8:00 AM SLT, PRAETORIUM

I. ADMIN (8:00 to 8:10)
a. Get agreements to record session.
b. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
c. Inquire for speakers on today's agenda items.
d. Future RA schedule: Sunday 6/13/2009, 9:00 AM SLT

II. GENERAL MASTER PLAN (8:10 to 8:45)
1. a. Report regarding accession of Monastery.
b. Discussion and Vote.

1. a. Proposed Community Merger Bill
b. Presentation by Proponent
c. Consideration of any related Motions
d. Motion to Continue to June 13th RA Meeting and post to Forum for a week's discussion.

a. Works closed and Adjournment (9:55)

1. I do not have a proponent for Item III 1a. If I hear from no one, the LRA will ask for a Motion to Postpone for any further bills pending for approval nor amendments to the 6-13-2009 Meeting.
2. Should there be additional matters to be considered be prepared to make a motion to revise the Agenda Sunday Morning to have them heard.
This is a Special Meeting, all debate limits will be strictly observed unless waived by a majority vote of the RA Members.

Bottle Washer
Cindy Ecksol
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Re: Special RA Meeting 0800 hours June 7, 2009

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

I'm sorry, but I am strongly opposed to a meeting being called with an agenda this momentus and with so little advance notice. There is no evidence that there will be a quorum, and even if there is, several of us will be requesting 7 day vote, so it is unlikely that any decisions will be made on the agenda proposed.

I am also unaware of any section of the Code or Constitution that requires anything other than regularly scheduled meetings of the RA. And scheduling a meeting of the RA is something that by custom is done by consent of the majority of RA members present at a regular meeting. Aside from a request on the forum by a non-RA member for a meeting, and the echoing request of a single RA member, I do not recall any kind of poll, and am only aware of two members (now three including Soro) who said they would be willing to attend such a meeting. Unless someone can identify a section of the Code that allows calling of an RA meeting with less than 48 hours notice, it seems likely that any action taken at such a meeting could face a Constitutional challenge.

There is nothing on this agenda that needs to be decided this week, and in any case it seems unlikely that anything CAN be decided, so I respectfully ask that Soro withdraw the call for a meeting this week and defer the agenda until next week's regularly scheduled meeting.


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